POPLINE Curated Health Sciences Literature Node 1 Subnode 142
Waller, A.R.; Chasseaud, L.F.; Taylor, T. 1979: High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of dihydralazine in human plasma. Journal of Chromatography 173(1): 202-207
Kheĭfets, L.M. 1979: Study of cytochemical characteristics of the lymphoblasts and neutrophils in the dynamics of lymphoblastic leukemia and their possible prognostic value. Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 51(9): 71-75
Kotrekhov, P.P.; Lebedev, V.A.; Semenov, G.M. 1979: Method of determining the quality of irrigation of the vessels of parenchymatous organs before injection. Arkhiv Anatomii Gistologii i Embriologii 77(11): 113-114
Reynolds, E.S. 1979: Cellular injury: one-dimensional approaches to polydimensional problems. Texas Reports on Biology and Medicine 38: 55-77
Székely, M.; Szolcsányi, J. 1979: Endotoxin fever in capsaicin treated rats. Acta Physiologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 53(4): 469-477
Anonymous 1979: Tracking prescriptions. American Family Physician 20(2): 70
Stojanović, B.; Kljajić; Vuksanović 1979: Resuscitation in polytrauma during transportation. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 26(1 Suppl): 93-94
Gillquist, J.; Larsson, L.; Lundström, B.; Eneström, S.; Kågedal, B. 1979: Calcium infusion in suspected hyperparathyroidism: changes in parathyroid hormone concentration related to histopathological findings. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 145(4): 219-225
Kamyshanskiĭ, O.A.; Kirsanova, N.A.; Shablovskaia, L.M. 1979: Osler-Rendu disease in 4 generations. Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 51(12): 105-106
Ramírez, R. 1979: New contributions to the knowledge of the epidemiology of human hydatidosis in Chile (1969-1978). Boletin Chileno de Parasitologia 34(3-4): 59-62
Guajardo Sáinz, H. 1979: Treatment of homosexuality in a pre-adolescent. Revista Chilena de Pediatria 50(6): 61-63
Combs, A.B.; Hudman, S.L.; Bonner, H.W. 1979: Effect of exercise stress upon the acute toxicity of adriamycin in mice. Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology 23(2): 395-398
Ueda, K.; Toyokawa, M.; Nakamori, H.; Sako, H.; Umesaki, N.; Nakade, J.; Lee, T.; Sugawa, T. 1979: The prognostic value of serum immunosuppressive effect in patients with ovarian cancer. Obstetrics and Gynecology 53(4): 480-483
Sommer, D.; Geyer, G.; Linss, W.; Feuerstein, H.; Stibenz, D. 1979: Negative surplus charge of coated erythrocytes. Anatomischer Anzeiger 145(2): 113-119
Gibson, T.M. 1979: Hyperventilation in aircrew: a review. Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine 50(7): 725-733
Clar, H.E. 1979: Current status of the neurologic-neurosurgical diagnosis. Tierarztliche Praxis 7(2): 241-257
Fuchs, V.; Kotásek, A. 1979: Hematologic changes in cholestatic hepatosis (proceedings). Ceskoslovenska Gynekologie 44(2): 155-156
Strain, P.S.; Shores, R.E. 1979: Additional comments on multiple-baseline designs in instructional research. American Journal of Mental Deficiency 84(3): 229-234
Martin, H.; Martin, C. 1979: Typanosclerosis and labyrinthine trephination. Results. Annales d'Oto-Laryngologie et de Chirurgie Cervico Faciale: Bulletin de la Societe d'Oto-Laryngologie des Hopitaux de Paris 96(4-5): 307-314
Felman, Y.M.; Nikitas, J.A. 1979: Questions physicians ask concerning syphilis serologies. New York State Journal of Medicine 79(13): 2063-2065
Kondal Rao, V. 1979: Detection of aminochrome dimers in urine. Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 16(1): 44-46
Tung, T.C.; Chang, H.C.; Hsu, Y.M.; Lin, J.Y. 1979: Antigenicity of abrus agglutinin-treated Meth-A tumor cells in inbred BALC/C mice. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 78(11): 923-933
