Node 1

POPLINE Curated Health Sciences Literature Node 1 Subnode 130


D'Alfonso, G.; Lauro, N. 1978: Analysis of the multiple correlations in total evaluation of an epidemiological questionnaire. Results of an investigation of respiratory allergic diseases. Archivio Monaldi Per la Tisiologia E le Malattie Dell'apparato Respiratorio 33(5-6): 303-330
Singh, D.S.; Bisht, D.B.; Raju, S. 1978: Familial non-haemolytic hyperbilirubinaemia. Journal of the Indian Medical Association 70(7): 162-164
Fujii, H.; Watada, M.; Yamamoto, K.; Kanoh, T. 1978: Seventeen cases of pseudothrombocytopenia, with special reference to the clinical problems, its pathogenesis and significance. Nihon Ketsueki Gakkai Zasshi: Journal of Japan Haematological Society 41(3): 523-532
Reinherz, R.P.; Sharon, S.M.; Knudsen, H.A. 1978: Surgical repair of lateral ankle instability by modification of traditional approaches. Journal of Foot Surgery 17(1): 12-15
Margolis, D.M.; Saylor, J.L.; Geisse, G.; DeSchryver-Kecskemeti, K.; Harter, H.R.; Zuckerman, G.R. 1978: Upper gastrointestinal disease in chronic renal failure. a prospective evaluation. Archives of Internal Medicine 138(8): 1214-1217
Hoover, R.N. 1978: Detection of environmental cancer hazards: epidemiologic methods. Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey 75(11): 746-751
Mazzanti, R.; Arcangeli, A.; Salvadori, G.; Smorlesi, C.; Di Perri, T.; Auteri, A.; Boggiano, C.A.; Pippi, L.; Toti, M.; Boncompagni, P.; Angioli, D.; Caremani, M.; Magnolfi, F.; Camarri, E.; Motta, R.; Forconi, A.; Candidi Tommasi, A.; Lomi, M.; Soldi, A. 1978: The anti-steatosic effect of sulfo-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) in various forms of chronic hepatopathy. Multicentric research. Minerva Medica 69(48): 3283-3292
Triandaf, I.; Mardare, G.; Lungu, I.; Pandele, G.; Triandaf, N.; Terek, C.; Lungu, E.; Foişor, P. 1978: Clinico-morpho-biological correlations useful in diagnosis of chronic hepatitis. Revista Medico-Chirurgicala a Societatii de Medici Si Naturalisti Din Iasi 82(1): 27-30
Frenzel, J.; Beyreiss, K.; Gmyrek, D.; Grauel, E.L.; Hinkel, G.K.; Jährig, K.; Rapoport, I.; Raue, W.; Thieme, R. 1978: Recommendations on perinatal intensive care: II. Parenteral infusion therapy. Kinderarztliche Praxis 46(6): 325-332
Kölsch, E.; Falkenberg, F.W. 1978: Genetic control of the immune response to phage fd. IV. Complementation between H-2-linked Ir genes. Journal of Immunology 120(6): 2087-2092
Borovik, R.V.; Kurbanov, I.A.; Terskikh, I.I. 1978: Specific activity of cattle immunoglobulins in experimental Chlamydia infection. Voprosy Virusologii 4: 485-488
Dartsch, W.; Freundl, G.; Massenkeil, H.J. 1978: Cervical smears in women under 30 years age. Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 38(10): 849-852
Savinskiĭ, I.I.; Moroz, N.A. 1978: Cause and outcome of acute appendicitis in patients over the age of 60. Khirurgiia 3: 66-70
Bjarnsholt, B. 1978: Psychosomatic care of aged patients with urinary incontinence: one should know the person behind the disease. Sygeplejersken 78(4): 12-16
Suseev, P.N. 1978: Public health achievements of the Kalmyk ASSR during the years of Soviet power. Zdravookhranenie Rossiiskoi Federatsii 1978(11): 6-10
Shekhtman, M.M.; Glezer, G.A. 1978: General hemodynamics and kidney function in hypertension in pregnant women. Kardiologiia 18(11): 77-84
Ilyas, M.S.; de la Iglesia, F.A.; Feuer, G. 1978: The effect of phenobarbital and carbon tetrachloride on fatty acid content and composition of phospholipids from the endoplasmic reticulum of rat liver. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 44(3): 491-504
