Node 1

POPLINE Curated Health Sciences Literature Node 1 Subnode 475


Russo, M.W.; Johnson, M.W.; Fair, J.H.; Brown, R.S. 1997: Orthotopic liver transplantation for giant hepatic hemangioma. American Journal of Gastroenterology 92(10): 1940-1941
Mehta, S.N.; Pavone, E.; Barkun, J.S.; Cortas, G.A.; Barkun, A.N. 1997: A review of the management of post-cholecystectomy biliary leaks during the laparoscopic era. American Journal of Gastroenterology 92(8): 1262-1267
Perelman, V.M.; Buĭlov, V.M. 1997: Symptom of asymmetric bladder filling defect in the presence of ureteral prevesical calculus. Vestnik Rentgenologii i Radiologii 3: 48-50
Randall, T.; Baxter, R. 1997: Anterior instability of the knee. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 340: 285-286
Anderson, R.C.; Anderson, R.C. 1997: Some reflections on the teaching of parasitology. Journal of Parasitology 83(6): 982-984
Cheng, T.O. 1997: Sudden death in acute pulmonary embolism. Journal of Cardiology 30(3): 163
Vermes, I.; Haanen, C.; Fox, C.; Reutelingsperger, C. 1997: Cancer risk in users of calcium channel blockers. Hypertension 30(6): 1641-1642
Weitberg, A.B.; Corvese, D. 1997: Effect of vitamin E and beta-carotene on DNA strand breakage induced by tobacco-specific nitrosamines and stimulated human phagocytes. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research: Cr 16(1): 11-14
Gruzina, T.G.; Balakina, M.N.; Karamushka, V.I.; Stepura, L.G.; Ul'berg, Z.R. 1997: Transmembrane potential and ATP-ase activity of the plasma membrane of bacteria exposed to heavy metals. Ukrainskii Biokhimicheskii Zhurnal 69(1): 54-59
Arnaud, J.P.; Cervi, C.; Tuech, J.J. 1997: The role of pancreatojejunostomy in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis. Journal de Chirurgie 134(7-8): 286-290
Luyckx, F.; Scheen, A.J.; Gielen, J.; Lefèbvre, P.J. 1997: How i investigate...the insulin resistance syndrome using biological markers. Revue Medicale de Liege 52(10): 686-691
Karabiyik, N.; Oğuz, F.; Sidal, M.; Hekim, N.; Kayserili, H. 1997: A case of brachyolmia. Turkish Journal of Pediatrics 39(3): 415-420
Leonidov, N.B.; Galenko-Iaroshevskiĭ, P.A.; Fitilev, S.B.; Kniazhev, V.A.; Gatsura, V.V. 1997: Effect of KLN-93 on ventricular fibrillation induced by reperfusion or electrical stimulation in cats. Biulleten' Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny 124(8): 135-137
Staudenmaier, R.; Wilhelm, K. 1997: Results of surgical management of lunate malacia. A retrospective clinical study. Handchirurgie Mikrochirurgie Plastische Chirurgie: Organ der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Handchirurgie: Organ der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mikrochirurgie der Peripheren Nerven und Gefasse: Organ der V. 29(2): 88-95
Ewig, S. 1997: Complicated community-acquired pneumonias do not need invasive bronchoscopic pathogen diagnosis in routine management. Pneumologie 51(2): 90-92
Wang, G.H. 1997: Study on teaching reform in internal medicine nursing. Zhonghua Hu Li Za Zhi 32(3): 157-159
Hussell, T.; Khan, U.; Openshaw, P. 1997: IL-12 treatment attenuates T helper cell type 2 and B cell responses but does not improve vaccine-enhanced lung illness. Journal of Immunology 159(1): 328-334
Wykes, R. 1997: The nutritional and nursing benefits of social mealtimes. Nursing Times 93(4): 32-34
Suzuki, S.; Gejyo, F.; Arakawa, M. 1997: Pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy: role of outer membranes of Haemophilus parainfluenzae antigens. Nihon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine 55(6): 1580-1587
