POPLINE Curated Health Sciences Literature Node 1 Subnode 539
Liu, Y.; Liu, Z.; Feng, X.; Pan, Y.; Chen, W. 2001: The isolation and identification of pathogenic bacteria from rampant caries in children. Hua Xi Kou Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi 19(4): 219-221
Li, L.J.; Elenitsas, R.; Bondi, E. 2001: Off-center fold: noninflammatory, fluctuant swelling of the ear. Pseudocyst of auricle. Archives of Dermatology 137(5): 657-662
Kriegel, W.; Korff, K.J.; Ehrlich, J.C.; Lehnhardt, K.; Macciocchi, A.; Moresino, C.; Pawlowski, C. 2001: Double-blind study comparing the long-term efficacy of the COX-2 inhibitor nimesulide and naproxen in patients with osteoarthritis. International Journal of Clinical Practice 55(8): 510-514
Wamai, R.G.; Morris, B.J.; Bailis, S.A.; Sokal, D.; Klausner, J.D.; Appleton, R.; Sewankambo, N.; Cooper, D.A.; Bongaarts, J.; de Bruyn, G.; Wodak, A.D.; Banerjee, J. 2011: Male circumcision for HIV prevention: current evidence and implementation in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of the International Aids Society 14: 49
Yuan, L.; Yue, L.; Mao, X. 2001: Effect of physical and chemical factors on Macaca Mulatta's pulp and change of the collagen in pulp. Zhonghua Kou Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi 36(1): 52-54
Raicević, R.; Jovicić, A.; Dimitrijević, R.; Surbatović, M.; Marenović, T. 2001: Septic encephalopathy--prognostic value of the intensity of consciousness disorder to the outcome of sepsis. Vojnosanitetski Pregled 58(2): 151-156
Brooke, R.C.; Newbold, S.A.; Telfer, N.R.; Griffiths, C.E. 2001: Discordance between facial wrinkling and the presence of basal cell carcinoma. Archives of Dermatology 137(6): 751-754
Enns, E.A.; Brandeau, M.L.; Igeme, T.K.; Bendavid, E. 2011: Assessing effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of concurrency reduction for HIV prevention. International Journal of Std and Aids 22(10): 558-567
Robinson, R.S. 2011: From population to HIV: the organizational and structural determinants of HIV outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of the International Aids Society 14(Suppl 2): S6
Wong, S.N.; Khoo, S.W. 2001: Human immunodeficiency virus infection presenting with chronic actinic dermatitis: a case report. Annals of the Academy of Medicine Singapore 30(6): 664-667
Reybet-Degat, O. 2001: Pathology of craniocervical junction and sleep disorders. Revue Neurologique (Paris) 157(11 Part 2): S156-S160
Piwowar-Manning, E.; Fiamma, A.; Laeyendecker, O.; Kulich, M.; Donnell, D.; Szekeres, G.; Robins-Morris, L.; Mullis, C.E.; Vallari, A.; Hackett, J.; Mastro, T.D.; Gray, G.; Richter, L.; Alexandre, M.W.; Chariyalertsak, S.; Chingono, A.; Sweat, M.; Coates, T.; Eshleman, S.H. 2011: HIV surveillance in a large, community-based study: results from the pilot study of Project Accept (HIV Prevention Trials Network 043). Bmc Infectious Diseases 11: 251
Sanyaolu, A.O.; Oyibo, W.A.; Fagbenro-Beyioku, A.F.; Gbadegeshin, A.H.; Iriemenam, N.C. 2011: Comparative study of entero-parasitic infections among HIV sero-positive and sero-negative patients in Lagos, Nigeria. Acta Tropica 120(3): 268-272
Phongsamart, W.; Sirisanthana, V.; Wittawatmongkol, O.; Maleesatharn, A.; Sudjaritruk, T.; Chearskul, P.; Aurpibul, L.; Sirisanthana, T.; Chokephaibulkit, K. 2011: Immunogenicity and safety of monovalent influenza a (H1N1) 2009 in HIV-infected Thai children. Vaccine 29(47): 8705-8711
Ruel, T.D.; Zanoni, B.C.; Ssewanyana, I.; Cao, H.; Havlir, D.V.; Kamya, M.; Achan, J.; Charlebois, E.D.; Feeney, M.E. 2011: Sex differences in HIV RNA level and CD4 cell percentage during childhood. Clinical Infectious Diseases: An Official Publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 53(6): 592-599
Lampley-Dallas, V.T.; Mold, J.W.; Flori, D.E. 2001: Perceived needs of African-American caregivers of elders with dementia. Journal of the National Medical Association 93(2): 47-57