Collins, A.D. 1978: Adapted plate for use in a microwave oven. American Journal of Occupational Therapy: Official Publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association 32(9): 586-587
Davies, P. 1978: Loss of choline acetyltransferase activity in normal aging and in senile dementia. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 113: 251-256
Gutzwiller, F.; Bühler, F.R. 1978: Detection of unrecognized hypertensives. a duty for longterm attendance. Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 120(13): 427-430
Délèze, G. 1978: Cholestatic syndromes in infancy. Therapeutische Umschau. Revue Therapeutique 35(9): 777-781
Paffen, P.J.; Jansen, E.W. 1978: Surgical treatment of clavicular fractures with Kirschner wires: a comparative study. Archivum Chirurgicum Neerlandicum 30(1): 43-53
Trif, V.; Oancea, I. 1978: Effect of oxycardin on the intraocular pressure. Die Medizinische Welt 29(26): 1100-1104
Huismans, H. 1978: On the aetiology of coloboma of the lens. Klinische Monatsblatter für Augenheilkunde 172(6): 884-887
Yoonessi, M.; Hreshchyshyn, M.M. 1978: Surgical staging of gynecologic cancer. New York State Journal of Medicine 78(13): 2030-2033
Mrevlishvili, G.M.; Sharimanov, I.G. 1978: Study of the aqueous phase transition in a collagen--water system by the calorimetric and NMR methods. Biofizika 23(2): 242-246
Perov, I.L. 1978: Subcellular morphology of the tubules in the rat compensatory-hypertrophic kidney according to the morphometric data. Arkhiv Anatomii Gistologii i Embriologii 75(8): 50-55
Brame, R.G.; Parker, R.T. 1978: Residency education in the 1980's. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 130(3): 329-332
Khomulo, P.S.; Kadushkina, N.N. 1978: Effect of physical activity on exo- and endogenous hyperlipemias. Kardiologiia 18(6): 146-148
Kurbanov, T.G. 1978: Somatotropic function of the adenohypophysis in juvenile (pubertal) goiter. Problemy Endokrinologii 24(2): 21-23
Rose, N.; Stanley, W.; Holt, S.; Arnold, D. 1978: Clinical experiences with microcrystalline collagen hemostatic material. Journal of the American Osteopathic Association 78(4): 254-262
Bogorodinskiĭ, D.K.; Godovanik, O.O.; Kodzaev, I.K.; Skoromets, A.A. 1978: Variants of transitory myeloradiculoischemic disorders. Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikhiatrii Imeni S.S. Korsakova 78(3): 330-337
Muir, W.W.; Skarda, R.T.; Sheehan, W. 1978: Evaluation of xylazine, guaifenesin, and ketamine hydrochloride for restraint in horses. American Journal of Veterinary Research 39(8): 1274-1278
Brunese, M.; Ruggiero, M.; Abbro, L.; Ferrigno, C.; Perna, G.; Mangoni di S Stefano, C. 1978: Level of cholesterol and activities of some enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism in the liver of rats fed rich in cholesterol and/or cholic acid. Bollettino della Societa Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale 54(11): 1031-1036
Vlietstra, R.E.; Lie, J.T.; Kuhl, W.E.; Danielson, G.K.; Roberts, M.K. 1978: Whipple's disease involving the pericardium: Pathological confirmation during life. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine 8(6): 649-651
Manfredi, G.; Bordi, C.; Allegra, F. 1978: Mibelli's porokeratosis and actinic keratosis. Clinical, histological and ultrastructural considerations apropos of 1 case with degeneration. Annales de Dermatologie et de Venereologie 105(8-9): 741-746
Hasue, M. 1978: Lumbar spinal canal stenosis. Nihon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine Suppl: 2364-2365
