POPLINE Curated Health Sciences Literature Node 1 Subnode 138
Prenner, K.; Paulowitz, H.P. 1978: Vascular surgery procedures during acute and chronic hemodialysis. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 128(15): 467-470
McMillen, M.A.; Ambis, D.; Siegel, J.H. 1978: Cimetidine and mental confusion. New England Journal of Medicine 298(5): 284-285
Lose, M.P. 1978: A supernumerary leg in a thoroughbred filly foal. Veterinary Medicine-Small Animal Clinician 73(8): 1071
Gordon, S.L.; Cotler, J.M. 1978: Coxa vara in three patients with concommitant cerebral palsy. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 137: 175-180
Firlit, G.S.; Bunch, W.H. 1978: Osteogenesis imperfecta in one of twins. Case report. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 1978(135): 39-41
Kotsaliev, A. 1978: Types of peritoneal dialysis in the treatment of acute peritonitis. Khirurgiia 31(6): 460-464
Donnelly, G. 1978: Group survival. Nursing Times 74(6): 252-253
Perrin, C.; Widmer, S.; Long, F.X.; Gipeaux, M.; Parmentier, M. 1978: Respiratory kinesitherapy in major surgery of the upper respiratory tract. Journal Francais d'Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie; Audiophonologie Chirurgie Maxillo-Faciale 27(5): 307-320
Török, I.; Kapu, E.; Podányi, B.; Török, E. 1978: Microsporum canis infections in Hungary. Orvosi Hetilap 119(48): 2931-2933
Goodman, M.J. 1978: Screening for colorectal cancer. JAMA 240(25): 2733
Campbell, T.C.; Hayes, J.R.; Newberne, P.M. 1978: Dietary lipotropes, hepatic microsomal mixed-function oxidase activities, and in vivo covalent binding of aflatoxin B1 in rats. Cancer Research 38(12): 4569-4573
Caione, P.; Rivosecchi, M. 1978: Tumors of Meckel's diverticulum. Minerva Chirurgica 33(8): 487-492
Isaacson, R.E.; Moon, H.W.; Schneider, R.A. 1978: Distribution and virulence of Escherichia coli in the small intestines of calves with and without diarrhea. American Journal of Veterinary Research 39(11): 1750-1755
Zhukov, O.I.; Pleshakov, V.T.; Singaevskiĭ, S.B. 1978: Hemodynamics in double plasmapheresis in lung cancer. Vestnik Khirurgii Imeni I. I. Grekova 121(12): 96-99
Losiak, B. 1978: Centile tables of body weight and body height as well as the chest circumference in the evaluation of the somatic development of children of the Great Poland Region aged from 7 to 15. II. Rural population. Pediatria Polska 53(3): 359-366
Chistova, L.V.; Leont'ev, A.F.; Markov, B.A.; Osipov, I.N.; Potapova, I.N. 1978: Portal hypertension in fibrocholangiocystosis. Khirurgiia 1: 52-57
Kubát, K. 1978: Intesnsifying the care for adolescents. Ceskoslovenska Pediatrie 33(4): 242
Longo, L.D.; Tjio, J.H.; Levan, A. 1978: Classic pages in obstetrics and gynecology. The chromosome number in man. Joe Hin Tjio and Albert Levan. Hereditas, vol. 42, pp. 1-6, 1956. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 130(6): 722
Zygulska-Machowa, H. 1978: Goniotomy in congenital glaucoma. Klinika Oczna 48(12): 665-667
Hutters, L.; Andreasen, P.B. 1978: Toxic hepatitis after halothane. 98 cases reported to the Danish Board on Adverse Reactions to Drugs. Ugeskrift for Laeger 140(14): 798-799
Veselov, V.P.; Rekhachev, V.P.; Orlov, V.N. 1978: Wounds of the heart and pericardium in peacetime. Grudnaia Khirurgiia 4: 35-38
Kadykov, A.S.; Kalashnikova, L.A. 1978: Shy-Drager syndrome. Klinicheskaia Meditsina 56(5): 119-122
Elie, G.; Rabin, A.; Drouillard, J.; Bruneton, J.N.; Delorme, G. 1978: Arteriography of malignant tumors of the spleen. Advantages and limitations. Annales de Radiologie 21(8): 591-596
Ross, A.J.; Ramp, W.K.; Cooper, C.W.; Wells, S.A. 1978: Effects of cyclic nucleotides on concurrent secretion of calcitonin and parathyroid hormone in vitro. Surgical Forum 29: 105-107