Gokhale, S.L.; Moos, J.S. 1979: Giant 'T' wave inversion: a case report. Indian Heart Journal 31(2): 114-116
Edelstein, E.L. 1979: Residency training of psychiatrists: challenges, difficulties, interactions. Israel Annals of Psychiatry and Related Disciplines 17(3): 227-232
Wintzer; Becker, E. 1979: In memoriam Professor E. Becker. Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 92(1): 20
Orlowski, W.J.; Bartkowska-Orlowska, M. 1979: Prospects for surgical treatment of retinal detachment. Klinische Monatsblatter für Augenheilkunde 175(6): 767-772
Kaban, A.P. 1979: Disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome on administering various antigens into the body. Problemy Gematologii i Perelivaniia Krovi 24(5): 42-46
Vyslouzil, Z.; Jirícková, J. 1979: Antibiotics in chronic bronchitis. Vnitrni Lekarstvi 25(12): 1201-1205
Perricone, G.; Luppis, F.; Escalante Moreno, J.C. 1979: Comparative studies of clinical examination, electrical examination, and electromyography (EMG) in 30 patients suffering from lumbar backache (EMG examination of the paravertebral muscles). La Chirurgia Degli Organi di Movimento 65(1): 35-41
Matsuo, H.; Takayanagi, K.; Murao, S. 1979: Intracardiac induction electrocardiogram. Sinoatrial conduction. Nihon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine 37(11): 3592-3599
Young, R.S. 1979: Problems of toxicity of anticancer drugs. Federation Proceedings 38(1): 113-114
Rao, B.R. 1979: Supernumerary toe arising from the medial cuneiform. A case report. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American Volume 61(2): 308
Morozov, I.A. 1979: Obtaining and preservation of homologous tissues for clinical purposes. Vrachebnoe Delo 1: 87-89
Longacre, S.; Mach, B. 1979: Purification of DNA or RNA sequences complementary to mercurated recombinant DNA by sulfhydryl sepharose chromatography. Methods in Enzymology 68: 192-199
Jefferson, E.; Birchenall, P. 1979: A course for potential examiners. Nursing Times 75(44): 1904-1905
Vinarskaia, E.N.; Nikiforov, A.S. 1979: Several methodologic aspects of the problem of aphasia. Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikhiatrii Imeni S.S. Korsakova 79(12): 1678-1684
Bessman, A.N. 1979: Management of the diabetic surgical patient. Comprehensive Therapy 5(4): 57-64
Gupta, P.K.; Dewan, N.; Seth, P.; Kumar, R.; Hamilton, S.; Hingorani, V. 1979: Cytological and virological studies in the chronic lesions of the cervix. Journal of the Indian Medical Association 72(8): 177-179
Witter, R.L.; Offenbecker, L. 1979: Nonprotective and temperature-sensitive variants of Marek's disease vaccine viruses. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 62(1): 143-151
Lach, H.; Krawczyk, S.; Dziubek, K. 1979: Diurnal rhythm of hypophyseal cells in mich. II. Pars intermedia. Acta Biologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 30(1): 89-95
Penttinen, K.; Helle, E.P.; Norrby, E. 1979: Differences in antibody response induced by formaldehyde inactivated and live mumps vaccines. Developments in Biological Standardization 43: 265-268
Horster, M. 1979: Primary culture of mammalian nephron epithelia: requirements for cell outgrowth and proliferation from defined explanted nephron segments. Pflugers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology 382(3): 209-215
Dunnett, N.; Ashton, P.G.; Osselton, M.D. 1979: The use of enzymes as an aid to release drugs from soil following the exhumation of a skeleton. Veterinary and Human Toxicology 21 Suppl: 199-201
Zum Winkel, K. 1979: Primary radiotherapy of breast cancer. Rontgenpraxis; Zeitschrift für Radiologische Technik 32(12): 297-310