DiPaolo, V. 1978: Rate of contract increases slows. Modern Healthcare 8(8): 18-19
Millar, A.P. 1978: Sports medicine. Medical Journal of Australia 1(5): 256-257
Kamangar, T.; Fawzi, A.B. 1978: Spectrophotometric determination of vitamin a in oils and fats. Journal - Association of Official Analytical Chemists 61(3): 753-755
Holzgreve, H. 1978: Hypertension in old age. Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 120(13): 445-448
Ostropolets, S.S. 1978: Some diagnostic problems in pediatrics. Pediatriia 9: 3-7
Povolný, J. 1978: A medical thermometer in the digestive tract of a child. Rozhledy V Chirurgii: Mesicnik Ceskoslovenske Chirurgicke Spolecnosti 57(9): 597-598
Zharov, L.V.; Moskalenko, E.P.; Shepotinovskiĭ, V.I. 1978: Methodological aspects of the problem of evaluation of the quality of scientific works in medicine. Vestnik Akademii Meditsinskikh Nauk SSSR 4: 71-75
Sulimova, G.E.; Dokhiem, M.; Vaniushin, B.F. 1978: Character of the methylation and reassociation of wheat DNA fractions differing in their nucleotide composition. Molekuliarnaia Biologiia 12(4): 845-852
Aozasa, K.; Uda, H.; Kurosawa, K.; Yokoyama, M.; Tsuji, M. 1978: Lymph node involvement in two cases of macroglobulinemia. Medical Journal of Osaka University 29(3-4): 207-216
Leguay, G.; Vauzelle, A. 1978: Drepanocytemia and air transport. Medecine Tropicale: Revue du Corps de Sante Colonial 38(2): 253-258
Iudenich, V.V.; Lagvilava, M.G. 1978: Use of a sieve skin autograft in the surgical treatment of postburn trophic ulcers. Voenno-Meditsinskii Zhurnal 8: 41-43
Jenkins, E.M.; Collier, J.R. 1978: Immunity to Lancefield's group e Streptococcus: passive protection of swine. American Journal of Veterinary Research 39(7): 1181-1183
Szulc, W.; Mitroszewska, H. 1978: Surgical treatment of recurrent and neglected clubfoot. Chirurgia Narzadow Ruchu i Ortopedia Polska 43(1): 57-60
Khotyleva, L.V.; Savchenko, V.K.; Rokitskiĭ, P.F. 1978: Petr Fomich Rokitskii (1903-1977). Tsitologiia i Genetika 12(1): 87-88
Sluka, B.A. 1978: Various patterns in the development of the periganglionic vascular bed of respiratory tube ganglia during human embryogenesis. Arkhiv Anatomii Gistologii i Embriologii 74(5): 91-95
Utekhin, V.I.; Gerlovin, E.S. 1978: Ultrastructural analysis of rat pancreatic islet B-cells following thyroidectomy. Arkhiv Anatomii Gistologii i Embriologii 75(10): 102-106
Cavazzuti, G.B.; Della Giustina, E.; Forese, S. 1978: Evolution of the EEG in the 1st year of life in normal and pathological conditions. Rivista di Neurologia 48(1): 15-29
Wegmann, T. 1978: Indications for rabies vaccination and prophylactic immunization in man. Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 120(9): 281-284
Novotný, A.; Dvorák, V. 1978: Vertebrogenic disorders in gynecologic inflammations and their therapy (proceedings). Ceskoslovenska Gynekologie 43(7): 543-544
König, P. 1978: The relationship between croup and asthma. Annals of Allergy 41(4): 227-231
Kaledin, V.I.; Glazko, T.T.; Gruntenko, E.V. 1978: Preparation of pills containing azo dyes for subcutaneous administration to animals. Voprosy Onkologii 24(5): 82-83
Chattopadhyay, D.D.; Jindal, S.K.; Das, K.C.; Mohanty, D.; Sharma, R.R.; Wahi, P.L. 1978: Haematological alterations in chronic cor pulmonale. Indian Journal of Chest Diseases and Allied Sciences 20(4): 154-160
Bucciante, G.; Bernardi, A. 1978: Obesity and dyslipidemias. Giornale di Clinica Medica 59(7-8): 299-303
Bolis, G.B.; Monico, S. 1978: Sudden and unexpected death in a young athlete with cardiomegaly. Lavori Dell'istituto di Anatomia e Istologia Patologica Universita Degli Studi di Perugia 38(3): 91-99