Bassett, I.V.; Chetty, S.; Wang, B.; Mazibuko, M.; Giddy, J.; Lu, Z.; Walensky, R.P.; Freedberg, K.A.; Losina, E. 2012: Loss to follow-up and mortality among HIV-infected people co-infected with TB at ART initiation in Durban, South Africa. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 59(1): 25-30
Bekkelund, S.I.; Grønli, O.; Johnsen, S.H. 2001: Serologic screening for neurosyphilis. Tidsskrift for den Norske Laegeforening: Tidsskrift for Praktisk Medicin Ny Raekke 121(7): 786-788
Brancatelli, G.; Sparacia, G.; Banco, A.; Barbiera, F.; Midiri, M.; La Gattuta, F.; Lagalla, R. 2001: Thrombolytic therapy in myocardial infarction. Computerized tomography of encephalic complications. La Radiologia Medica 101(5): 376-381
Costa, L.Scarlazzari.; Latorre, M.do.Rosário.Dias.de.Oliveira.; Hearst, N.; Marques, H.Helena.de.Souza. 2011: Health Related Quality of Life Assessment questionnaire for children aged 5 to 11 years with HIV/AIDS: cross-cultural adaptation for the Portuguese language. Cadernos de Saude Publica 27(7): 1445-1449
Jobanputra, V.; Roy, K.K.; Kriplani, A.; Kucheria, K. 2001: Prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities in women with high risk pregnancies. Indian Journal of Medical Research 114: 148-155
Van Tienen, A.; Hullegie, Y.M.; Hummelen, R.; Hemsworth, J.; Changalucha, J.; Reid, G. 2011: Development of a locally sustainable functional food for people living with HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa: laboratory testing and sensory evaluation. Beneficial Microbes 2(3): 193-198
Peltzer, K.; Jones, D.; Weiss, S.M.; Shikwane, E. 2011: Promoting male involvement to improve PMTCT uptake and reduce antenatal HIV infection: a cluster randomized controlled trial protocol. Bmc Public Health 11: 778
Adam, G.I. 2001: The development of pharmacogenomic models to predict drug response. Current Opinion in Drug Discovery and Development 4(3): 296-300
Mundell, J.P.; Visser, M.J.; Makin, J.D.; Kershaw, T.S.; Forsyth, B.W.C.; Jeffery, B.; Sikkema, K.J. 2011: The impact of structured support groups for pregnant South African women recently diagnosed HIV positive. Women and Health 51(6): 546-565
Orroth, K.K.; White, R.G.; Freeman, E.E.; Bakker, R.; Buvé, A.; Glynn, J.R.; Habbema, J.D.F.; Hayes, R.J. 2011: Attempting to explain heterogeneous HIV epidemics in sub-Saharan Africa: potential role of historical changes in risk behaviour and male circumcision. Sexually Transmitted Infections 87(7): 640-645
Stokłosowa, S. 2001: Three dimensional tissue and organ models in vitro: their application in basic and practical research. Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 39(2): 91-96
Galloro, V. 2001: Call it a career. Survey: assisted-living workers want to get ahead. Modern Healthcare 31(35): 34
Karpelowsky, J.S.; Millar, A.J.W.; van der Graaf, N.; van Bogerijen, G.; Zar, H.J. 2011: Outcome of HIV-exposed uninfected children undergoing surgery. Bmc Pediatrics 11: 69
Ahoua, L.; Guenther, G.; Rouzioux, C.; Pinoges, L.; Anguzu, P.; Taburet, A.-M.; Balkan, S.; Olson, D.M.; Olaro, C.; Pujades-Rodríguez, M. 2011: Immunovirological response to combined antiretroviral therapy and drug resistance patterns in children: 1- and 2-year outcomes in rural Uganda. Bmc Pediatrics 11: 67
Xie, H.Q.; Yang, Z.M.; Qu, Y. 2001: Proliferation properties and telomerase activity of human embryonic tendon cells transformed by ptsA58H plasmid. Zhongguo Xiu Fu Chong Jian Wai Ke Za Zhi 15(3): 171-175
Casale, M.A.J.; Flicker, S.; Nixon, S.A. 2011: Fieldwork challenges: lessons learned from a north-south public health research partnership. Health Promotion Practice 12(5): 734-743
Cuadros, D.F.; Branscum, A.J.; Crowley, P.H. 2011: HIV-malaria co-infection: effects of malaria on the prevalence of HIV in East sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Epidemiology 40(4): 931-939
