Node 1

POPLINE Curated Health Sciences Literature Node 1 Subnode 181


Triolo, O.; Serra, A.; Bova, R.; Carlo Stella, N.; Caruso, P. 1981: Infant male with ring chromosome 14. Annales de Genetique 24(4): 236-238
Libbus, B.L.; Burdick, A.B. 1981: Ultrastructural changes induced by steroids and gonadotropins in cultured rat Sertoli cells. Cytobios 30(119): 173-187
MacLeod, K.M.; McNeill, J.H. 1981: The effects of alloxan or streptozotocin on responses of rat vascular smooth muscle to vasoactive agents. Proceedings of the Western Pharmacology Society 24: 69-71
Tikhodeev, S.A. 1981: Diagnostic possibilities of the venospondylography in tuberculous spondylitis. Problemy Tuberkuleza 9: 28-31
Dernocoeur, K. 1981: New Zealand's South Island. Jems: a Journal of Emergency Medical Services 6(8): 16-18
Drews, I.; Piperova, D.; Ullsperger, P.; Gille, H.G.; Pietschmann, M. 1981: Polarity histogram - a supplementary method for evoked potentials analysis. Acta Physiologica et Pharmacologica Bulgarica 7(4): 36-42
Yaacob, H.B. 1981: Benign migratory glossitis--a cause for worry?. Medical Journal of Malaysia 36(4): 246-249
Aglietta, M.; Camussi, G.; Piacibello, W. 1981: Detection of basophils growing in semisolid agar culture. Experimental Hematology 9(2): 95-100
Luminet, D. 1981: Psychosomatic equivalents of depression. Archives Belges de Medecine Sociale Hygiene Medecine du Travail et Medecine Legale. Belgisch Archief van Sociale Geneeskunde Hygiene Arbeidsgeneeskunde en Gerechtelijke Geneeskunde 39(2): 113-120
Milgram, J.W.; Rana, N.A. 1981: Pathologic evaluation of the failed cup arthroplasty: a review of 32 cases. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 158: 158-179
Kaufmann, U.; Kolb, E.; Schineff, C. 1981: Enzymes in various tissues in swine. 6. Crude protein levels and Mg-ATPase, Na, K-ATPase and HCO3-ATPase in kidneys of swine fetuses, piglets and swine for slaughter. Archiv für Experimentelle Veterinarmedizin 35(4): 585-593
Braverman, A.M.; Nasar, M.A. 1981: The treatment of superficial decubitus ulcers. Practitioner 225(1362): 1842-1843
Reznik-Schüller, H.M.; Hague, B.F. 1981: Autoradiographic study of the distribution of bound radioactivity in the respiratory tract of Syrian hamsters given N-[3H]nitrosodiethylamine. Cancer Research 41(6): 2147-2150
Waltzer, W.C.; Zincke, H.; Sterioff, S.; Offord, K.P.; Frohnert, P.P. 1981: Renal transplantation after failure of a first graft. Surgery Gynecology and Obstetrics 152(4): 476-482
Rüedi, B. 1981: The physician and his knowledge. Revue Medicale de la Suisse Romande 101(2): 77-81
Rozenberg, V.D. 1981: Dissecting aneurysm of the pulmonary artery. Vrachebnoe Delo 4: 91-92
Mazzarino, C.; Malaponte, G.; Travali, S.; Sanfilippo, G.; Russo, A. 1981: Determination of lactic dehydrogenase isoenzymes in precancerous and cancerous gastric mucosa. Bollettino della Societa Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale 57(19): 2004-2010
Perlin, B.M.; Pomerance, J.J.; Schifrin, B.S. 1981: Nonimmunologic hydrops fetalis. Obstetrics and Gynecology 57(5): 584-588
Droba, B. 1981: Diurnal variations in the activity of beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase in fractions of heart homogenates from male mice. II. Effect of UV irradiation. Folia Biologica 29(2): 123-129
Meuthen, I.; Mödder, B. 1981: Advanced non-Hodgkin lymphomas in adults. Cytostatic chemotherapy. Die Medizinische Welt 32(41): 1545-1547
Marion, G. 1981: Whooping cough: an answer?. Canadian Medical Association Journal 124(7): 854
Shield, M.J. 1981: Problems posed by broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents. British Journal of Hospital Medicine 25(6): 575-576; 580-581 583 Passim
Valverde, V.; Arroyave, G.; Guzmán, M.; Flores, M. 1981: Nutritional status in Central America and Panama. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research 67: 271-282