Volkmann, A.; Zal, T.; Stockinger, B. 1997: Antigen-presenting cells in the thymus that can negatively select MHC class II-restricted T cells recognizing a circulating self antigen. Journal of Immunology 158(2): 693-706
Wiedmann, M.; Arvik, T.; Bruce, J.L.; Neubauer, J.; del Piero, F.; Smith, M.C.; Hurley, J.; Mohammed, H.O.; Batt, C.A. 1997: Investigation of a listeriosis epizootic in sheep in New York state. American Journal of Veterinary Research 58(7): 733-737
Giniatullin, R.A.; Magazanik, L.G. 1997: Desensitisation of postsynaptic membrane in the neuro-muscular junction due to an increase in spontaneous quantal release of a mediator. Rossiiskii Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal Imeni I.M. Sechenova 83(3): 67-72
Meshcheriakov, A.V.; Sandrikov, V.A.; Iavorovskiĭ, A.G.; Flerov, E.V.; Iumatov, A.E.; Kovalevskaia, O.A. 1997: Choice of drugs in the treatment of intraoperative right ventricular dysfunction in heart surgery patients. Anesteziologiia i Reanimatologiia 5: 19-23
Xie, T.; Wu, M.; Shen, F. 1997: Study on the synthesis and secretion rate of transferrin in hepatoma and peritumor hepatocytes. Zhonghua Zhong Liu Za Zhi 19(1): 14-17
Semenowicz, J.; Tomaszewski, R.; Widuchowski, J.; Mielnik, M.; Koczy, B. 1997: Closed intramedullary stabilization of femoral shaft fractures with Eder's nails. Chirurgia Narzadow Ruchu i Ortopedia Polska 62(6): 511-516
Guo, R.Q.; Zhang, W.N. 1997: Nursing care of complications after hydrocephalus shunts. Zhonghua Hu Li Za Zhi 32(12): 694-696
Gottardi, W. 1997: Can the DGHM test for the surgical hand disinfection be used to detect residual effects?. Zentralblatt für Hygiene und Umweltmedizin 200(2-3): 216-222
Jonsson, A.; Elmi, A. 1997: Strange statistics by the collaboration committee. Lakartidningen 94(39): 3376 3379
Imperadore, F.; Moschini, E.; Volta, G.; Disertori, M. 1997: Congenital arterio-venous coronary fistula associated with patent ductus arteriousus: description of a clinical case and review of the literature. Cardiologia 42(5): 525-528
Bisson, J.I. 1997: Post-traumatic stress counselling. British Journal of Hospital Medicine 57(3): 112
Jalbert, Y. 1997: Of mice and men: social impact of an emerging illness. Canadian Journal of Public Health 88(2): 134-136
Arranz, E.; Robledo, M.; Martínez, B.; Prieto, E.; Román, A.; Benítez, J. 1997: Detection of t(15;17) using cytogenetic, fluorescent in situ hybridization, and molecular techniques. Comparative study of 11 patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia. Sangre 42(1): 11-15
John, T.J. 1997: DPT-OPV immunization and sudden infant death syndrome. Indian Pediatrics 34(11): 1045-1046
Vázquez Calzada, J.L. 1997: Out of the wedlock childbearing in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal 16(3): 271-274
Miagkova, M.A.; Trubacheva, Z.N.; Panchenko, O.I. 1997: Immunoenzyme assay for detection of natural antibodies against catecholamines. Klinicheskaia Laboratornaia Diagnostika 3: 8-10
Kumon, Y.; Loose, L.D.; Birbara, C.A.; Sipe, J.D. 1997: Rheumatoid arthritis exhibits reduced acute phase and enhanced constitutive serum amyloid A protein in synovial fluid relative to serum. A comparison with C-reactive protein. Journal of Rheumatology 24(1): 14-19
Pallarito, K. 1997: Most doc practices eschew outsourcing for billing, collections. Modern Healthcare 27(50): 44
Shigeru, K.; Yumiko, T.; Hiroko, T.; Shigehiko, M.; Haruki, K.; Motoharu, K. 1997: Multiple antibiotic-resistant lactic acid bacteria preparation eliminated MRSA from the decubitus of a bed-ridden elderly patient. Chinese Medical Journal 110(2): 157-159
Bogdanova, E.V. 1997: Impact of family contact on development of tuberculosis in infants and preschool children. Problemy Tuberkuleza 4: 9-11