Del Amo, J.; Likatavičius, G.; Pérez-Cachafeiro, S.; Hernando, V.; González, C.; Jarrín, I.; Noori, T.; Hamers, Fçoise.F.; Bolúmar, F. 2011: The epidemiology of HIV and AIDS reports in migrants in the 27 European Union countries, Norway and Iceland: 1999-2006. European journal of public health 21(5): 620-626
Karim, Q.A.; Kharsany, A.B.M.; Frohlich, J.A.; Werner, L.; Mashego, M.; Mlotshwa, M.; Madlala, B.T.; Ntombela, F.; Abdool Karim, S.S. 2011: Stabilizing HIV prevalence masks high HIV incidence rates amongst rural and urban women in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. International Journal of Epidemiology 40(4): 922-930
Ropelewski, L.R.; Hulbert, A.; Latimer, W.W. 2011: Factors related to past HIV testing among South African non-injection drug users. Aids Care 23(11): 1519-1526
Zachariah, R.; Van Damme, W.; Arendt, V.; Schmit, J.Claude.; Harries, A.D. 2011: The HIV/AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa: thinking ahead on programmatic tasks and related operational research. Journal of the International Aids Society 14 Suppl. 1: S7
Phadke, S.R.; Agarwal, S.S. 2001: Adverse effects of genetic counselling on women carriers of disease: the Indian perspective. National Medical Journal of India 14(1): 47-49
Heidari, S.; Harries, A.D.; Zachariah, R. 2011: Facing up to programmatic challenges created by the HIV/AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of the International Aids Society 14 Suppl. 1: S1
Sudhakar, H.H.; Venkatesh, D. 2001: Predator induced stress and its analgesic potential on estrous and anestrus albino rats. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 45(2): 227-232
Madhivanan, P.; Krupp, K.; Kulkarni, V.; Kulkarni, S.; Klausner, J.D. 2011: Acceptability of male circumcision for HIV prevention among high-risk men in Pune, India. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 38(6): 571
Van Bogaert, L.-J. 2011: Biopsy-diagnosed female genital schistosomiasis in rural Limpopo, South Africa. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics: the Official Organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 115(1): 75-76
Lau, J.T.F.; Zhang, J.; Yan, H.; Lin, C.; Choi, K-Chow.; Wang, Z.; Hao, C.; Huan, X.; Yang, H. 2011: Acceptability of circumcision as a means of HIV prevention among men who have sex with men in China. Aids Care 23(11): 1472-1482
Ribas, C.B.d.R.; Cunha, M.d.G.ça.S.; Schettini, A.ôn.P.M.; Ribas, J.; Santos, J.E.B.d. 2011: Clinical and epidemiological profile of sexually transmitted diseases in children attending a referral center in the city of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia 86(1): 80-86
Vickerman, P.; Devine, A.; Foss, A.M.; Delany-Moretlwe, S.; Mayaud, P.; Meyer-Rath, G. 2011: The cost-effectiveness of herpes simplex virus-2 suppressive therapy with daily aciclovir for delaying HIV disease progression among HIV-1-infected women in South Africa. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 38(5): 401-409
Gomberg-Maitland, M.; Baran, D.A.; Fuster, V. 2001: Treatment of congestive heart failure: guidelines for the primary care physician and the heart failure specialist. Archives of Internal Medicine 161(3): 342-352
Becher, P.; Hildegard von Bingen 2001: The life and contributions of Hildegard von Bingen. Kinderkrankenschwester: Organ der Sektion Kinderkrankenpflege 20(10): 420-422
Klokkevold, P.R. 2001: Implant education in the dental curriculum. Journal of the California Dental Association 29(11): 747-755
Ghoraba, H.H.; Zayed, A.I. 2001: Suprachoroidal hemorrhage as a complication of vitrectomy. Ophthalmic Surgery and Lasers 32(4): 281-288
Zhang, W.; Yu, H.; Wang, X.; Wang, Q.; Lu, R.; Wang, H.Q.; Shao, J.J. 2001: Analysis of the nucleotide sequence for C and NS5 regions and the genotype of HCV isolate in Shandong Province. Zhonghua Shi Yan he Lin Chuang Bing du Xue Za Zhi 15(3): 219-221