Johnston, B.G. 1981: Si metric at Seven Oaks. Dimensions in Health Service 58(12): 38
Cox, C.P.; Wardlow, M.L.; Jorgensen, R.; Farr, R.S. 1981: The presence of platelet-activating factor (PAF) in normal human mixed saliva. Journal of Immunology 127(1): 46-50
Estrin, G.B.; Manassein, V.A. 1981: Surgical and traumatological problems in V. A. Manassein's journal Vrach (1880-1901). Vestnik Khirurgii Imeni I. I. Grekova 127(10): 142-144
Martens, K.H. 1981: Self-directed learning: an option for nursing education. Nursing Outlook 29(8): 472-477
Sanguinetti, C.; Fanfani, F.; Catalano, F. 1981: A case of tarsal tunnel syndrome caused by neurinoma of the medial plantar nerve. Archivio "putti" di Chirurgia Degli Organi di Movimento 31: 421-423
Allhiser, J.N.; McKnight, T.A.; Shank, J.C. 1981: Lymphadenopathy in a family practice. Journal of Family Practice 12(1): 27-32
Kagey-Sobotka, A.; Dembo, M.; Goldstein, B.; Metzger, H.; Lichtenstein, L.M. 1981: Qualitative characteristics of histamine release from human basophils by covalently cross-linked IgE. Journal of Immunology 127(6): 2285-2291
Nosková, J.; Michalicková, J.; Sulko, M. 1981: Immunofluorescent visualization and detection of secretory immunoglobulin a in respiratory tract secretions of children with respiratory disorders. Bratislavske Lekarske Listy 75(2): 136-143
Suzuki, K. 1981: Distribution of arteriosclerosis among the aged and its significance. Nihon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine 39(3): 515-522
Alexander, E. 1981: Posterior fusions of the cervical spine. Clinical Neurosurgery 28: 273-296
Christen, H.J.; Zink, C.; Zink, A.; Korporal, J. 1981: Accidental poisoning in childhood from the epidemiological viewpoint-An analysis of 323 cases of poisoning in children under eight years of age-. Veterinary and Human Toxicology 23(5): 321-327
Aroche, S.; Fujikami, T.K.; Lavalle, S.S. 1981: Ectopic molar inclusion in the internal subcondylar region (clinical case). Adm; Revista de la Asociacion Dental Mexicana 38(2): 76-79
Horty, J.F. 1981: A most important case on hospital responsibility to patients--for physicians. Connecticut Medicine 45(6): 383-388
Takaori, M.; Kuroda, S.; Oosumi, A. 1981: Intercompartmental distribution of water after fluid infusion in dehydrated animal (II). Masui. Japanese Journal of Anesthesiology 30(11): 1202-1208
Kallenbach, J.; Bagg, P.; Feldman, C.; Zwi, S. 1981: Experience with acute poisoning in an intensive care unit. a review of 103 cases. South African Medical Journal 59(17): 587-589
Dumoulin, P.; Hannoun, L.; Menu, P.; Rozensztajn, L.; Offenstadt, G.; Parc, R.; Loygue, J.; Valty, J. 1981: Rupture of the liver secondary to external cardiac massage in a patient with coronary disease : recovery after partial hepatectomy and aortocoronary by-pass. Annales de Medecine Interne 132(4): 261-264
Tewari, L.; Agrawal, S.K.; Natu, S.M.; Kumar, A. 1981: A study on heat-stable enterotoxins of enteropathogenic E. coli: Part I. Fractionation by agar gel electrophoresis. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences 35(5): 99-103
Romzick, T.M.; Halford, J.G.; Clark, M.; Southerland, M.; Burton, O.M. 1981: Clinical manifestations of nontyphoid salmonellosis in children admitted to a community hospital. Journal of the South Carolina Medical Association 77(6): 276-278
Ros, F.E.; Dake, C.L.; Innemee, H.C.; van Zwieten, P.A. 1981: Beta-receptor blocking agents and glaucoma; timolol in eye drops. Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde 125(11): 422-425
Bobilewicz, D.; Kotlicka, J.; Grajnert, K. 1981: Preliminary evaluation of the usefulness of determination of apolipoprotein B. cholesterol and VLDL triglyceride concentrations in the early diagnosis of type IV hyperlipoproteinemia. Polski Tygodnik Lekarski 36(9): 325-326
