Problems in the admission to in-hospital oral surgical care from the patient's viewpoint--results of patient interviews in the hospital for dental and maxillo-facial surgery of the Karl Marx University, Leipzig

Erpenbeck, F.; Birnbaum, K.; Langanke, B.; Niemand, B.; Thomzyk, I.

Stomatologie der DDR 29(6): 450-459


ISSN/ISBN: 0302-4725
PMID: 291192
Document Number: 141175
The author deals with the results from the interviewing of oral surgery patients on their problems concerning the sending and the admission to the hospital, with special attention to the problems of waiting for admission, the familiarization with the clinical environment and the improvement suggestions of the patients. The conclusions concern tasks arising from the medical and dental care for inpatients as well as for outpatients.

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