Okazaki, M. 2001: Advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. Nihon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine 59(Suppl 6): 417-421
Tao, L.; Xu, X.; Cui, Z.X. 2001: The effect of air abrasion on enamel composite resin adhesive strength. Shanghai Kou Qiang Yi Xue 10(3): 231-232
Kerstein, R.B. 2001: Current applications of computerized occlusal analysis in dental medicine. General Dentistry 49(5): 521-530
Perlemuter, G.; Buffet, C. 2001: Is vitamin C deficiency a current health problem?. Annales de Dermatologie et de Venereologie 128(11): 1179-1183
Lorda-Sanchez, I.; Tejedor, C.; Sanz, R.; Rodriguez de Alba, M.; de la Fuente, A.; Fernandez, E.; Ayuso, C.; Ramos, C. 2001: A maternal inherited translocation t(1;22)(q11;p11) in two infertile brothers. Genetic Counseling 12(1): 95-100
Noguera Palau, J.J.; Rudaki 2001: Rudaki Samarkandi, Persian poet. Rudak (859?)-Samarkand (941?). Archivos de la Sociedad Espanola de Oftalmologia 76(4): 269-270
Starkey, L.J.; Johnson-Down, L.; Gray-Donald, K. 2001: Food habits of Canadians: comparison of intakes in adults and adolescents to Canada's food guide to healthy eating. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research: a Publication of Dietitians of Canada 62(2): 61-69
Konturek, P.C.; Brzozowski, T.; Meixner, H.; Ptak, A.; Hahn, E.G.; Konturek, S.J. 2001: Central and peripheral neural aspects of gastroprotective and ulcer healing effects of lipopolysaccharides. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology: An Official Journal of the Polish Physiological Society 52(4 Part 1): 611-623
De Vries, A.P.; Bakker, S.J.; Gans, R.O. 2001: Abdominal obesity: metabolic complications and consequences for the liver. Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde 145(39): 1910-1911
Burgess, K.L.; Riley, P. 2001: Act sharpens needlestick provisions. Provider 27(2): 37-38
Györy, F.; Lukács, G.; Nagy, E.V.; Juhász, F.; Mezösi, E.; Szakáll, S.; Máth, J.; Balázs, G. 2001: Differentiated thyroid carcinoma: prognostic factors. Magyar Sebeszet 54(2): 69-74
Montgomery, P.; Murkies, A.; Lew, S. 2001: There's more to midlife than menopause. Australian Family Physician 30(7): 632
Yang, Y.L.; Lo, H.J. 2001: Mechanisms of antifungal agent resistance. Journal of Microbiology Immunology and Infection 34(2): 79-86
Skaggs, D.L. 2001: Referrals from scoliosis screenings. American Family Physician 64(1): 32; 34-35
Kropacheva, E.S.; Titaeva, E.V.; Dobrovol'skiĭ, A.B.; Komarov, A.L.; Karpov, I.A.; Panchenko, E.P. 2001: Role of D-dimer in diagnosis of venous thrombosis and embolism. Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 73(8): 16-19
Ahmad, M. 2001: Insulin therapy in NWFP Pakistan. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad: Jamc 13(3): 36-37
Mokta, J.; Sharma, B.; Patial, R.K.; Prasher, B.S.; Prasher, N. 2001: Systemic manifestations in scleredema of Buschke. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India 49: 1033-1034
Simon, T.; Jaillon, P. 2001: Hormone replacement therapy and cardiovascular risk in menopausal women. Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux 94(2): 132-138
Huang, Y.; Liu, X.; Guo, L. 2001: Family study of genomic imprinting in tic disorder. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi 81(7): 402-405
Tavares, I.A.; Borrelli, F.; Welsh, N.J. 2001: Inhibition of gastric acid secretion by nimesulide: a possible factor in its gastric tolerability. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 19(1 Suppl 22: S13-S15
Alvarez-Castells, A.; Sebastiá Cerqueda, C.; Quiroga Gómez, S. 2001: Computerized tomography angiography of the renal vessels. Archivos Espanoles de Urologia 54(6): 603-615
Laws, S.A.; Cook, P.R.; Rees, M. 2001: Adrenal insufficiency masquerading as an acute abdomen. Hospital Medicine 62(2): 118-119