Boesby, S.; Söndergaard, E.Y.; Madsen, T. 1978: Oesophageal peristalsis. A simple system for the recording of oesophageal peristalsis, and the influence of bolus volume on peak peristaltic pressure amplitude. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 13(2): 149-153
Invernizzi, G. 1978: Indications for early correction of congenital heart defects. Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia 8(2): 127-134
Alcott, M. 1978: Total care for the handicapped. Nursing Times 74(44): 1818-1819
Maliukov, V.M. 1978: Clinico-laboratory comparisons in myocardial infarct. Vrachebnoe Delo 3: 8-12
Herman, D.; Roger, M. 1978: Immunostimulant treatments. La Revue du Praticien 28(41): 3105
Imshenetskiĭ, A.A.; Pisarenko, N.F.; Kuziurina, L.A.; Iakshina, V.M. 1978: Physiology of xerophytic microorganisms that grow under very dry conditions. Mikrobiologiia 47(1): 78-81
Korolev, M.F.; Teterin, F.N.; Fomenko, I.N.; Babich, I.N.; Evstifeev, V.I. 1978: Ultrasonic therapy of chronic tonsillitis at a unit medical center. Voenno-Meditsinskii Zhurnal 5: 74-75
Williams, H.B.; Rankin, J.S.; Hamlin, R.L. 1978: An invasive procedure for in utero fetal electrocardiology: recording of fetal electrocardiograms by applying electrodes through the uterus. American Journal of Veterinary Research 39(1): 183-184
Vogralik, V.G. 1978: Some questions of the nervous system in internal medicine. Klinicheskaia Meditsina 56(9): 9-16
Liguory, C.; Adamo, S.; Cavallini, G. 1978: Endoscopic polypectomy of the colon. Apropos of 258 personal cases. Minerva Dietologica E Gastroenterologica 24(3): 247-253
Bulkley, B.H.; Ross, R.S. 1978: Coronary-artery bypass surgery: it works, but why?. Annals of Internal Medicine 88(6): 835-836
Wilkinson, E.J.; Gnadt, J.T.; Milbrath, J.; Clowry, L.J. 1978: Breast biopsy evaluation by paraffin-block radiography. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 102(9): 470-473
Avtsyn, A.P. 1978: Aleksandr Pavlovich Avtsyn (k 70-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia). Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikhiatrii Imeni S.S. Korsakova 78(7): 1109-1110
Einfeldt, K. 1978: Dental restoration as a cause for the destruction of the supporting tissues. Zwr 87(7): 342-344
Malik, M.A.; Ahmad, P.; Prasad, M.; Ahmad, S.H.; Khan, K.A.; Ahmad, K.N. 1978: Liver biopsy in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in children. Indian Pediatrics 15(2): 127-131
Furlanello, F.; Disertori, M.; Vergara, G.; Molinis, G.; Antonini, L.; Stefenelli, C. 1978: Physiopathological premises regarding electrostimulation in the treatment of hyperkinetic arrhythmias. Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia 8(Suppl 3): 62-65
Fontenelle, A.; Delaume, B.; Altounian, G. 1978: An original technique for cementing plastic brackets. L' Information Dentaire 60(25): 15-23
Cohn, A.; Silver, S. 1978: Cranial nerve dysfunction as a primary manifestation of Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Ear Nose and Throat Journal 57(2): 47-49
Lasser, A.E.; Steiner, M.M. 1978: Tetracycline photo-onycholysis. Pediatrics 61(1): 98-99
Matiashova, R.N.; Sokolov, G.V.; Lozinov, A.B. 1978: Effect of yeast growth limitation on the respiratory chain, the economic coefficient and the critical oxygen concentration for respiration. Mikrobiologiia 47(5): 790-798
Carda Aparici, P.; Francia Viñas, J.M.; Prieto Lorenzo, A. 1978: Total fight against cancer. Revista de Sanidad E Higiene Publica 52(1-2): 187-188
Ismail, A.A.; Badrawi, H.; Nasr, S.; Khater, R.; Hafez, A.A.; El-Kirdassy, Z.H.; Mansour, M.S. 1978: The effect of metformin on individual amino acid absorption. Journal of the Egyptian Medical Association 61(9-10): 673-692