Zeĭgermakher, G.A. 1978: Leptospirosis caused by an association of different serotypes of Leptospira. Sovetskaia Meditsina 1978(10): 143-145
Vaught, J.L.; Takemori, A.E. 1978: Characterization of leucine and methionine enkephalin and their interaction with morphine on the guinea pig ileal longitudinal muscle. Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology 21(3): 391-407
White, J.G. 1978: Platelet microtubules and giant granules in the Chediak-Higashi syndrome. American Journal of Medical Technology 44(4): 273-278
Andreasen, F.; Behrendt, F.B.; Moustgaard, L. 1978: On the consumption of reimbursed drugs in Denmark. A pharmacological-epidemiological analysis based on 1,395 prescriptions in the county of Aarhus from April 1, 1974 to March 31, 1975. Danish Medical Bulletin 25(2): 67-78
Bronia, D.I.; Montamat, E.E.; Aeberhard, E.E.; Segura, E.L. 1978: Phospholipids and other lipid components of Trypanosoma cruzi. Comparative study in Tulahuén, ES and Brazil strains. Medicina 38(3): 255-258
Alberti, P.W. 1978: Profound childhood hearing loss. Journal of Otolaryngology 7(6): 471-472
Larsson-Cohn, U. 1978: Risk of adverse effects of contraception. Lakartidningen 75(41): 3670-3672
Cone, E.J.; Gorodetzky, C.W.; Darwin, W.D.; Carroll, F.I.; Brine, G.A.; Welch, C.D. 1978: The identification and measurement of two new metabolites of naltrexone in human urine. Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology 20(3): 413-433
Chireĭkin, L.V. 1978: Experience with using automatic electrocardiogram analysis. Voenno-Meditsinskii Zhurnal 7: 69-71
Robecchi, E. 1978: Metropathia hemorrhagica. Minerva Ginecologica 30(10): 809-816
Maguire, J.H.; Dudley, K.H. 1978: Partial purification and characterization of dihydropyrimidinases from calf and rat liver. Drug Metabolism and Disposition: the Biological Fate of Chemicals 6(5): 601-605
Sørensen, S.S. 1978: Thymoma, erythrocyte aplasia, diffuse fibrosing alveolitis and atrophic thyroiditis. Ugeskrift for Laeger 140(29): 1766-1768
Mossel, D.A.; Jonxis, J.H. 1978: Medical, specifically microbiological aspects of the milk product provision of health infants in developing countries. Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde 122(41): 1573-1578
Worthington, D.; Smith, B.T. 1978: The site of amniocentesis and the lecithin-sphingomyelin ratio. Obstetrics and Gynecology 52(5): 552-554
Schönfeld, J.K. 1978: Infection caused by bovine tuberculum bacteria in humans in the Netherlands during the period 1972-1975. Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde 122(7): 217-219
Meirik, O.; Nygren, K.G.; Fagerlund, C.; Hartvig, P. 1978: Absorption of a 8-hydroxi-quinoline (Sterosan) through the vaginal mucosa. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 57(3): 287-288
Bergk, K.H.; Koob, E. 1978: Osteolysis of a dysplastic ulna following fracture in hereditary "pseudarthrosis". Handchirurgie 10(1): 59-60
Deigert, F.A.; Huntington, M.C. 1978: Irradiation in treatment of benign disease. Rocky Mountain Medical Journal 75(2): 89-91
Simpson, F.O.; Waal-Manning, H.J.; Bolli, P.; Spears, G.F. 1978: The Milton Survey. 2. Blood pressure and heart rate. New Zealand Medical Journal 88(615): 1-4
Hauke, H.; Lassrich, M.A.; Ball, F. 1978: Crohn's disease in children. Results of x-ray examinations in 45 cases. Der Radiologe 18(6): 199-207
Prokopova, I.V.; Mazurin, A.V.; Pershina, G.S. 1978: Methodological aspects of clinical-differential diagnosis of gastroduodenal pathology in children. Pediatriia 3: 34-37