Pils, P.; Schmidt, P.; Zazgornik, J.; Graninger, W.; Kopsa, H.; Balcke, P.; Schimatzek, A. 1979: Azlocilline and HR 756 in urosepsis and urinary tract infection with multiresistant pseudomonas and proteus morganii. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 104(2): 66-67
Gutschi, S.; Hermann, W.; Stenzl, W.; Tscheliessnigg, K.H. 1979: Displacement of electrodes in pacemaker patients. Zentralblatt für Chirurgie 104(2): 100-104
Duck, H.J.; Köhler, H.; Günther, K. 1979: Circulatory dynamics after injection of high doses of human hypotensive polypeptide fractions. Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete 34(18): 547-555
Yannitelli, A. 1979: MSMS auxilians working to end auto accident deaths and injuries to children. Michigan Medicine 78(17): 296
Peterman, B.F. 1979: Measurement of the dead time of a fluorescence stopped-flow instrument. Analytical Biochemistry 93(2): 442-444
Levinson, C.J.; Simon, T. 1979: Microsurgery of the fallopian tube. Comprehensive Therapy 5(9): 61-68
Kinugasa, K.; Hosoda, S. 1979: PFD (pancreatic function diagnostant) test (exocrine pancreatic function test with oral loading of BTPABA). Nihon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine Suppl: 2447-2448
Malchow, H. 1979: Follow-up report on Crohn's disease. Der Internist 20(1): 24-29
Agostini, L.; Ciorba, E.; Caputo, N.; Mazzotta, G.; Pelliccioli, G.P.; Piccinin, G.L.; Piccirilli, M.; Rossi, A.; Signorini, E. 1979: Myelopathic patterns of calcification of the posterior longitudinal ligament. Rivista di Patologia Nervosa E Mentale 100(4): 201-208
Raust, J.; Michel, J.R.; Bacques, O.; Affre, J.; Moreau, J.F. 1979: A critical review of the variations in size of the kidney caused by increased diuresis in hypertensive patients. Journal de Radiologie 60(4): 283-286
Bosc, E.; Causse, M.; Navarro, N.; Grolleau, R.; Souchon, H. 1979: Coronary thrombosis during polycythemia. Annales de Cardiologie et d'Angeiologie 28(3): 155-161
Bedi, T.R. 1979: Loss of Pigment in Becker's Melanosis. Indian Journal of Dermatology Venereology and Leprology 45(2): 116-118
Anonymous 1979: Eternal vigilance is the price. Medical Journal of Malaysia 34(1): 1-2
Pousti, A.; Khoyi, M.A. 1979: Effect of amiloride on isolated guinea-pig atrium. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie 242(2): 222-229
Menanteau, B.; Palot, J.P.; Ducreux, A. 1979: Abdominal radiology in the operating room. Critical analysis of results obtained from homogeneous series of 280 cases. Medecine and Chirurgie Digestives 8(7): 601-602
Testa, G.; Brunoro, N.; Giaretta, D. 1979: Hematic radio-immunologic monitoring of clonazepam: clinical-pharmacological evaluations in a group of epileptic patients. Rivista di Neurologia 49(3): 259-267
Passatore, M.; Bortolami, R.; Lucchi, M.L.; Filippi, G.M.; Manni, E. 1979: Corticofugal influences of the cerebral masticatory area on the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus of the rabbit. Archives Italiennes de Biologie 117(4): 340-360
Eufe, R.; Wegener, G. 1979: Double-blind comparison of 2 depot neuroleptics (perphenazine enanthate and flupentixol decanoate) in chronic schizophrenia. Der Nervenarzt 50(8): 534-539
Borzecki, Z.; Rejowska, J.; Jarzebowski, E.; Swies, Z. 1979: The influence of oxazepam and diazepam on the sexual behaviour and level of GABA biogenic amines in a male rat's brain. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Sectio D: Medicina 34: 371-376
Kuleva, V.; Tsalev, D. 1979: Serum zinc dynamics in chronic renal insufficiency treated with periodic hemodialysis. Vutreshni Bolesti 18(6): 71-74
Andreeva, P.V.; Tolstykh, A.S. 1979: Labor outcomes in pelvic presentations. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiia 1979(6): 14-15
Vuillemin, N.; Leluan, G.; Bory, J. 1979: Degradation of oleic acid by microorganisms. Annales Pharmaceutiques Francaises 37(5-6): 181-184