Charzyńiska, M. 2001: A new view on plant cell. Acta Biochimica Polonica 48(2): 585
Pintó, R.M.; Villena, C.; Le Guyader, F.; Guix, S.; Caballero, S.; Pommepuy, M.; Bosch, A. 2001: Astrovirus detection in wastewater samples. Water Science and Technology: a Journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 43(12): 73-76
Matsuo, T.; Tomonaga, M. 2001: Chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Nihon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine 59(12): 2364-2368
Petrakis, I.E.; Sciacca, V.; Katsamouris, A.N. 2001: Upper extremities deep venous thrombosis: comparison of light reflection rheography and colour duplex ultrasonography for diagnosis and follow-up. Panminerva Medica 43(2): 69-75
Błasiak, J. 2001: Ethanol and acetaldehyde impair the repair of bleomycin-damaged DNA in human lymphocytes. Cytobios 106(Suppl 2): 141-149
Chaplain, G.; Quantin, C.; Brunet-Lecomte, P.; Mottot, C.; Michiels-Marzais, D.; Sasco, A.J. 2001: Quality assessment of cervical screening: a population-based case-control study in the C te-D'Or region, France. Cancer Detection and Prevention 25(1): 40-47
Schnack, C.; Schernthaner, G. 2001: Angiotensin Ii type-1 receptor antagonists and diabetes mellitus. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 151(7-8): 165-168
Busquets, J.; Xiol, X.; Figueras, J.; Jaurrieta, E.; Torras, J.; Ramos, E.; Rafecas, A.; Fabregat, J.; Lama, C.; Ibañez, L.; Llado, L.; Ramon, J.M. 2001: The impact of donor age on liver transplantation: influence of donor age on early liver function and on subsequent patient and graft survival. Transplantation 71(12): 1765-1771
Simonnet, C.; Brossard, Y. 2001: For a standardisation of the Kleihauer-Betke test. Annales de Biologie Clinique 59(6): 768-769
Bernasconi, C. 2001: Evidence-based approach to treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes. Haematologica 86(9): 897-899
Tanaka, K.; Honjo, H. 2001: Clinical feature and treatment of the postmenopausal hyperlipidemia. Nihon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine 59(Suppl 3): 766-770
Pierre, P. 2001: Proteases, natural protease inhibitors and activation of the machinery of antigen presentation in dendritic cells. Pathologie-Biologie 49(6): 494-495
Cui, K. 2001: A survey on physical development in children of 7 nationality minorities in China. Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi 35(1): 37-41
Kuhle, S.; Lane, D.A.; Jochmanns, K.; Male, C.; Quehenberger, P.; Lechner, K.; Pabinger, I. 2001: Homozygous antithrombin deficiency type II (99 Leu to Phe mutation) and childhood thromboembolism. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 86(4): 1007-1011
Ahmed, S.; Li, Q.; Liu, L.; Tsui, A.O. 2012: Maternal deaths averted by contraceptive use: an analysis of 172 countries. Lancet 380(9837): 111-125
Kovchan, O.V. 2001: Diagnostic value of 3EG5 mucine antigen in clinical approaches to occupational respiratory diseases. Meditsina Truda i Promyshlennaia Ekologiia 11: 41-44
Mohan, H.; Ahal, S.; Nada, R.; Jogai, S.; Attri, A.K. 2001: Osteosarcoma of the bladder--a case report. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology 44(4): 451-452
Osotimehin, B. 2012: Family planning save lives, yet investments falter. Lancet 380(9837): 82-83
Canning, D.; Schultz, T.P. 2012: The economic consequences of reproductive health and family planning. Lancet 380(9837): 165-171
Ezeh, A.C.; Bongaarts, J.; Mberu, B. 2012: Global population trends and policy options. Lancet 380(9837): 142-148
Mjöberg, M.E. 2001: Part-time work and individual scheduling was the solution of personnel problems in Ljungby. Lakartidningen 98(5): 451-452
Tamam, L.; Ozpoyraz, N. 2001: Suicide during clozapine treatment: a case report. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences 38(2): 127-132