Schwarzhaupt, A.; Schulz, S.; Bauernschmitt, R.; Kiencke, U. 1997: Simulation of human circulation at cardiopulmonary bypass. Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation 34: 275-280
Saraswat, B.; Visen, P.K.; Patnaik, G.K.; Dhawan, B.N. 1997: Protective effect of picroliv, active constituent of Picrorhiza kurrooa, against oxytetracycline induced hepatic damage. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 35(12): 1302-1305
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Fabré Ortiz, D.E.; Cabrera Pérez, J.F.; Armas Pérez, L.; González Ochoa, E. 1997: Asthma mortality in Cuba during 1972-1993. Allergologia et immunopathologia 25(6): 289-292
Delfino, M.; Baratta, L.; Ferrannini, M.; Urani, C.; Laganà, B.; Chirletti, P.; Stipa, V. 1997: Primary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the intestine associated with asymptomatic celiac disease in adults. Recenti Progressi in Medicina 88(4): 173-175
Sudoh, S.; Kohriyama, T.; Tohji, H.; Nakamura, S. 1997: A case of optic-spinal form of multiple sclerosis with lobar type large cerebral hemorrhage. Rinsho Shinkeigaku 37(7): 626-630
Nieminen, P.; Paavonen, J. 1997: Diagnosis of vaginitis. Duodecim; Laaketieteellinen Aikakauskirja 113(3): 241-246
Besnier, D.P.; Chabannes, D.; Mahé, B.; Mussini, J.M.; Baranger, T.A.; Muller, J.Y.; Milpied, N.; Esnault, V.L. 1997: Treatment of graft-versus-host disease by extracorporeal photochemotherapy: a pilot study. Transplantation 64(1): 49-54
Lesprit, P.; Decazes, J.M. 1997: Pneumococcal infections in patients with HIV infections. Presse Medicale 26(5): 243-247
Zunić, G. 1997: Metabolism of amino acids in skeletal muscle in response to injury. Vojnosanitetski Pregled 54(6 Suppl): 113-128
Shchepotin, I.B.; McRae, D.A.; Shabahang, M.; Buras, R.R.; Evans, S.R. 1997: Hyperthermia and verapamil inhibit the growth of human colon cancer xenografts in vivo through apoptosis. Anticancer Research 17(3c): 2213-2216
Louredo Méndez, A.; Acedo De la Rosa, F.; OFFibas De Paz, V.; Sanz Ortega, E.; Bernardo Quirós, L.; Goyanes Martínez, A. 1997: Anisakidosis of the colon as a cause of acute abdomen. Revista Espanola de Enfermedades Digestivas: Organo Oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Patologia Digestiva 89(5): 403-406
Bartùli, C.; Botrè, C.; Botrè, F.; Pecci, G. 1997: Atmospheric pollution originating from the interaction of different gaseous effluents. Journal of Environmental Pathology Toxicology and Oncology: Official Organ of the International Society for Environmental Toxicology and Cancer 16(2-3): 245-252
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Dyer, C. 1997: People who cause accidents should pay for victims' care. Bmj 314(7073): 10
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Yatsunami, R.; Kawakami, T.; Ohtani, H.; Nakamura, S. 1997: Primary structure of the novel bacterial rhodopsin from extremely halophilic archaeon Haloarcula japonica strain TR-1. Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 37: 111-112
Buchser, E.; Chédel, D.; Depierraz, B.; Gilliard, N. 1997: Pain treatment: current status and perspectives. Revue Medicale de la Suisse Romande 117(3): 175-184
De Serdio, J.L.; Villar, A.; Alvarez, I.E.; Gil-Cubelo, J.A.; Suñer, M.; Hernández, R.; López-Aguado, D. 1997: The effects of thymostimulin in a protocol of concurrent hyperfractionated carboplatin and irradiation. Acta Otorrinolaringologica Espanola 48(6): 487-492
Hirano, H.; Miyamoto, Y.; Tsubota, N.; Kado, T.; Takada, Y. 1997: Two patients with mediastinal parathyroid cysts. Nihon Kyobu Shikkan Gakkai Zasshi 35(1): 82-88