Zalewski, T.; Radzikowski, A.; Pulwarska, E.; Gutkowska, J.; Chmielewska, D.; Kłos, J.; Głab-Kirsch, M. 1979: Acute syndrome of intestinal absorption disorders associated with Lamblia-giardia intestinalis invasion. Pediatria Polska 54(9): 1013-1016
Ostergaard, P.A. 1979: Serum immunoglobulin levels and the frequency of previous hospital admissions of children with bronchial asthma. Danish Medical Bulletin 26(6): 294-297
Okoev, G.G.; Kirakosian, S.A.; Kagramanian, R.G. 1979: Comparative evaluation of the course of labor after use of prostaglandin F2-alpha and oxytocin. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiia 1: 17-18
Krizhanovskiĭ, V.I.; Figurnov, V.A.; Pirogov, A.B. 1979: Late outcomes of the severe form of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in children. Voprosy Okhrany Materinstva i Detstva 24(3): 72
Nikov, S.; Mikhaĭlov, G. 1979: Clinical and experimental studies of chronic Herbazin-50 poisoning in sheep. Veterinarno-Meditsinski Nauki 16(2): 19-23
Pietruski, J.; Chodynicki, S. 1979: Case of facial paralysis in the course of chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma, treated by nerve transplant. Otolaryngologia Polska 33(5): 547-550
Borland, E.D. 1979: An incident of suspected furazolidone toxicity in pigs. Veterinary Record 105(8): 169
Fielek, S.; Mohrenweiser, H.W. 1979: Erythrocyte enzyme deficiencies assessed with a miniature centrifugal analyzer. Clinical Chemistry 25(3): 384-388
Reach, G.; Poussier, P.; Bailey, D.; Assan, R. 1979: Acute experimental hypothermia and glycoregulation in the rat. Journees Annuelles de Diabetologie de l'Hotel-Dieu 1979: 175-182
Seeger, R.C.; Zeltzer, P.M.; Rayner, S.A. 1979: Onco-neural antigen: a new neural differentiation antigen expressed by neuroblastoma, oat cell carcinoma, Wilms' tumor, and sarcoma cells. Journal of Immunology 122(4): 1548-1555
Baker, M.D. 1979: South african society of occupational health. South African Medical Journal 56(20): 786
Battistini, V.G. 1979: Althesin-diallyl-nortoxoferine combination in eye surgery. Minerva Anestesiologica 45(6): 401-404
Koroleev, M.F.; Vasil'ev, V.A. 1979: Diagnosis and treatment of neuroectodermal extraorgan neck neoplasms. Voenno-Meditsinskii Zhurnal 5: 36-38
Fabiani, J.N.; Mercier, J.N.; Ribierre, M. 1979: Therapeutic embolization of a congenital vertebral arteriovenous fistula. Archives Francaises de Pediatrie 36(1): 34-39
Dvorák, O.; Chmelík, V.; Slavík, V.; Vebersík, V. 1979: Results obtained by the treatment of cancer of the uterine neck in the years 1967-1972. Ceskoslovenska Gynekologie 44(6): 417-421
Boni, P. 1979: Oral leukoplakia: histopathology and treatment. Dental Cadmos 47(9): 21-26
Dimitrov, A.; Atanasov, B.; Mitev, L. 1979: Plasma volume in late pregnancy toxicoses. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiia 18(5): 319-321
Shugar, J.L. 1979: Infected joints in children. Canadian Journal of Surgery. Journal Canadien de Chirurgie 22(4): 299
Ison, C.A.; Glynn, A.A. 1979: Classes of antibodies in acute gonorrhoea. Lancet 1(8127): 1165-1168
Müller, R. 1979: Methods of physical therapy for chronic venous disorders. Zeitschrift für Hautkrankheiten 54(6): 257-261
Currie, J.E. 1979: Whole gut irrigation: an assessment of this technique for geriatric patients. Nursing Times 75(37): 1570-1571
Woodruff, A.W.; Ansdell, V.E.; Pettitt, L.E. 1979: Cause of anaemia in malaria. Lancet 1(8125): 1055-1057
Sklar, C. 1979: Hands that care: are they safe? you and the law. Canadian Nurse 75(9): 10-11
Dyshinevich, N.E. 1979: Hygienic regulation of trimethylbenzenes in polymeric construction materials. Gigiena i Sanitariia 5: 15-18
Unsöld, R.; Hoyt, W.F.; Newton, T.H. 1979: Ct-criteria of orbital hemangiomas and their importance in differential diagnosis of intraconal tumors. Klinische Monatsblatter für Augenheilkunde 175(6): 773-785