Nars, P.S.; Schubarth, L.; Kindler, R.; Werthemann, U.; Stalder, G. 1981: Systematic follow-up of newborns with idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome. Results in 197 patients born 1971 to 1976. Helvetica Paediatrica Acta 36(5): 389-404
Bannan, L.T.; Beevers, D.G. 1981: The choice of beta-blockers. Practitioner 225(1360): 1437-1441
Hennings, H.; Devor, D.; Wenk, M.L.; Slaga, T.J.; Former, B.; Colburn, N.H.; Bowden, G.T.; Elgjo, K.; Yuspa, S.H. 1981: Comparison of two-stage epidermal carcinogenesis initiated by 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene or N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine in newborn and adult SENCAR and BALB/c mice. Cancer Research 41(3): 773-779
Burke, D.C. 1981: Mechanisms of interferon induction by viruses. Texas Reports on Biology and Medicine 41: 64-69
Andelski, A. 1981: Preparation and potentials for health care during a period of national defense. Vojnosanitetski Pregled 38(6): 429-433
Karadzhova, R. 1981: Liver protein function studies in late pregnancy toxicoses. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiia 20(1): 8-10
Taylor, E.W. 1981: Natural death under circumstances leading to civil liability. Medico-Legal Bulletin 29(6): 1-7
Popescu, C.; Pencea, I.; Anton, D.; Hoişie, S.; Leibovici-Dumitrescu, A.; Thirer, O.; Leibovici, M. 1981: Modulation of the immune response by aerodin. I. Impact on the antiinfectious resistance of mice and guinea pigs experimentally infected by Klebsiella pneumoniae. Archives Roumaines de Pathologie Experimentales et de Microbiologie 40(3): 225-239
Casula, D.; Cherchi, P.; Marraccini, L.; Atzeri, S.; Spinazzola, A.; Spadaccino, E. 1981: Industrial hygiene problems in the production of alumina and aluminum. La Medicina del Lavoro 72(4): 283-290
Ward, P.A.; Sterzel, R.B.; Lucia, H.L.; Campbell, G.H.; Jack, R.M. 1981: Complement does not facilitate plasmodial infections. Journal of Immunology 126(5): 1826-1828
Diaz-Buxo, J.A.; Geissinger, W.T.; Walker, P.J.; Chandler, J.T.; Farmer, C.D.; Holt, K.L.; Wolfe, P. 1981: Total parathyroidectomy and autotransplantation. Clinical Nephrology 16(6): 276-282
O'Hara, P.J.; Brewster, D.C.; Darling, R.C.; Hallet, J.W. 1981: The value of intraoperative monitoring using the pulse volume recorder during peripheral vascular reconstructive operations. Surgery Gynecology and Obstetrics 152(3): 275-281
Vanholder, R.; De Paepe, M.; Hoenich, N.A.; Ringoir, S. 1981: Double lumen needle in unipuncture dialysis type double headpump. International Journal of Artificial Organs 4(2): 72-74
Tinkler, S.M.; Linder, J.E.; Williams, D.M.; Johnson, N.W. 1981: Formation of osteoclasts from blood monocytes during 1 alpha-OH Vit D-stimulated bone resorption in mice. Journal of Anatomy 133(Part 3): 389-396
Sadaruddin, A.; Zuberi, S.J. 1981: Total serum bile acids in liver disease. Jpma. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association 31(4): 82-84
Tsukeda, H.; Maekawa, H.; Izumi, S.; Nitta, K. 1981: Effect of heat shock on protein synthesis by normal and malignant human lung cells in tissue culture. Cancer Research 41(12 Pt 1): 5188-5192
Ruck, D. 1981: Self-insure to tackle high rates. Modern Healthcare 11(10): 106
Mearin Manrique, F.; Manhães Carvalho, O.; Moreno-Otero, R.; Cantero Perona, J.; Jiménez Aleixandre, P.; Rodríguez Cortés, J.; Pajares García, J.M. 1981: Mallory-Weiss syndrome. Considerations on 27 cases. Arquivos de Gastroenterologia 18(3): 113-117
Flemenbaum, A. 1981: The use and abuse of clonidine as a psychopharmacological tool. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research 68: 209-215
Pallardo, L.F.; Sáez del Castillo, M.I.; Sicilia, A.; López, J.; González, A.; Cerdán, A. 1981: Hemoglobin A1 in the control of pregnant diabetics. Medicina Clinica 77(4): 162-166