Schreiber, G.; Hipler, C.; Görnig, M. 1997: "Inflammations of the male adnexa--disorders in fertility?" Report of the IV. Colloquium Andrologicum 15 February 1997 in Jena. Der Hautarzt; Zeitschrift für Dermatologie Venerologie und verwandte Gebiete 48(7): 507-509
Collet, A.M.; Piloni, M.J.; Keszler, A. 1997: Scientific presentations and publications on odontological research in Argentina. Acta Odontologica Latinoamericana: Aol 10(1): 63-69
Dugal, B. 1997: Unexpected uptake of Tc99m DTPA by myocard in renography. Clinical Nephrology 47(4): 278-279
Devauchelle, V.; Saraux, A.; Youinou, P.; Le Goff, P. 1997: Prevalence of synovitis in patients with polymyalgia rheumatica and/or giant cell arteritis. Revue du Rhumatisme 64(10): 594-595
Sørensen, P.S. 1997: Disseminated sclerosis. new knowledge about etiology, physiopathology and treatment. Ugeskrift for Laeger 159(10): 1409-1412
Mukaiyama, T. 1997: Cancer palliative medicine turning point in palliative oncology. Gan to Kagaku Ryoho. Cancer and ChemoTherapy 24(7): 776-784
Gupta, V.D.; Maswoswe, J. 1997: Stability of bethanechol chloride in oral liquid dosage forms. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding 1(4): 278-279
Albu, S.; Babighian, G. 1997: Predictive factors in cochlear implants. Acta Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica Belgica 51(1): 11-16
Pach, J.; Gawlikowski, T.; Motyka, E.; Szkolnicka, B.; Hydzik, P. 1997: Acute poisoning with psychoactive substances among adult abusers of the Krakow population. Przeglad Lekarski 54(6): 392-398
Stelz, A. 1997: Microbiological condition of bottled natural mineral waters, drinking water, as well as water from mineral springs. Gesundheitswesen 59(11): 649-655
Ribeiro 1997: C-Reactive Protein: Re-evaluation of a Diagnostic Laboratory Test. Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases: An Official Publication of the Brazilian Society of Infectious Diseases 1(5): 212-225
Jain, P.K.; Banerjee, P.K.; Baboo, N.S.; Iyer, E.M. 1997: Physiological properties of rat hind limb muscles after 15 days of simulated weightless environment. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 41(1): 23-28
Yokokoji, K.; Otsuka, Y.; Okabe, T.; Kanmatsuse, K. 1997: The role of nitric oxide in two-kidney, one-clip renovascular hypertensive rats. Nihon Jinzo Gakkai Shi 39(4): 395-399
Kanaev, S.V.; Novikov, S.N.; ZhukovaLA 1997: Clinical experience of bone marrow scintigraphy in cancer patients. Voprosy Onkologii 43(3): 275-283
Roggi, C.; Merlo, E.; Minoia, C. 1997: Dietary lead exposure. Annali di Igiene: Medicina Preventiva e di Comunita 9(1): 59-65
Bianchi, G.P.; Grossi, G.; Bargossi, A.M. 1997: May peripheral and central fatigue be correlated? Can we monitor them by means of clinical laboratory tools?. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 37(3): 194-199
Suarez Ortega, S.; Conde Martel, A.; Vargas García, R.; López y Juan, L.; Pérez Correa, S.; Saade, M.E. 1997: Cardiopathy and human immunodeficiency virus infection: report of 2 cases. Anales de Medicina Interna 14(7): 357-359
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Bogusławska, R.; Mroczkowski, E.; Wielgosz, R. 1997: Influence of the anatomical structure of the uncinate process on bone patency of the maxillary sinus: a radiological and clinical evaluation. Otolaryngologia Polska 51(2): 150-156
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Moreno Sierra, J.; Maestro de las Casas, M.L.; Chicharro Almarza, J.; Ortega Heredia, M.D.; López García-Asenjo, J.; Merino Sánchez, C.; Blanco Jiménez, E.; Silmi Moyano, A.; Rsesel Estévez, L. 1997: The molecular biology of bladder carcinoma. Archivos Espanoles de Urologia 50(8): 855-866
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