Genth, E. 1978: Clinical immunology of rheumatic processes. Die Medizinische Welt 29(41): 1609-1615
Rosenbusch, G. 1978: Enema of the small intestine, or enteroclysm according to sellink. Rontgen-Blatter; Zeitschrift für Rontgen-Technik und Medizinisch-Wissenschaftliche Photographie 31(11): 614-620
Gillman, H. 1978: Biological rhythms (effect on individual actions and reactions). Introduction to the topic: Clinical consequences of biological rhythms. Arzneimittel-Forschung 28(10a): 1809-1810
Sansom, J. 1978: Medical Society of Nova Scotia's outgoing president rebuts suggestion of uncontrolled health-care costs. Canadian Medical Association Journal 119(12): 1429-1430
Kirksey, A.; Susten, S.S. 1978: Influence of different levels of dietary pyridoxine on milk composition in the rat. Journal of Nutrition 108(1): 113-119
Wanvarie, S.; Limsuwan, A.; Tanphaichitr, D. 1978: Salmonellosis with marked leukocytosis: a case of chronic myeloid leukaemia associated with Salmonella infection. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 9(4): 536-538
Nikulin, K.G.; Kostina, V.V.; Preoprazhenskaia, E.V. 1978: Clinical analysis of chronic pneumonia. Sovetskaia Meditsina 4: 48-51
Bräutigam, W. 1978: Hyperhidrosis. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 103(30): 1198
Van Gelder, D.W. 1978: Presidential address--1977: pediatrics--changes and opportunities. Pediatrics 61(5): 732-734
Cernibori, A. 1978: Ontogenetic aspects of posterior slow activity. Rivista di Neurologia 48(1): 52-67
Moszczyński, P.; Starek, A.; Słowiński, S. 1978: Activity of non-specific phosphatases and the glycogen content of neutrophils in subjects with occupational exposure to organic solvents of paints and varnishes. Wiadomosci Lekarskie 31(18): 1277-1281
Harris, W.H.; Crothers, O.D.; Moyen, B.J.; Bourne, R.B. 1978: Topical hemostatic agents for bone bleeding in humans. a quantitative comparison of gelatin paste, gelatin sponge plus bovine thrombin, and microfibrillar collagen. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American Volume 60(4): 454-456
Bernaert, D.; Wanson, J.C.; Mosselmans, R.; De Paermentier, F.; Drochmans, P. 1978: Morphologic, morphometric and biochemical characterization of subpopulations of adult rat hepatocytes, separated by centrifugal elutriation (proceedings). Archives Internationales de Physiologie et de Biochimie 86(2): 408-409
Mehta, K.P.; Baxi, A.J.; Kulkarni, S.K.; Merchant, S.M.; Babar, S.T. 1978: Significance of complement (C3) in lipoid nephrosis and glomerulonephritis. Indian Pediatrics 15(10): 813-818
Biriuzova, V.I.; Rapoport, A.I. 1978: Cryofractographic study of the structure of yeast cells found in an anabiotic state. Mikrobiologiia 47(2): 300-305
Crow, J.W.; Levy, G. 1978: Use of a programmable calculator to determine steady-state levels of drugs eliminated by parallel first-order and Michaelis-Menten kinetics. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 35(9): 1075-1077
Castro, L.P.; Salgado, J.A. 1978: Experience with a new medical teaching method at the Medical School of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. AMB: revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira 24(12): 427-428
Srinivasa, B.R.; Ramachandran, L.K. 1978: Chemical modification of peptide antibiotics : Part VII--Biological activity of derivatives of polymyxin B. Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 15(1): 54-58
Olazábal, A.; García-Pont, P.H. 1978: Reflux gastritis. Boletin de la Asociacion Medica de Puerto Rico 70(11): 386-390
Buckspan, M.B.; Goldberg, M.R. 1978: Renal artery embolism: diagnosis and treatment. Canadian Journal of Surgery. Journal Canadien de Chirurgie 21(4): 364-366