Eklöf, O.; Erasmie, U. 1978: The small bowel enema. An improved method of examination and its indications in children. Annales de Radiologie 21(2-3): 143-148
Frommhold, H.; Rohner, H.G. 1978: The radiological appearances of caustic burns in the upper intestinal tract. Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 16(11): 669-677
Hirasawa, H.; Chaudry, I.H.; Baue, A.E. 1978: Beneficial effect of ATP-MgCl2-glucose administration on survival following sepsis. Surgical Forum 29: 11-14
Demirović, D.; Filipović, M. 1978: Orthodontic aspects of the therapy of gnathopalatoschisis. Medicinski Arhiv 32(6): 411-413
Bierich, J.R. 1978: Prenatal damage due to alcohol. Der Internist 19(2): 131-139
Elstrom, J.A.; Pankovich, A.M.; Egwele, R. 1978: Extra-articular low-velocity gunshot fractures of the radius and ulna. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American Volume 60(3): 335-341
Reynaert, M.; Mainguet, P.; Henrion, J.; Schmitz, C.; Tremouroux, J.; Otte, J.B.; Kestens, P.J. 1978: Parenteral and enteral hyperalimentation in the cure of two cases of bilio-digestive fistulas. Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica 41(3-4): 169-178
Butt, M. 1978: AMSA-MECO project introducing 32 Michigan med students to community practice. Michigan Medicine 77(16): 319
Martin, C.; Martin, H. 1978: Cholesteatoma; amputation of the promontory and auditory residues. Journal Francais d'Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie; Audiophonologie Chirurgie Maxillo-Faciale 27(2): 133-134
Bertulis, A.; Guld, C.; Lennox-Buchthal, M.A. 1978: Movement and spectral sensitivity of cells on the inferior anterior bank of the lunate sulcus. Archives Italiennes de Biologie 116(3-4): 255-261
Bouchier, G.; Evenot, M.; Jean, R. 1978: Radiography in ten seconds: radiography for endodontic work. L' Information Dentaire 60(21): 23-28
Tabernero Romo, J.M.; Rodríguez Commes, J.L.; Macias Núñez, J.F.; Bondia Roman, A.; Corbacho Becerra, L.; Juanes González, A.; de Castro del Pozo, S. 1978: Free erythropoietic protoporphyrins in chronic renal insufficiency. Revista Clinica Espanola 150(1-2): 31-34
Shimizu, T. 1978: Studies on concentrations of antibiotics in pleural exudate. the concentration of penicillins and cephalosporins in rabbits with experimental pleurisy and in patients. Japanese Journal of Antibiotics 31(2): 108-114
Ortenberg, Z.A. 1978: Pharmacokinetics of isoniazid, PAS, and cycloserin in acute and chronic alcoholic intoxication (experimental study). Problemy Tuberkuleza 9: 60-64
Mcnelis, B.; Cutroneo, K.R. 1978: A selective decrease of collagen peptide synthesis by dermal polysomes isolated from glucocorticoid-treated newborn rats. Molecular Pharmacology 14(6): 1167-1175
Meltzer, H.Y.; Simonovic, M.; Fessler, R.G. 1978: Neuropharmacological studies of prolactin secretion. Psychopharmacology Bulletin 14(4): 26-29
Lilenko, S.I.; Bashenina, O.B.; Koltunova, L.O. 1978: Differential-diagnostic symptoms of mitral valve defect and arteriosclerotic cardiosclerosis complicated by auricular fibrillation. Kardiologiia 18(4): 132-134
Bria, P.; Dell'Acqua, S.; De Rosa, E.; Ferro, F.M. 1978: Proposed psychodynamic interpretation of gravidic and puerperal psychopathology: marginal reflexions on the clinical aspects. Annali di Ostetricia Ginecologia Medicina Perinatale 99(2): 110-124
Kraemer, K.G.; Neiman, P.E.; Reeves, W.C.; Thomas, E.D. 1978: Prophylactic adenine arabinoside following marrow transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings 10(1): 237-240