Solov'ev, V.D.; Marchenko, V.I.; Pozhidaev, I.I.; Zubanova, N.A.; Volodina, T.N. 1981: Study of the safety, reactogenicity, and allergenicity of swine leukocyte interferon in experiments on animals and observations of volunteers. Voprosy Virusologii 1: 12-17
Bakŭrdzhiev, T.; Marinova, R. 1981: Histological changes in the murine kidney in experimental hematogenic pyelonephritis from E. coli strains isolated from different sources. Eksperimentalna Meditsina i Morfologiia 20(4): 237-242
Brown, J.E.; Carton, C.L.; Hougie, C. 1981: The effect of naturally occurring antibodies to factor VIIi on an immunoradiometric assay for factor VIIi coagulant antigen. Observation on a cross-reacting material-positive (CRM+) hemophiliac with a factor VIIi inhibit. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine 97(1): 65-71
Yakushiji, M.; Nishida, T.; Nishimura, H.; Nishida, T.; Tsunawaki, A.; Kato, T. 1981: Development of ovarian tumors experimentally studied in mice by 60Co-ray irradiation. Nihon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai Zasshi 33(11): 1989-1994
Van Gossum, A.; Reynders, J.; Velu, T. 1981: Hyperamylasemia and diabetic ketoacidosis. Physiopathologic process and clinical significance. Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica 44(7-8): 345-350
Chaffin, D.B. 1981: Functional assessment for heavy physical labor. Occupational Health and Safety 50(1): 24-32; 64
Kumpf, W. 1981: Latencies of reaction indicating disturbed behaviour during evaluation of pure tone threshold. Laryngologie Rhinologie Otologie 60(5): 259-263
Murphy, E.A. 1981: Only authorized persons admitted: the quantitative genetics of health and disease. Johns Hopkins Medical Journal 148(3): 114-122
Florenzano, R.; Roessler, E.; Scharager, J.; Soto, I.; Contu, A.M. 1981: Patient's compliance of antihypertensive treatment. a follow-up study two therapeutic regimes. Revista Medica de Chile 109(2): 103-112
Al-Mondhiry, H. 1981: Inherited bleeding syndromes in Iraq-updated. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 45(1): 95
Pearson, R.D.; Steigbigel, R.T. 1981: Phagocytosis and killing of the protozoan Leishmania donovani by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Journal of Immunology 127(4): 1438-1443
Santisi, S.; De Masi, F. 1981: An electron microscopic study on tetrasporogenesis of the parasitic red alga Erythrocystis Montagnei (Derb. and Sol.) Silva. Cytobios 31(123-124): 163-178
Studnicki, J.; Green, J.G.; Queen, J.E.; Tracy, S.L.; Keefe, A. 1981: Length of stay review: methodology and rationale. Maryland State Medical Journal 30(7): 54-57
Watts, K.P.; Fairchild, R.G.; Slatkin, D.N.; Greenberg, D.; Packer, S.; Atkins, H.L.; Hannon, S.J. 1981: Melanin content of hamster tissues, human tissues, and various melanomas. Cancer Research 41(2): 467-472
Gierl, B. 1981: New simplified recall system. Zahnarztliche Praxis 32(9): 436-438
Kyle, R.A.; Shampo, M.A.; Morgan, T.H. 1981: Thomas Hunt Morgan. JAMA 245(1): 58
Elwyn, D.H.; Askanazi, J.; Kinney, J.M.; Gump, F.E. 1981: Kinetics of energy substrates. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica. Supplementum 507: 209-219
Lee, J.H. 1981: Hypersensitivity penumonitis (extrinsic allergic alveolitis). Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine 11(3): 299-301
Kinzel, V.; Richards, J.; Stöhr, M. 1981: Early effects of the tumor-promoting phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate on the cell cycle traverse of asynchronous Hela cells. Cancer Research 41(1): 300-305
Vilnis, A.E.; Loparev, V.N.; Zavizion, B.A.; Tarasishin, L.A.; Khil'ko, S.N. 1981: Localization of hexone-encoding gene in the genomes of simian adenoviruses. Vestnik Akademii Meditsinskikh Nauk SSSR 9: 88-94