Doggrell, S.A.; Paton, D.M. 1978: Effects of prazosin and phentolamine on responses to field stimulation and to noradrenaline in vas deferens and anococcygeus muscle of the rat. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie 233(2): 209-220
Borisenko, A.P.; Sapozhnikova, M.A. 1978: Cardiac lesions in severe closed chest injury. Klinicheskaia Meditsina 56(7): 23-27
Vaidya, A.B. 1978: Drug receptors--an overview. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India 26(8): 727-734
Donaldson, R.A.; Jacobson, J.E.; Pontin, A. 1978: Fluid collections associated with renal allografts. South African Medical Journal 53(2): 51-53
Saha, S.P.; Arrants, J.E.; Lee, W.H. 1978: Atrial myxoma. Clinical manifestations and surgical treatment. International Surgery 63(3): 180-182
Szarmach, H.; Małyszko, E.; Trybuła, J.; Poniecka, H.; Stepka, L.; Wroński, A. 1978: In vitro and vivo studies of the effect of Canesten on yeast-like fungi. Przeglad Dermatologiczny 65(2): 205-208
Whitfield, A.G. 1978: The hazards of the breech. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 60(2): 130-132
Keesey, J.; Naeim, F.; Lindstrom, J.; Zeller, E.; Herrmann, C.; Walford, R. 1978: Correlation between acetylcholine receptor antibody titer and HLA-B8 and HLA-DRw3 antigens in myasthenia gravis. Transactions of the American Neurological Association 103: 188-190
de Boer, A.G.; Röst-Kaiser, J.; Bracht, H.; Breimer, D.D. 1978: Assay of underivatized intrazepam and clonazepam in plasma by capillary gas chromatography applied to pharmacokinetic and bioavailability studies in humans. Journal of Chromatography 145(1): 105-114
Hátle, K.; Vecerek, B.; Lutovská, M.; Perina, M. 1978: Utilization of the perfusion of surviving organs in toxicological analysis. Preparation of tolbutamide, glutethimide and cyclobarbital metabolites utilizing the perfusion of the surviving rat liver. Casopis Lekaru Ceskych 117(13): 395-399
Eldor, A.; Bercovici, B. 1978: Elective surgery and the contraceptive pill. Harefuah 94(2): 93
Judet, H. 1978: Results of a 10-year experience with rotation osteotomy of the femur neck in mild secondary coxarthrosis in the adult. Analysis of the evolution of the disease. Revue de Chirurgie Orthopedique et Reparatrice de l'Appareil Moteur 64(7): 348-350
Wewerka, J.R. 1978: Hodgkin's disease: classification, staging, therapy. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift 108(32): 1241-1246
Matthys, H.; Häusler, J.; Kolb, J.; Kampmann, H.; Konietzko, N. 1978: Status after idiopathic spontaneous pneumothorax as a model for the early diagnosis of lung emphysema. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift 108(8): 302-309
Draşoveanu, C.; Aşgian, B.; Florea, F. 1978: Preservation of the facial nerve in surgery of parotid neoplasms. Revista de Chirurgie Oncologie Radiologie O.R.L. Oftalmologie Stomatologie. Oto-Rino-Laringologia 23(1): 75-80
Zaorska, B. 1978: Cerebrospinal fluid prostaglandins and methods of their determination. Pediatria Polska 53(5): 649-653
Richter, E.; Schmitt, B.; Zilly, W. 1978: Bioavailability of Ce-Ferro forte. Comparative iron load test. Medizinische Klinik 73(34): 1171-1175
Zagórski, Z. 1978: Familial occurence of membranous cataract. Klinika Oczna 48(11): 605-606
Donat, H. 1978: Total protein and immunoglobulin levels in the body fluids of healthy and Rh-incompatible pregnant women. Zentralblatt für Gynakologie 100(9): 594-605
Dusheiko, A.A.; Khmutovakiĭ, O.A.; Blazhevich, M.A.; Solodova, E.V.; Chernukhina, L.A.; Zabeliu, E.M. 1978: Changes in chemical composition, biosynthesis and structure of secretion of intermediate area of chicken stomach with A-avitaminosis. Ukrainskii Biokhimicheskii Zhurnal 50(3): 325-331