Bravkov, M.F.; Tsyrlin, V.A. 1979: Analysis of hemodynamic reactions induced by stimulation of the hypothalamus in alert animals. Biulleten' Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny 88(9): 281-283
Vasiutkov, V.Ia.; Evstifeev, L.K. 1979: Surgical treatment of combined injury to the major arteries and veins. Khirurgiia 9: 50-52
Kuramoto, T.; Oshita, S.; Takeshita, H.; Ishikawa, T. 1979: Modification of the relationship between cerebral metabolism, blood flow, and electroencephalogram by stimulation during anesthesia in the dog. Anesthesiology 51(3): 211-217
Schneider, R.; Herrington, J.L.; Granda, A.M. 1979: Marlex mesh in repair of a diaphragmatic defect later eroding into the distal esophagus and stomach. American Surgeon 45(5): 337-339
Roenspies, U.; Gloor, E.; Saegesser, F.; Wipf, R.; Savary, M. 1979: Granular cell myoblastoma of the bronchus: report of three cases, one of which was multicentric. Schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin Praxis 68(3): 77-84
Tamai, A.; Tanaka, K.; Fujinaga, Y. 1979: Effects of cocarboxylase on the ERG of the isolated rabbit retina. Nippon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi 83(5): 439-446
Pearce, J.L.; Mackintosh, H.T. 1979: Prospective study of convulsions in childhood. New Zealand Medical Journal 89(627): 1-3
Morganroth, J.; Michelson, E. 1979: The contributions of ambulatory ECG. Geriatrics 34(12): 60-68
Szaro, A. 1979: In memoriam: Dr. Alfred Szaro (11 July 1911--30 June 1978). Pneumonologia Polska 47(1): 1-2
Preussmann, R.; Habs, M.; Pool, B.L. 1979: Carcinogenicity and mutagenicity testing of three isomeric N-nitroso-N-methylaminopyridines in rats. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 62(1): 153-156
Posinković, B. 1979: Appearance of subacute localized osteomyelitis (Brodie's abscess) in a soldier. Vojnosanitetski Pregled 36(3): 223-225
Wegiel 1979: Morphokinetics of endocrine system in the rat. Orthology and pathology during ontogenesis. Endokrynologia Polska 30(2): 197-207
Hromadová, M.; Macho, L.; Strbák, V.; Vigas, M.; Mikulaj, L. 1979: In vitro gamma irradiation of some purified polypeptide hormones and their biological and radioimmunological activity. Endocrinologia Experimentalis 13(2): 115-122
Kahn, A. 1979: Unexpected and unexplained infant death. Epidemiologic and comparative study of Belgian and immigrant populations. Archives Francaises de Pediatrie 36(7): 712-723
Andronova, N.I. 1979: Use of a computer for the purpose of identifying bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae and the determination of the minimal set of differential tests. Zhurnal Mikrobiologii Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii 7: 84-88
Zerbin-Rüdin, E. 1979: Genetics of endogenous psychoses. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie 125(2): 287-299
Klaiber, B. 1979: The formation of abrasion surfaces. Zwr 88(13): 593-596
Huep, W.W.; Hesselmann, J. 1979: Severe, acute erosive-hemorrhagic gastroduodenitis following spraying of the herbicide Banvel M. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 104(14): 525
Nordbø, K. 1979: Plasma concentration determination of antidepressive agents. Tidsskrift for den Norske Laegeforening: Tidsskrift for Praktisk Medicin Ny Raekke 99(1): 33-34
Hofmann, A.F.; Hofmann, A.F. 1979: Presentation of the Beaumont Prize to Alan Hofmann. Acceptance speech. Gastroenterology 77(5): 955-966
Palmer, A.; Munro, L. 1979: The principles of tomographic positioning with particular reference to skull tomography. Radiography 45(531): 51-60
Fenner, O. 1979: The patient between the physician's diagnosis and automated laboratory diagnosis. Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 121(46): 1517-1518