Russell, E.S. 1978: Analysis of genetic differences as a tool for understanding aging processes. Birth Defects Original Article Series 14(1): 515-523
Kyle, R.A.; Papanicolaou, G.N. 1978: New cancer stamp issued by United States. Cancer Research 38(8): 2640-2641
Il'in, V.N.; Shestakov, V.A.; Rodoinov, S.V. 1978: Comparative evaluation of the methods of treatment of acute thrombosis of the main veins. Vestnik Khirurgii Imeni I. I. Grekova 120(3): 59-63
Nier, H.; van der Horst, W.; Rivas-Martin, J.; Jünemann, A. 1978: Diagnosis and therapy of acute penetrating myocardial injury. Medizinische Klinik 73(4): 131-134
Jarvis, C.W. 1978: Metabolic screening--the new look. Minnesota Medicine 61(4): 236
Rodda, J.C. 1978: Restorative dentistry--a dental dilemma. New Zealand Dental Journal 74(335): 21-25
Rosen, C.E.; Holmes, S. 1978: Pharmacist's impact on chronic psychiatric outpatients in community mental health. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 35(6): 704-708
Khodos, K.G.; Kondakova, T.A. 1978: Analysis of pathoanatomic data at Irkutsk Clinic for nervous system Diseases on infectious diseases of the nervous system over 20-year period (1956--75). Klinicheskaia Meditsina 56(9): 84-88
Gutjahr, L. 1978: Effects of a holiday on mental patients. Psychiatrische Praxis 5(3): 167-178
Stropus, R.; Vaicekauskas, V. 1978: Species-related differences in the cholinergic and adrenergic innervation of the heart. Folia Morphologica 37(4): 321-325
Isaeva, Z.A. 1978: Quality of nutrient media according to indices of the cultivation process. Zhurnal Mikrobiologii Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii 11: 70-73
Williams, G.W.; Steinberg, A.D.; Reinertsen, J.L.; Klassen, L.W.; Decker, J.L.; Dolin, R. 1978: Influenza immunization in systemic lupus eruthematosus. A double-blind trial. Annals of Internal Medicine 88(6): 729-734
Krc, I.; Kojecký, Z.; Benýsek, L.; Matousková, I. 1978: Immunological parameters in Crohn's disease. Casopis Lekaru Ceskych 117(24): 733-737
Goriup, U.; Shmerling, D.H. 1978: Dietary therapy of intestinal diseases in childhood. Therapeutische Umschau. Revue Therapeutique 35(8): 673-678
Daletskaia, L.P.; Belen'kaia, L.V. 1978: Seasonal rhythm of different immunoglobulin classes in healthy infants in the 2d year of life. Pediatriia Akusherstvo i Ginekologiia 2: 21-23
Kaufman, H.E. 1978: Citrus eye disease. Journal of the Florida Medical Association 65(3): 207-209
Garibaldi, L.R.; Battistini, E. 1978: Clinical and therapeutic aspects of dermatomyositis in childhood. Minerva Pediatrica 30(22): 1793-1795
Górnicka-Wilczyńska, M. 1978: Opportunistic respiratory tract infections. Pneumonologia Polska 46(5): 375-380
Misgar, M.S.; Chrungoo, R.K.; Ashraf, M. 1978: The problem in the diagnosis of chronic synovitis of knee. Journal of the Indian Medical Association 70(6): 132-135
Wyeth, P.J.; Cullen, G.A. 1978: Susceptibility of chicks to infectious bursal disease (IBD) following vaccination of their parents with live IBD vaccine. Veterinary Record 103(13): 281-282
Ketenjian, A.Y. 1978: Scapulocostal stabilization for scapular winging in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American Volume 60(4): 476-480
Taylor, Y.C.; Rauth, A.M. 1978: Differences in the toxicity and metabolism of the 2-nitroimidazole misonidazole (Ro-07-0582) in Hela and Chinese hamster ovary cells. Cancer Research 38(9): 2745-2752
Kobayashi, Y.; Usui, T. 1978: Infection and phagocytes. Rinsho Byori. Japanese Journal of Clinical Pathology 26(4): 340-344
Choudhary, P.R.; Dave, D.S.; Taluja, R.K.; Jain, K. 1978: A comparative study of health status of children whose parents have undergone family planning operations with those whose parents were not. Indian Pediatrics 15(1): 13-18