Kobayashi, Y.; Haruta, T.; Kuroki, S.; Okura, K.; Fujiwara, T.; Morikawa, Y. 1981: Clinical evaluation of 6059-S in children, particularly in the treatment of bacterial meningitis. Japanese Journal of Antibiotics 34(4): 587-598
Whipple, T.L.; Wolbarsht, M.L.; Hickingbotham, D.W.; Fondren, F. 1981: Arthroscopic surgery: simple devices to facilitate multiple entries and manipulations of the knee. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 154: 331-335
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Eiferman, F.A.; Young, P.R.; Scott, R.W.; Tilghman, S.M. 1981: Intragenic amplification and divergence in the mouse alpha-fetoprotein gene. Nature 294(5843): 713-718
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Ikeda, Y.; Furihata, K.; Imai, M.; Sugiura, K.; Toyama, K.; Yamamoto, M.; Watanabe, K.; Ando, Y. 1981: Effect of anti-platelet tubulin antibody on platelet functions. Nihon Ketsueki Gakkai Zasshi: Journal of Japan Haematological Society 44(3): 652-657
Brzezińska, H.; Judkiewicz, L.; Gryczyńska, D.; Ciszewski, R. 1981: Epistaxis - not only a laryngological problem. Polski Tygodnik Lekarski 36(27): 1011-1013
Avakov, V.E. 1981: Complex treatment and causes of lethality in patients with acute renal failure due to obstetrical pathology. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiia 8: 31-34
Koch, H.L.; Treugut, H. 1981: Diverticulitis of the right large bowel. Der Radiologe 21(9): 444-448
Pertuiset, B.; Lienhart, A.; Rosa, A.; Goutorbe, J.; Ahmed, A. 1981: Ruptured intracranial saccular aneurysm. Conduct to apply before direct surgical intervention (stabilization of arterial pressure with diazepam. La Nouvelle Presse Medicale 10(1): 37-39
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Havard, J.D. 1981: Legal view of diagnostic and therapeutic hazards. Medical Journal of Australia 1(13): 705-708
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Belousov, A.S.; Papikian, G.A.; Lagutina, N.I.; Leont'eva, G.V.; Tumanian, M.A. 1981: Tissue fibrinolysis in the mechanism of gastroduodenal hemorrhage in patients with peptic ulcer. Klinicheskaia Meditsina 59(2): 23-28
Shearman, R.P. 1981: Oral contraceptives: where are the excess deaths?. Medical Journal of Australia 1(13): 698-700
Gospodarowicz, D.; Mescher, A.L. 1981: Fibroblast growth factor and vertebrate regeneration. Advances in Neurology 29: 149-171
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Bowker, J.H. 1981: Amputee rehabilitation: critical factors in outcome. Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society 78(5): 181-183
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Lawman, M.J.; Naylor, P.T.; Huang, L.; Courtney, R.J.; Rouse, B.T. 1981: Cell-mediated immunity to herpes simplex virus: induction of cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses by viral antigens incorporated into liposomes. Journal of Immunology 126(1): 304-308
Poziello, C.; Planas, J.M.; Puig-Parellada, P. 1981: Effect of imidazole on various mediators of inflammation. in vitro experiments. Archivos de Farmacologia y Toxicologia 7(1): 125-128
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Dernocoeur, K. 1981: Australia's EMS. Jems: a Journal of Emergency Medical Services 6(9): 21-24
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Makarov, I.A.; Solov'eva, M.S.; Frigo, N.V.; Makarenko, K.I. 1981: Hypophyseal-adrenal system function in normally proceeding pregnancy. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiia 5: 30-31
Finlay, E.M.; Gaskell, S.J. 1981: Determination of testosterone in plasma from men by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, with high-resolution selected-ion monitoring and metastable peak monitoring. Clinical Chemistry 27(7): 1165-1170
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