Use of trans-tube treatment program in patients with acute intestinal obstruction and peritonitis
Andriushchenko, V.P.; Fedorenko, S.T.
Klinichna Khirurhiia 1997(9-10): 18-20
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-2130 PMID: 9511315 Document Number: 474834
In 92 patients with enteral insufficiency syndrome, an acute ileus (AI) and diffuse peritonitis (DP) the prolonged small intestine decompression, the small intestine lavage with solution analogous to the chyme by electrolyte composition, medicinal decontamination, enterosorption and intraluminal electrophoresis of medicinal preparations was conducted. The pH magnitude and the degree of microbial contamination were determined; the toxicity in the probe contents according to paramecium test coefficient value was estimated. The advantage of transtube treatment over passive decompression of small bowel was proved, the hospitalization period reduced in AI on average by 7.5 days, for DP--by 11 days, mortality--by 13.2% and 22.5% accordingly.