Meriggi, F.; Cavallero, M.; Bonini, C.; Scotti Foglieni, C. 1978: Tumoral pathology of the jejunum. Apropos of 5 cases. Minerva Chirurgica 33(19): 1243-1256
DiCioccio, R.A.; Srivastava, B.I. 1978: Inhibition of deoxynucleotide-polymerizing enzyme activities of human cells and of simian sarcoma virus by heparin. Cancer Research 38(8): 2401-2407
Blondel, B.; Bréart, G.; Rumeau-Rouquette, C. 1978: Contraception before pregnancy. Evolution between 1972 and 1975 in the Rhone-Alpes region. Journal de Gynecologie Obstetrique et Biologie de la Reproduction 7(4): 767-778
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Lambić, I.; Obradović, V.; Stojanivić, M.; Matić, B.; Krstić, L. 1978: Echocardiograms and vectorcardiogram in left bundle-branch block with and without pacemakers. Srpski Arhiv Za Celokupno Lekarstvo 106(6): 593-603
Oei, T.O.; Wynn, R.J.; Nordschow, C.D.; Ryder, K.W.; Hoke, S.R. 1978: Screening for congenital hypothyroidism using an insolubilized radio immunoassay technique. Journal of the Indiana State Medical Association 71(7): 689-691
Danilenko, A.M.; Kuznetsov, V.I.; Tuz, M.V. 1978: Acid-base imbalance and its treatment in severe forms of delirium tremens. Vrachebnoe Delo 5: 147-149
Khodkova, E.M.; Zavil'gel'skiĭ, G.B. 1978: Phenomenon of w-reactivation in plasmids. Molekuliarnaia Biologiia 12(1): 116-122
Iumasheva, A.A. 1978: Cerclage with uniform strangulation of the eyeball. Oftalmologicheskii Zhurnal 33(5): 373-374
Przywara, S.; Niepołomska, W.; Adamus, J. 1978: Various prognostic factors in malignant melanoma. Polski Przeglad Chirurgiczny 50(12): 1049-1055
Pouvreau, A.; Besson-Leaud, M.; Karray-Brauner, R.; Lavaud, J.; Cloup, M. 1978: Pharyngo-oesophageal pseudodiverticulae in the newborn. Report of three cases. Annales de Pediatrie 25(8): 407-412
Lim, H.J. 1978: The pros and cons of soft contact lenses. Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde 122(48): 1895-1898
Burenkov, S.P. 1978: Complex program for the further development of public health. Sovetskoe Zdravookhranenie 1978(3): 3-11
Mundt, C. 1978: Psychopathological reflexions on a case of symbiotic psychosis. Structure and dynamic of the personality as two different constituents of endogenous psychoses. Der Nervenarzt 49(4): 235-239
Taylor, D.W.; Siddiqui, W.A. 1978: Comparative mitogen responses of lymphocytes from Colombian Panamanian, and Peruvian owl monkeys. Laboratory Animal Science 28(5): 567-574
Kazumi, T.; Yoshino, G.; Fujii, S.; Baba, S. 1978: Tumorigenic action of streptozotocin on the pancreas and kidney in male Wistar rats. Cancer Research 38(7): 2144-2147
Anonymous 1978: Working groups on gas exchange and regional lung function. Bulletin Europeen de Physiopathologie Respiratoire 14(6): 175p-189p
Bratoliubova, T.N.; Vinogradov, V.F.; Panteleeva, T.S. 1978: Cardiac-pain symptomatology of non-coronary origin. Klinicheskaia Meditsina 56(1): 93-97
Cooperman, M.; Pace, W.G.; Martin, E.W.; Pflug, B.; Keith, L.M.; Evans, W.E.; Carey, L.C. 1978: Determination of viability of ischemic intestine by Doppler ultrasound. Surgery 83(6): 705-710
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Kyle, R.A.; Shampo, M.A.; Forel, A.H. 1978: Auguste-Henri Forel. JAMA 239(26): 2762
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Jirásek, J.E. 1978: Histopathology of the endometrium corporis uteri. Part III. Pathology of the decidua. Ceskoslovenska Gynekologie 43(2): 113-114
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