Kuravi, A.; Girish, K.C.; Ghatti, S.; Stephen, T.; Kumar, V.A. 2001: Polyneuritic leprosy presenting with bone changes prior to the onset of florid skin manifestation. Indian Journal of Dermatology Venereology and Leprology 67(1): 31-32
Rubini, P.; Bonati, L.; Parolari, A.; Spirito, R. 2001: Inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysms. Minerva Chirurgica 56(3): 287-298
Phillips, R.M.; Ward, T.H. 2001: Influence of extracellular pH on the cytotoxicity and DNA damage of a series of indolequinone compounds. Anticancer Research 21(3b): 1795-1801
Atik, E. 2001: Clinical-radiographic correlation. Case 3/2001 - Instituto do Coração do Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 76(3): 261
Holibková, A.; Machálek, L.; Laichman, S.; Zielina, P.; Mastilová, O. 2001: Intraperitoneal and extraperitoneal anastomoses of spleen arteries. Sbornik Lekarsky 102(2): 255-263
Yuan, B.B.; Tchao, R.; Voigt, J.M.; Colby, H.D. 2001: Maturational changes in CYP2D16 expression and xenobiotic metabolism in adrenal glands from male and female guinea pigs. Drug Metabolism and Disposition: the Biological Fate of Chemicals 29(2): 194-199
Nechaev, V.I.; Khovanov, A.V.; Krylov, V.V. 2001: A modern look at the problem of spontaneous pneumothorax. Problemy Tuberkuleza 9: 59-65
Carr, B.; Gates, M.F.; Mitchell, A.; Shah, R. 2012: Giving women the power to plan their families. Lancet 380(9837): 80-82
Nzoghe Nguema, P.; Ogowet Igumu, N.; Pither, S.; Ngaka Nsafu, D. 2001: Ambulatory laparoscopic gynecological surgery in Africa: feasibility. Journal de Gynecologie Obstetrique et Biologie de la Reproduction 30(5): 462-466
Brandt, A. 2001: Ritual circumcision--a medico-social problem. Ugeskrift for Laeger 163(5): 630
Kably, A.; Castelazo, E.; Vaca, D.; Barroso, G. 2001: Embryo transfer: a critical step in assisted reproduction. Ginecologia y Obstetricia de Mexico 69: 118-121
Castel, S.; Pagan, R.; Mitjans, F.; Piulats, J.; Goodman, S.; Jonczyk, A.; Huber, F.; Vilaró, S.; Reina, M. 2001: RGD peptides and monoclonal antibodies, antagonists of alpha(v)-integrin, enter the cells by independent endocytic pathways. Laboratory Investigation; a Journal of Technical Methods and Pathology 81(12): 1615-1626
Czaja, K.; Wasowicz, K.; Klimczuk, M.; Podlasz, P.; Łakomy, M. 2001: Distribution and immunohistochemical characterisation of paracervical neurons innervating the oviduct in the pig. Folia Morphologica 60(3): 205-211
Pandya, S.K. 2001: Doctor-patient relationship: the importance of the patient's perceptions. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine 47(1): 3-7
Lugten, P. 2001: Debate on evolution won't be won in the JAVMA. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 218(6): 857-858
Anantaphruti, M.T. 2001: Parasitic contaminants in food. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 32(Suppl 2): 218-228
Humphrey, M.D.; Holzheimer, D.J. 2001: Differing influences on Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal neonatal phenotypes: a prospective study. Medical Journal of Australia 174(10): 503-506
Panchaud, R. 2001: H as in hope. KRANKENPFLEGE. Soins Infirmiers 94(5): 79
Freyne, A. 2001: Osteoporosis in anorexia nervosa. Irish Medical Journal 94(9): 260-261
Rykun, V.S.; Soliannikova, O.V.; Ekgardt, V.F.; Kat'kova, E.A. 2001: Changes in the ocular and orbital blood flow in patients with retinal detachment treated surgically. Vestnik Oftalmologii 117(5): 25-27
Kim, S.K.; Cho, B.K.; Paek, S.H.; Hong, S.J.; Kim, H.S.; Hong, S.Y.; Choe, G.; Chi, J.G.; Nam, D.H.; Wang, K.C. 2001: The detection of p53 gene mutation using a microdissection technique in primary intracranial germ cell tumors. International Journal of Oncology 18(1): 111-116
Surowiak, P.; Dziegiel, P.; Zabel, M.; Matkowski, R.; Kornafel, J. 2001: Prognostic value of immunocytochemical estimation of estrogen receptor (ER) and of pS2 estrogen-dependent protein in cells of mammary ductal carcinoma. