Node 1

POPLINE Curated Health Sciences Literature Node 1 Subnode 119


Losken, H.W.; Lewis, J.E. 1977: Le Fort IIi osteotomy in Crouzon's disease. South African Medical Journal 51(16): 531-536
Ronchi, G.U.; Lopez, A. 1977: Case of acute fatal intoxication due to acetylsalicylic acid (Cemirit). Archiv für Kriminologie 159(3-4): 89-92
Belovezhdov, N.; Neshev, K. 1977: Current state of endemic nephropathy. Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 49(7): 139-144
Dopov, S.D.; Chalganov, A.I. 1977: Diagnosis of external biliary fistulas. Khirurgiia 3: 19-22
Koppe, J.G.; van Wering, J.H. 1977: Transcutaneous measurement of oxygen pressure using the Huch method. Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde 121(36): 1390-1393
Moore, F.D. 1977: Lessons we have learned from the transplant experience. Surgery 81(1): 63-67
Cavazzuti, G.B.; Ferrari, P.; Sturloni, N. 1977: Consciousness of disease in hospitalized nephropathis children. Minerva Pediatrica 29(8): 561-568
Chambers, D.W. 1977: Behavior management techniques for pediatric dentists: an embarrassment of riches. Asdc Journal of Dentistry for Children 44(1): 30-34
Fox, J.L.; Al-Mefty, O. 1977: Embolization of an arteriovenous malformation of the brain stem. Surgical Neurology 8(1): 7-9
Vershchagin, I.A.; Ivanova, S.S.; Bukhteeva, E.R.; Mukhina, L.I.; Golosnaia, R.D. 1977: Use of tablet forms of monomycin in children with acute dysentery. Antibiotiki 22(11): 1028-1031
Schimmel, D.; Schimmel, I. 1977: Influence of Pasteurella multocida and Pasteurella-multocida endotoxin on the blood-coagulation-analytic parameter after experimental administration in calves. Archiv für Experimentelle Veterinarmedizin 31(2): 265-276
Jabbari, B.; Pierce, J.F. 1977: Spinal cord compression due to pseudomonas in a heroin addict. Case report. Neurology 27(11): 1034-1037
Bannister, C.M. 1977: Superficial temporal-middle cerebral artery anastomosis in patients with reversible cerebral ischaemic episodes. Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh 22(2): 136-141
Akhmetova, E.T. 1977: State of the eyes of workers engaged in the production of synthetic ethyl alcohol and high-pressure polyethylene. Vestnik Oftalmologii 4: 58-59
Barile, G.; Bompiani, A. 1977: Estrogen receptors in the impuberal rat uterus and their migration in isolated nuclei. Annali di Ostetricia Ginecologia Medicina Perinatale 98(3): 206-213
Wey, W. 1977: Diagnostic and therapeutic problems of thyroid diseases as seen by the otorhinolaryngologist. Journal Francais d'Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie; Audiophonologie Chirurgie Maxillo-Faciale 26(2): 87-93
Sanford, S.E.; Rendano, V.T. 1977: Abscess and malunion complicating fracture healing in a calf. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 171(2): 185-187
Bam, W.J. 1977: Professional freedom and Act 101 of 1965. South African Medical Journal 52(20): 801-805
Erdeli, V.V.; Kazimirov, L.I.; Anisimov, A.V. 1977: Acid formation and emptying of the stomach following operation of peptic ulcer. Sovetskaia Meditsina 8: 147-150
Lumba, M.; Oduori, M.L.; Singh, S. 1977: Speech defects as seen at Kenyatta National Hospital. East African Medical Journal 54(10): 539-555
Von Knorring, L. 1977: The augmenter-reducer tendency--a neurophysiological personality variable. Lakartidningen 74(41): 35-40
Bel, A.; Chambon, A. 1977: Experiments with a new drug in chronic liver diseases, especially alcohol-induced. Minerva Dietologica E Gastroenterologica 23(3): 243-248
Izawa, T.; Ihara, T.; Hattori, A.; Iwasa, T.; Kamiya, H.; Sakurai, M.; Takahashi, M. 1977: Application of a live varicella vaccine in children with acute leukemia or other malignant diseases. Pediatrics 60(6): 805-809
Coll, J.; Calvet, M.; Arrivie, M.; Massoulier, G. 1977: Hearing aids for children as a function of their possibilities for integration. Revue de Laryngologie - Otologie - Rhinologie 98(3-4): 203-207
Kaswin, R.; Levasseur, P.; Rojas-Miranda, A.; Le Brigand, H.; Merlier, M. 1977: Eighty cases of combined lower and middle bilobectomy. Annales de Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardio-Vasculaire 16(1): 73-77
Gördes, W.; Jäger, M. 1977: Problems in and following plate fixation of long bones in clinical and animal-experiment studies. Hefte Zur Unfallheilkunde 129: 41-45
Speck, W.T.; Driscoll, J.M.; Polin, R.A.; Rosenkranz, H.S. 1977: Natural history of neonatal colonization with group B streptococci. Pediatrics 60(3): 356-359
Goldie, I.F. 1977: Complications in total replacement of the hip joint. Lakartidningen 74(6): 419-426
Costello, J.M.; Becroft, D.M. 1977: Drug reaction simulating malignant lymphoma: a case due to pyrimethamine. New Zealand Medical Journal 86(599): 430-432
Bécade, P.; Crouzet, T.; Lefebvre, D.; Bastide, G. 1977: The treatment of infection of superficial vascular prostheses. the role of myoplasty. La Nouvelle Presse Medicale 6(38): 3539-3541
Begemann, H. 1977: Is anemia a disease?. Die Medizinische Welt 28(16): 755-756
Kakolewska-Maczynska, J. 1977: Rehabilitation of the masticatory system in cases of developmental disorders of the upper permanent incisors caused by trauma to the milk teeth. Czasopismo Stomatologiczne 30(8): 661-666
Sazonova, I.M. 1977: Evaluation of the bacteriolytic activity of blood serum. Laboratornoe Delo 7: 418-420
Wörle, M.; Wirsching, R. 1977: Apicoectomy in the lateral dental region as an alternative to implantation. Deutsche Zahnarztliche Zeitschrift 32(4): 340-342
Brown, E.S.; Waisman, H.A.; Geison, R.L.; Gerritsen, T. 1977: Sibship with histidinemia and an unrelated encephalopathy. Clinical and biochemical studies. Helvetica Paediatrica Acta 32(4-5): 401-411
Prieur, A.M.; Balafrej, M.; Griscelli, C.; Mozziconacci, P. 1977: The treatment of chronic inflammatory rheumatism by immunosuppressives (proceedings). Archives Francaises de Pediatrie 34(8): 783-787
Wright, V. 1977: Rheumatoid arthritis-4. Drug therapy. Nursing Times 73(49): 1915-1918
Ambre, J.; Alexander, M. 1977: Liver toxicity after acetaminophen ingestion. Inadequacy of the dose estimate as an index of risk. JAMA 238(6): 500-501
Gurevich, S.A.; Turgenev, I.S.; Tolstoy, L.N.; Mussorgski, M.P.; Bertenson, L. 1977: Physician who treated I. S. Turgenev, L. N. Tolstoĭ, M. P. Musorgskiĭ (an outstanding Russian physician and public figure, L. B. Bertenson). Klinicheskaia Meditsina 55(2): 149-152
Reyes-Javier, P. 1977: Topical treatment of inflammatory dermatoses and cutaneous candidiasis with a new cortico-steroid -antibiotic combination: halcinonide-neomycin-amphotericin. British Journal of Clinical Practice 31(4): 33-5 39
Thomas, J.; Thomas, F.; Lee, H.M. 1977: Studies of lymphocyte-dependent antibody in human chronic renal allograft rejection. Transplantation Proceedings 9(1): 65-68
Blair, M.L.; Reid, I.A.; Ganong, W.F. 1977: Effect of L-dopa on plasma renin activity with and without inhibition of extracerebral dopa decarboxylase in dogs. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 202(1): 209-215
Sheetz, M.P. 1977: Cation effects on cell shape. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research 17: 559-567
Chaouat, Y.; Tormen, J.P.; Godeau, P.; Camus, J.P.; Kahn, M.F.; Ryckewaert, A.; Laula, J.E.; Menkes, C.J.; Schmid, M.; Hors, J. 1977: HLA markers and periodic disease [familial Mediterranean fever (F.M.F.). La Nouvelle Presse Medicale 6(33): 2949-2953
Toulmin, S. 1977: Ethical safeguards in research. Connecticut Medicine 41(4): 235-238
Borsand, M.A. 1977: Heparin and prevention of postoperative thrombosis: a review of the literature and a suggested protocol. Journal of the American Osteopathic Association 76(5): 356-359
Serrano Muñóz, F.; Allix Trueba, A.; Cueto Ladrón de Guevara, A.; Borro, J.M. 1977: Thoracic-abdominal problems that present hydatid cysts on the posterior and superior surface of the liver. Revista Clinica Espanola 147(1): 43-46
Santoro, F.; Wattre, P.; Capron, A. 1977: Application of CH50 assay to the detection of circulating immune complexes. Pathologie-Biologie 25(2): 135-138
Sakharova, Z.V.; Rabotnova, I.L. 1977: Physiologo-biochemical properties of a chemostatic culture of Bacillus megaterium at different pH values. Mikrobiologiia 46(1): 15-20
Srivastava, A.K.; Agrawal, U. 1977: Involvement of pituitary-interrenal axis and cholinergic mechanisms during the cold-shock leucocyte sequence in a fresh water tropical teleost, Colisa fasciatus. Archives d'Anatomie Microscopique et de Morphologie Experimentale 66(2): 97-108
Pauwels, S.; Pringot, J.; De Plaen, J.; Piret, L. 1977: Usefulness of 99mTc-diethyl-IDA in one case of Caroli's disease. Journal Belge de Radiologie 60(6): 505-508
Krygier-Stojalowska, A.; Kulczycki, J.; Madej, M.; Nowacki, P.; Honczarenko, K. 1977: DNA content in neurons and glial cells of human brain assayed with cytophotometric methods. Preliminary communication. Neuropatologia Polska 15(3): 349-356
Oberson, R. 1977: Nuclear medicine diagnostic in hydrocephalus. Der Radiologe 17(11): 448-454
Farnsworth, R.J. 1977: Significance of fungal mastitis. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 170(10 Part 2): 1173-1174
Van der Westhuysen, J.M.; Kanengoni, E.; Mbizvo, M.; Jones, J.J. 1977: The effect of protein energy malnutrition on plasma renin and oedema in the pig. South African Medical Journal 51(1): 18-20
Schreiber, V.; Pribyl, T. 1977: Hormonal effects on ceruloplasmin levels in rats. Casopis Lekaru Ceskych 116(38): 1178-1180
Cutropia de Guirao, C. 1977: Immunoglobulin in intestinal secretions. Acta Gastroenterologica Latinoamericana 7(4): 293-299
Jeno, O.; Sándor, S.; Károly, S.; Anikó, M. 1977: Experience with electron microscopic evaluation of kidney biopsy material. Orvosi Hetilap 118(52): 3147-3153
Krstić, C.; Radojicić, B. 1977: Prednisone therapy in patients with pernicious anemia (report of 2 cases). Bilten Za Hematologiju i Transfuziju 5(1): 69-73
Kovalcilová, J. 1977: Changes in some dimensions of the osseous pelvis in active sportswomen. II. Ceskoslovenska Gynekologie 42(10): 726-729
Efendić, S.; Hkfelt, T.; Luft, R. 1977: Somatostatin, something more than a 3d pancreatic hormone. Revista Clinica Espanola 144(2): 81-91
Chousterman, M.; Chaput, J.C.; Buffet, C.; Guéroult, N.; Etienne, J.P. 1977: A critical analysis of the value of laparoscopy in cholestasis. Gastroenterologie Clinique et Biologique 1(4): 319-330
Gerilovsky, L.; Radicheva, N.; Gydikov, A. 1977: The shape of the Achilis tendon reflex potentials. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology 17(2): 143-153
Gottesbüren, H.; Riecken, E.O. 1977: Small intestinal biopsy--technique and diagnostic value. Leber Magen Darm 7(3): 182-192
Theron, F.P.; De Kock, M.A. 1977: Clinical experience with amikacin, a new aminoglycoside antibiotic. South African Medical Journal 51(21): 746-748
Skierska, B.; Szadziewska, M. 1977: Ability to infect larvae of Culex pipiens molestus Forsk. (Diptera, Culicidae) by means of entomophilic nematodes, Neoaplectana feltiae carpocapsae Stan., 1974 (DD 136 strain) Rhabditoidea, Steinernematidae). Wiadomosci Parazytologiczne 23(1-3): 279-281
Yerevanian, B.I.; Wehby, V.S.; Salti, I.S.; Shediac, C.C. 1977: Hypothalamic hypopituitarism after hemiparesis. Canadian Medical Association Journal 116(9): 1025-1026
Bardadin, T. 1977: Atypical surgery on the middle ear in children and adolescents. Otolaryngologia Polska 31(5): 517-520
Ozaki, T.; Fukuda, Y.; Nishikawa, H.; Watanabe, H.; Ando, M. 1977: Thoracic pain (thoracic radiography and bronchography): (mucoepidermoid tumor). Nihon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine 35(Suppl 2): 3204-3205; 3572-3573
Stutzer, G. 1977: Drug therapy of the varicose syndrome using Evilettes. Zeitschrift für Hautkrankheiten 52(14): 733-735
Uszycka-Karcz, M.; Marczak, E.; Stolarczyk, J.; Gross, R.; Karcz, J.; Kujszczyk, A.; Chrzanowska-Werno, D. 1977: Hemolytic-uremic syndrome. Pediatria Polska 52(11): 1195-1200
Chopra, U. 1977: Nursing and public relations: Receive a patient, send back a friend!. Nursing Journal of India 68(12): 299-301
Spuzić, I.; Mojović, M.; Andjelković, I.; Prokić, L. 1977: Role of the mediator in anaphylactic reactions in birds. Glas. Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosti. Odeljenje Medicinskih Nauka 29: 29-38
Gibson, D.M. 1977: Species specificity in the isoelectric spectra of immunoglobulin light chains. Journal of Immunology 118(2): 409-411
Suchkova, S.N.; Afonina, I.P.; Titov, V.N.; Zadoia, A.A. 1977: Methodological problems of determination of cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations in blood plasma. Laboratornoe Delo 6: 334-338
Rodrigues-Netto, N.; Martucci, R.C.; Lemos, G.C.; De Góes, G.M. 1977: Study of the involvement of spermatogenesis in patients with varicocele using the spermatogram and testicular biopsy. Revista Paulista de Medicina 90(3-4): 56-58
Zanetti, G.; Gordini, G. 1977: A case of autoptic colloid cyst of the 3rd ventricle. Anatomic, clinical and histogenetic considerations. Pathologica 69: 995-996
Levine, I.M.; Jossmann, P.B.; DeAngelis, V. 1977: Liorseal, a new muscle relaxant in the treatment of spasticity--a double-blind quantitative evaluation. Diseases of the Nervous System 38(12): 1011-1015
Schutz, J.F.; Baumann, R.; Constantinesco, A.; Kerschen, A.; Kempf, F.; Weill, J.P. 1977: An intramural hematoma of the small intestine, during anticoagulant therapy: radiological course. Concerning one case. Journal de Radiologie d'Electrologie et de Medecine Nucleaire 58(3): 221-226
Bobath, B. 1977: Treatment of adult hemiplegia. PhysioTherapy 63(10): 310-313
Roberts, H.; Bergmann, D.G.; Hoffberger, R. 1977: Inverted papilloma of the bladder. Journal of the American Osteopathic Association 76(7): 514-517
Guérin, J.F.; Czyba, J.C. 1977: Effect of exogenous ADP and ATP on the motility and respiratory activity of human spermatozoa. Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologie et de ses Filiales 171(2): 370-374
Poulsen, H.; Bengmark, S.; Börjesson, B.; Flodgren, P.; Kallum, B.; Landberg, T. 1977: Staging laparotomy with splenectomy in Hodgkin's disease. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 143(6): 347-352
Gessler, U.; Bunnemann, U.; Heidler, R.; Schulz, W. 1977: Home dialysis. Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 119(51-52): 1665-1670
Spesivtseva, V.G.; Mamaeva, G.G.; Kukes, V.G.; Kasabian, I.N. 1977: Thrombocyte aggregation in patients with diabetes mellitus before and after treatment with prodectin. Sovetskaia Meditsina 6: 65-70
Haruyama, T.; Shitomi, K.; Son, H.; Takeuchi, M.; Kaneda, H. 1977: Decision of dialysate sodium concentration appropriate for each dialysis patient from the standpoint of the prevention of high reninemia, high blood pressure, tetanic attack and thirst feeling. Nihon Jinzo Gakkai Shi 19(5): 383-389
Zuev, P.D.; Onoprienke, I.P. 1977: Comparative determination of Australia antigen in the serum and in the leukocytes in viral hepatitis. Zhurnal Mikrobiologii Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii 8: 66-68
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Birnholz, J.C. 1977: Ultrasound in clinical practice. Medical Times 105(5): 19d-(66)25d
Johnson, R.H. 1977: Financial stringency and good medicine. New Zealand Medical Journal 86(596): 267-270
Sebestík, V.; Majský, A.; Potmĕsilová, I.; jelínek, J. 1977: The inhibitory effect of methyl palmitate on heteroagglutinin formation in rats. Folia Haematologica 104(4): 558-560
Bertolini, A.M.; Santagostino, A. 1977: Use of discriminating function in the study of lipid metabolism in normal subjects of various ages. Minerva Medica 68(16): 1047-1056
Patel, K.C.; Sheth, S.M.; Kamat, S.R. 1977: ARC welder's lung (a case report). Journal of Postgraduate Medicine 23(1): 35-38
Stalnikiewicz, G.; Rambaux, P.; Leroy, M.; Watrisse, G.; Saudemont, M.; Dujardin, J.J. 1977: Hepatitis after halothane anesthesia. Lille Medical: Journal de la Faculte de Medecine et de Pharmacie de l'Universite de Lille 22(10): 771-773
Jenner, I. 1977: Aspects of the stimulation of language development in the municipal day-nurseries in Cluj-Napoca. Revista de Pediatrie Obstetrica Si Ginecologie. Pediatria 26(2): 145-152
Lifshitz, F. 1977: Carbohydrate problems in paediatric gastroenterology. Clinics in Gastroenterology 6(2): 415-429
Gross, A.; Robert, J.; L'Hermite, J.; Duprez, A.; Colombel, P.; Hallade, P.N. 1977: Comparative experimental study of kidney preservation by surface refrigeration and pulsating hypothermic perfusion using various methods. Journal d'Urologie et de Nephrologie 83(9): 717-724
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Tewari, S.N.; Shukla, S.K. 1977: Separation and identification of 1.4-benzodiazepine drugs present in the biological fluids by two dimensional T.l.c. Die Pharmazie 32(8-9): 536
Dorfman, M.V.; Ganul, V.L.; Levchenko, A.M.; Mantsurov, N.E.; Sycheva, T.V. 1977: Hemangioma of the lungs. Vrachebnoe Delo 9: 66-71