Dammann, H.G.; Runge, M.; Schmoller, T. 1979: Perforation of sinus of valsalva aneurysms (case report and review of the literature). Medizinische Klinik 74(6): 209-214
Ariyoshi, Y.; Suchi, T. 1979: A problem of radioimmunoassay of plasma cortisol. Rinsho Byori. Japanese Journal of Clinical Pathology 27(8): 682-683
Tatematsu, M.; Murasaki, G.; Nakanishi, K.; Miyata, Y.; Shinohara, Y.; Ito, N. 1979: Sequential quantitative studies on hyperplastic nodules in the liver of rats treated with carcinogenic chemicals. Gan 70(1): 125-130
Grille, W.; Johnsen, K.; Kolenda, K.D. 1979: Conditions for the occurrence of drug interactions during biotransformation. Medizinische Klinik 74(3): 55-67
Gerull, G.; Giesen, M.; Mrowinski, D. 1979: Objective diagnosis of recruitment by brainstem audiometry. Hno 27(12): 421-425
Peck, M.; Krill-Smith, S.; Crowley, T.J. 1979: Neonatal narcotic withdrawal diagnosis and treatment. Rocky Mountain Medical Journal 76(1): 28-30
Gerard, K. 1979: The stigma of mental disorders--a hypothetical cause of academic failure. Psychiatria Polska 13(1): 15-22
Jade, V.H.; Abhyankar, H.N. 1979: Human seminal amylase. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 17(4): 417
Leary, P.M.; Arens, L.; Marshall, S.; Schadle, S. 1979: Clinical experience with methylphenidate. South African Medical Journal 55(10): 374-376
Chen, T.F. 1979: Self concept and the teaching of clinical nursing. Hu Li Za Zhi Journal of Nursing 26(3): 1-5
Ansell, P. 1979: Delay in the diagnosis of cerebral palsy: an account of my daughter's first year. Health Visitor 52(7): 269-271
Villa, R. 1979: Clinical considerations and comparative statistical findings on perinatal mortality in 2 quadrenniums. Minerva Pediatrica 31(8): 633-639
Dahl, R.; Henriksen, J.M. 1979: Inhibition of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction by nebulised sodium cromoglycate in patients with bronchial asthma. Scandinavian Journal of Respiratory Diseases 60(2): 51-55
Dembo, D.H. 1979: Health cost control. Maryland experience: provider's incubus. New York State Journal of Medicine 79(12): 1859-1863
Mauer, S.M.; Steffes, M.W.; Chern, M.; Brown, D.M. 1979: Mesangial uptake and processing of macromolecules in rats with diabetes mellitus. Laboratory Investigation; a Journal of Technical Methods and Pathology 41(5): 401-406
Hoffman, D.B.; Lehman, J.S.; Scott, V.C.; Warren, K.S.; Webbe, G. 1979: Control of schistosomiasis: report of a workshop. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 28(2): 249-259
Meleshenko, M.M. 1979: Prevention of vibration disease. Fel'dsher i Akusherka 44(7): 37-39
Migita, S. 1979: Immunological determination of plasma protein fractions. Nihon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine Suppl: 1727-1730
Strelis, A.K.; Kuz'michev, M.A.; Mulik, L.I.; Rebrov, A.I. 1979: Role of bronchial lesions in the outcome of resesction surgery in pulmonary tuberculosis. Grudnaia Khirurgiia 4: 49-52
Burke, J.B. 1979: The nursing explosion-technology, knowledge, and practice: its implications for leadership in aerospace nursing. Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine 50(4): 405-408
Applebaum, E.L. 1979: Laryngeal and tracheal problems in patients with central nervous system and spinal disorders. Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America 12(4): 829-835
Stuber, A.; Mészáros, K. 1979: Population survey from cord blood II. Cholesterol and total lipid content of cord blood. Orvosi Hetilap 120(36): 2165-2169
Van Dijk, J.G.; Frolich, M.; Brand, E.C.; van Hall, E.V. 1979: Treatment of unexplained infertility with danazol. Postgraduate Medical Journal 55(Suppl 5): 79-80