Jung, L.; Ims, J. 1978: Pharmacokinetics and metabolism of sultopride in the dog. Qualitative and quantitative analysis in various organs. La Semaine des Hopitaux: Organe Fonde Par l'Association d'Enseignement Medical des Hopitaux de Paris 54(43-44): 1347-1350
Figurnov, V.A.; Troshin, V.N.; Krizhanovskiĭ, V.I. 1978: Problems of the clinical aspects and differential diagnosis of the severe form of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. Voenno-Meditsinskii Zhurnal 9: 48-50
Vega-Franco, L.; Acevedo D, C.; Meza Camacho, C. 1978: Tolerance to vitamin C in malnourished children. Boletin Medico del Hospital Infantil de Mexico 35(6): 1131-1140
Soung, L.S.; Ing, T.S. 1978: Treatment of accidental hypothermia with peritoneal dialysis. Canadian Medical Association Journal 118(7): 764-769
Thisyakorn, C.; Vatanatumrak, B. 1978: Glycogen storage disease of the heart--hemodynamic and angiocardiographic features--report of a case. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand 61(2): 123-129
Jones, J.C. 1978: Dental student selection. The possibility of national testing. British Dental Journal 145(5): 134-138
Taboury, J.; Tubiana, J.; Chalut, J. 1978: Echotomographic study of liver and bile duct vessels. Annales de Medecine Interne 129(8-9): 515-518
Regester, R.F. 1978: Analgesic nephropathy: an increasing problem. Journal of the Tennessee Medical Association 71(10): 741-744
Buffa, D. 1978: Precancerous states of the colon. Pathologica 70: 1005-1006
Olson, M.O.; Hatchett, S.; Allan, R.; Hawkins, R.C.; Busch, H. 1978: Nucleolus-associated phosphoprotein kinases of normal and regenerating liver and Novikoff hepatoma ascites cells. Cancer Research 38(10): 3421-3426
Tormo Alfonso, V.; Velasco Rami, J.A.; Serra Sister, E.; Mora Marti, F. 1978: Treatment of angina pectoris with oxprenolol. its evaluation with ergometric tests. Revista Clinica Espanola 150(6): 361-365
Laudanna, A.A.; Sipahi, A.; Faria, R.M.; Simionato, C.; de Moraes Filho, J.P.; Bettarello, A. 1978: Biopsy of the small intestine: apropos of 56 cases. Revista do Hospital das Clinicas 33(2): 88-94
Hoffmann, B.; Kiełbaskowa, H. 1978: Spirochaetal hemagglutination test (TPHA) with reagents of Wroclaw production. Przeglad Dermatologiczny 65(1): 33-37
Jacobs, H. 1978: Medical complications and economic aspects of management of permanent spinal cord disease. Canadian Medical Association Journal 118(7): 762-763
Toldy, M.; Novotná, Z.; Pullmann, R. 1978: Is greater activity in conducting breech deliveries justified?. Bratislavske Lekarske Listy 69(4): 419-426
Chiari, K. 1978: Pelvic osteotomy for incipent coxarthritis in hip dysplasia and its combination with femoral osteotomy. Revue de Chirurgie Orthopedique et Reparatrice de l'Appareil Moteur 64(7): 558-601
Herr, H.W.; Kemeny, N.; Yagoda, A.; Whitmore, W.F. 1978: Poly I:C immunotherapy in patients with papillomas or superficial carcinomas of the bladder. National Cancer Institute Monograph 49: 325
Ambrus, J.L.; Robin, J.C.; Kelly, R.S.; Mannley, N.; Thomas, C.C.; Ambrus, J.L. 1978: Studies on osteoporosis I. Experimental models. Effect of age, sex, genetic background, diet, steroid and heparin treatment on calcium metabolism of mice. Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology 22(1): 3-14
Stiller, C.R.; Sinclair, N.R. 1978: Perspectives in patient monitoring. Transplantation Proceedings 10(3): 673-676
Labriola, E.; Addarii, F.; Maresta, A.; Rapezzi, C.; Ferlito, M.; Sangiorgio, P.; Poggi, V.M.; Fiori, W. 1978: The vectorcardiogram in akinesia of the anterior and apical walls of the left ventricle. Minerva Cardioangiologica 26(5): 333-342