Cowie-Whitney, J. 1977: Diseases of the commercial rabbit. Veterinary Record 101(15): 299-303
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Mitchell, S.C. 1977: Recommendations to the public for prevention of atherosclerosis from six western countries-their applications to children. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 82: 850-855
Nechiporuk, V.M.; Kadoshuk, T.A.; Polubudkin, M.S.; Ochered', I.A. 1977: Role of local oxygenation and vibromassage in complex treatment of chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities complicated by trophic ulcer. Klinicheskaia Khirurgiia 9: 70-71
Bjurö, T.; Blume, N.R.; Ericson, J.; Hedenberg, L.; Skommargård, M.; Svenker, U. 1977: Health survey of transportation employees of the Gothenburg trolley lines. Lakartidningen 74(31): 2643-2646
Pinsker, H.M. 1977: Synaptic modulation of endogenous neuronal oscillators. Federation Proceedings 36(7): 2045-2049
Steno, M. 1977: A review of conservative treatment of congenital dislocation of the hip in outpatient material of the Orthopaedic University Clinic in Bratislava. Acta Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae et Traumatologiae Cechoslovaca 44(3): 208-213
Perlman, B.; Hogben, G. 1977: Effects of changes in standing medication distribution times on PRN drug use. Diseases of the Nervous System 38(3): 181-185
Sakaki, K.; Suphavilai, P.; Tokuda, G. 1977: Antibody estimation by indirect complement fixation test for foot-and-mouth disease in cattle. National Institute of Animal Health Quarterly 17(2): 45-53
Dinakar, H.S. 1977: Acute psychosis associated with nutmeg toxicity. Medical Times 105(12): 63-64
Toussaint, E.; Paredes, F.V. 1977: In Memoriam. Portrait of the physician Francisco Valdivia Paredes. Boletin Medico del Hospital Infantil de Mexico 34(1): 257-261
Kelly, J.R. 1977: Coital (cardiac) convulsions: case report of a unique presentation of complete heart block. Journal of Family Practice 4(6): 1073-1075
Matthay, M.; Lindamood, M.; Steigerwald, J.C.; Solomons, C. 1977: Acute pseudogout in the absence of synovial fluid Leukocytes. Journal of Rheumatology 4(3): 303-306
Mohsenipour, I.; Twerdy, K. 1977: Palliative interventions in malignant cerebral neoplasms. Zfa. Zeitschrift für Allgemeinmedizin 53(27): 1598-1602
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Amor, B.; Kahan, A.; Cherot, A.; Delbarre, F.; Rabaud, M.; Aubouy, G. 1977: Hydroxyapatite rheumatism (multiple tendon calcification disease). II. - Microscopic study - HL-A antigen - Experimental arthritis - Pathogeny. Revue du Rhumatisme et des Maladies Osteo-Articulaires 44(5): 309-316
Bartels, O.; Riemann, J.F.; Groitl, H. 1977: Hepatic coma in liver cirrhosis. Prevention and treatment. Fortschritte der Medizin 95(30): 1845-1850
Koroteev, A.V.; Orazgaliev, B.D. 1977: Electrolyte losses with defecation in food poisoning. Sovetskaia Meditsina 5: 143-144
Ralston, R.M. 1977: Hospital advertiser denies existence of marketing program. Modern Healthcare 7(10): 70
Grechishkin, D.K.; Chupryna, V.V.; Zaporozhets, V.K.; Vasilenko, N.I. 1977: Diagnosis and treatment of complicated pancreatic cysts. Vestnik Khirurgii Imeni I. I. Grekova 119(9): 21-25
Thielemann, H. 1977: Effect of cerium(IV) sulfate on phenol and the isomeric cresols. Die Pharmazie 32(11): 729