Tkachuk, A.M.; Kokunin, V.A. 1979: Dynamics of orotic acid metabolism in chick tissues. Ukrainskii Biokhimicheskii Zhurnal 51(1): 66-72
Böttiger, M. 1979: Vaccination against rubella. Lakartidningen 76(41): 3516-3518
Makotchenko, V.M.; Malinina-Putsenko, V.P.; Kleĭner, A.I. 1979: Functional state of the adrenal cortex in chronic dust bronchitis. Gigiena Truda i Professional'nye Zabolevaniya (3): 22-25
Fox, J.G.; Shalev, M.; Beaucage, C.M.; Smith, M. 1979: Congenital entropion in a litter of rabbits. Laboratory Animal Science 29(4): 509-511
Egli, K.L. 1979: Screening test for amygdalin in tablets, solutions, powders, and seeds. Journal - Association of Official Analytical Chemists 62(2): 308-309
Zubairov, D.M.; Popova, L.G.; Krinskaia, A.V.; Egorova, T.P.; Fedorova, N.V. 1979: Mechanism of the effect of immobilized noradrenaline on the contact phase of blood coagulation. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii 25(5): 544-548
Robinson, W.A.; Drebing, C.; Mahmood, T.; Entringer, M.; Redecker, S. 1979: Recovery of CFU-C after freezing of normal and leukemic human bone marrow. Experimental Hematology 7 Suppl. 5: 27-37
Henle, K.J.; Bitner, A.F.; Dethlefsen, L.A. 1979: Induction of thermotolerance by multiple heat fractions in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Cancer Research 39(7 Part 1): 2486-2491
van Loghem, J.J. 1979: Recommendations concerning anti-HBs in transfusion blood and application of anti-hepatitis B immunoglobulin concentrations in the prevention of hepatitis B. Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde 123(43): 1874-1875
Baryshnikova, L.M.; Loginova, N.V. 1979: Carboxylation enzymes of coryneform bacteria. Mikrobiologiia 48(6): 965-968
Bluma, Z.; Lyczak, P.; Bronowicki, E. 1979: Rare care of Ramsay Hunt syndrome associated with herpes zoster of the glossopharyngeal nerve. Neurologia i Neurochirurgia Polska 13(4): 439-442
Keda, B.I. 1979: Parameters of the relative mobility and of the separation of mixtures of substances on thin-layer plates. Laboratornoe Delo 4: 222-226
Kaptelin, A.F. 1979: Complex restorative treatment of adult scoliosis patients with accompanying pain syndrome. Ortopediia Travmatologiia i Protezirovanie 8: 53-56
Petit, P.; Van Den Berghe, H. 1979: The 5q- and additional chromosome anomalies in two patients with acute myeloid leukemia. Annales de Genetique 22(2): 103-105
Moler, T.L.; Donahue, S.E.; Anderson, G.B. 1979: A simple technique for nonsurgical embryo transfer in mice. Laboratory Animal Science 29(3): 353-356
Pollitzer, M.J.; Reynolds, E.O.; Morgan, A.K.; Soutter, L.P.; Parker, D.; Delpy, D.T.; Whitehead, M.D. 1979: Continuous comparison of in vitro and in vivo calibrated transcutaneous oxygen tension with arterial oxygen tension in infants. Birth Defects Original Article Series 15(4): 295-304
Alymkulov, D.A.; Bykhovskiĭ, V.M. 1979: Effectiveness of the overall treatment of cardiovascular disease patients in the central highlands region of Issyk-Kul. Voprosy Kurortologii Fizioterapii i Lechebnoi Fizicheskoi Kultury 3: 5-11
So, C.S. 1979: Arrhythmias. Diagnosis and therapy. WPW (Wolff-Parkinson-White)-syndrome Vi. Medizinische Klinik 74(7): Preceding 229
Anonymous 1979: Trazodone: an Italian drug recently registered in the USSR. Minerva Medica 70(8): 624-625
Sørensen, P.S.; Pedersen, K.K.; Ankerhus, J.; Danielsen, U.T. 1979: Neurosyphilis--still a differential diagnostic possibility. Ugeskrift for Laeger 141(10): 655-659
Christ, R. 1979: Problems on cortison therapy of obstructive pulmonary diseases. Zeitschrift für Erkrankungen der Atmungsorgane 152(3): 263-270
Korzhova, V.V.; Kulakov, V.I. 1979: Hemodynamics in the lower limbs of healthy women and women with chronic venous insufficiency. Human Physiology 5(5): 822-829
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