Filov, V.A.; Stukov, A.N.; Blank, M.A.; Neĭshtadt, E.L. 1978: Experimental data on the toxic action of hydrazine sulfate on the body and on a tumor. Farmakologiia i Toksikologiia 41(2): 203-205
Green, R.; Pitzer, S.; Mann, I.; Kaplan, E. 1978: A suction-irrigation technique utilizing a hemovac system in treatment of osteomyelitis. Journal of Foot Surgery 17(1): 22-27
Cohen, S.Z.; Zweig, G. 1978: Analytical determination of N-nitroso compounds in pesticides by the United States Environmental Protection Agency--a preliminary study. Iarc Scientific Publications 19: 333-342
Chalukov, P.N. 1978: Traumatic ruptures and perforations of the esophagus. Khirurgiia 31(4): 283-288
Jenkin, P. 1978: The NHS: what does the future hold?. Nursing Times 74(5): 176-177
Haase, W.; Schumacher, W.; Rey, G. 1978: Management of bone metastases. Indication for radiotherapy and surgical internal fixation. Der Radiologe 18(8): 310-315
Günther, E.; Ham, J. 1978: The historical success of Johan Ham. Dermatologische Monatschrift 164(8): 585-589
Maleville, A. 1978: Cytophysiology of the prothoracic gland of the cricket Acheta domestica L. during the penultimate instar nymph and during the cycle of regeneration. Archives d'Anatomie Microscopique et de Morphologie Experimentale 67(4): 203-211
Duchesne, R.; St Hilaire, R.; Renaud, P.E. 1978: Hip fractures: statistical data apropos of 195 cases treated at the Centre Hospitalier Fleury. L'Union Medicale du Canada 107(7): 690-693
Wynne, J.M.; Apostolis, C.G.; Perl, T.Z.; McQuaide, J.R.; Graham, T.; Levin, W.; Baillie, R.C. 1978: Function-preserving procedures in primary reconstruction following surgery for advanced oral cancer--an appraisal. South African Journal of Surgery. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir Chirurgie 16(3): 191-197
Du Souich, P.; McLean, A.J.; Lalka, D.; Jenkins, B.; Haegele, K.D.; McNay, J.L. 1978: Sulfadiazine handling in the rabbit. I. Pseudosaturation of N-acetyltransferase. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 207(1): 221-227
Holán, V.; Hasek, M.; Chutná, J. 1978: Suppression of allosensitization in vitro by cells from tolerant rats. Folia Biologica 24(2): 95-103
Fischer, W.; Michaelis, B. 1978: Frequency domain analysis of the dynamic properties of the encoder in the slowly adapting crayfish stretch receptor neuron. Acta Biologica et Medica Germanica 37(11-12): 1665-1679
Kawecka-Jaszcz, K.; Kocemba, J.; Moczurad, K.; Wójcikiewiczowa, O. 1978: Pentaerythritol "forte" in the treatment of coronary disease. Przeglad Lekarski 35(8): 675-678
Barbolla, L.; Fernández, M.N. 1978: Plasmapheresis in the treatment of waldenström's macroglobulinaemia. Sangre 23(3): 334-342
Tobin, J.R. 1978: The treatment of congestive heart failure. Digitalis glycosides are still the primary mode of therapy. Archives of Internal Medicine 138(3): 453-454
Beyrich, T.; Lüdde, H. 1978: Radiographic determination of polyethylene and polypropylene crystallinity. 2. The effect of pharmaceutically relevant factors on the crystallinity index of PE and PP plastic containers. 31. Problems of filling plastic containers for fluid drug preparations. Die Pharmazie 33(2-3): 93-96
Tiling, T.; Stanković, P.; Stuhler, T. 1978: Ambulatory treatment of extensor-tendon injury in general surgery. Handchirurgie 10(3): 131-134
Trajković, B.; Radojcić, B.; Pekić, B.; Apostolski, A. 1978: Cardiovascular system in pernicious anemia. Medicinski Pregled 31(3-4): 103-106
Satomura, K.; Tanigawa, N.; Magari, S. 1978: Microlymphangiographic study of lymphatic regeneration following intestinal anastomosis. Surgery Gynecology and Obstetrics 146(3): 415-418