Bruezière, J.; Fretin, J. 1977: Experimental study of a new anti-reflux procedure without submucous traject. Journal d'Urologie et de Nephrologie 83(Suppl 2): 617-618
Toscano, L.; Grisanti, G.; Bianchetti, A.; Bossoni, G. 1977: New esters of Halopredone for topical antiinflammatory use. Arzneimittel-Forschung 27(9): 1634-1635
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Couch, A.H.; Sutton, P.H.; Walker, S.R. 1977: A 12-month double-blind clinical comparison of betamethasone valerate and sodium chromoglycate in the treatment of asthma. Practitioner 219(1313): 751-754
Medvenskaia, V.V. 1977: State of the cardiovascular system in premature infants born of mothers with diabetes mellitus. Voprosy Okhrany Materinstva i Detstva 22(9): 21-24
Vargish, T.; Turner, C.S.; Bond, R.F.; Bagwell, C.E.; James, P.M. 1977: Dose-response relationships in steroid therapy for hemorrhagic shock. American Surgeon 43(1): 30-39
Mansurov, K.K.; Kan, C.H.; Kaminskaia, G.A. 1977: Endoscopic diagnosis of early gastric cancer. Sovetskaia Meditsina 8: 127-129
Patrick, A. 1977: Robots in the kitchen. Dimensions in Health Service 54(6): 22-24
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Packard, A.G. 1977: Unusual fracture and orthopedic problems. Maryland State Medical Journal 26(5): 97-98
Pikovskiĭ, D.L. 1977: Submerged split transhepatic drainage in inoperable cancer of the portal fissule. Khirurgiia 3: 123-125
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Knight, W.E. 1977: Accurate determination of leg lengths during total hip replacement. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 123: 27-28
Lelkes, K.; Inovay, J. 1977: Contribution to the styloid process syndrome. Stomatologie der DDR 27(3): 172-175
Thompson, J.A.; Holtzman, J.L. 1977: Studies on the N-demethylation and O-de-ethylation of ethylmorphine by hepatic microsomes from male rats. Drug Metabolism and Disposition: the Biological Fate of Chemicals 5(1): 9-14
Van Thiel, D.H.; Gavaler, J.S.; Joshi, S.N.; Sara, R.K.; Stremple, J. 1977: Heartburn of pregnancy. Gastroenterology 72(4 Pt 1): 666-668
Corley, J.H.; Needham, T.E.; Sumner, E.D.; Mikeal, R. 1977: Effect of various factors on the amount of plasticizer in intravenous solutions packaged in flexible bags. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 34(3): 259-264
Reyes, R.L.; Leahey, E.B.; Leahey, E.B. 1977: Elderly patients with lower extremity amputations: three-year study in a rehabilitation setting. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 58(3): 116-123
Teniere, P.; Watelet, J.; Anagnostides, J.G.; Hecketzweiller, P. 1977: A rare complication of vagotomy: chyloperitoneum and chylothorax. Annales de Chirurgie 31(11): 925-928
Landowne, R.A. 1977: Some experience with the precision performance of the Coulter chemistry system. Clinical Chemistry 23(11): 2176-2177
Poole, T.A. 1977: Temporary transconjunctival buckling for retinal detachment. Annals of Ophthalmology 9(3): 291-293
Sung, F.C.; Chen, C.Y.; Ts'ai, C.M.; Sun, M.S.; Butt, C.W. 1977: Survey on water pollution of the Tamsui river drainage. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 76(4): 328-337
Pavlishchuk, A.V. 1977: Incidence of otorhinolaryngologic diseases among middle-aged and old persons. Vestnik Otorinolaringologii 5: 48-50
Watson, W.H. 1977: Trivial illness. Practitioner 218(1307): 702-704
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