Oselka, G.W.; Kiss, M.H. 1978: Prevalence of hepatitis B antigen (AgHB) in children, in São Paulo. Revista do Hospital das Clinicas 33(3): 149-157
Piazza, I.; Alibrandi, F.; Semenzato, G.; Battistella, L.; Amadori, G.; Gasparotto, G. 1978: T mediated immunity in patients undergoing periodic hemodialysis. Bollettino dell'Istituto Sieroterapico Milanese 57(5): 631-636
Kim, H.S.; Dillman, R.O. 1978: Acetaminophen overdose and hepatic necrosis. Texas Medicine 74(12): 56-59
Christow, C.P. 1978: Experiments with pathogenetic protozoa Trichomonas foetus in vitro. Rivista di Biologia 71(1-4): 113-116
Miller, R.M.; Hunt, J.A. 1978: The radiological features of alcoholic ulcero-osteolytic neuropathy in Blacks. South African Medical Journal 54(4): 159-161
Zitti, E.; Brand, L.; Cadariu, S. 1978: Role of "radical" thoracic surgery in the treatment of bronchopulmonary cancer. Revista de Igiena Bacteriologie Virusologie Parazitologie Epidemiologie Pneumoftiziologie. Pneumoftiziologia 27(1): 1-5
Dournovo, P.; Poison, B.; Corcelle, P.; Garaix, J.P.; Le Brigand, H. 1978: Primary bronchial cancer manifested by spontaneous pneumothorax. La Nouvelle Presse Medicale 7(37): 3365
Hása, J.; Hálek, J.; Burda, J.; Vokounová, A.; Horák, J. 1978: Problems of idiopatic cyst of choledochus. Ceskoslovenska Radiologie 32(2): 107-115
Ucles, P.; Gutiérrez, J.A.; Garbayo, A.; Pastor, L.; Barráu, J.; Muñóz, J.R. 1978: Variations of neural conduction velocity during hemodialysis in patients with chronic renal failure. Revista Clinica Espanola 150(5): 273-276
Caro, W.A. 1978: Biopsy in suspected malignant lymphoma of the skin. Cutis 21(2): 197-201
Danilishina, E.I. 1978: Founding and development of maternal and child welfare system in the USSR. Voprosy Okhrany Materinstva i Detstva 23(7): 3-7
Stephen, S.; Indrani, R.; Chandrashekara, I.; Rao, K.N. 1978: Brucellosis in fowls--a preliminary communication. Indian Journal of Medical Research 68: 738-740
Pfaffman, M.A.; Chu-Sun, D. 1978: Influence of prostaglandins E1 and F1alpha on K-induced responses in vascular smooth muscle. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie 234(1): 36-48
Camisa, C. 1978: Hepatoma with the complication of spontaneous rupture and hemoperitoneum: case report and discussion. Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine new York 45(1): 128-134
Schoicket, S. 1978: The physician's marriage. Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey 75(2): 149-152
Wosiewitz, U. 1978: Micromorphology of calcium-rich sediments and concrements of the gallbladder. a scanning electron microscopy study. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pathologie 62: 481
Conti, P.; Bologna, M.; Sciarra, D.; Angeletti, P.U. 1978: In vitro study on the sensitivity of various bacteria to a new antibiotic resistant to beta-lactamases. Bollettino della Societa Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale 54(2): 161-166
Turnbull, L.S.; Turnbull, L.W.; Crofton, J.W.; Kay, A.B. 1978: Immunoglobulins, complement and arylsulphatase in sputum from chronic bronchitis and other pulmonary diseases. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 32(2): 226-232
Schapiro, H.; Jackson, N.J.; Rosato, F.E.; McDougal, H.D.; Chaudhuri, T.K.; Gayle, R.G.; Carwell, G.; Schapiro, M.B. 1978: Chemoneurolysis of the canine gastric submucosa. Effects on Heidenhain pouch secretion. American Surgeon 44(12): 785-788
Mel'nichenko, G.A.; Marova, E.I. 1978: Successful treatment of a female patient with hypothyroidism and lactorrhea using thyroid hormones. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiia 1: 66-67
Miretskaia, V.O. 1978: State of tonic convergence in closed brain injury. Vestnik Oftalmologii 6: 60-63
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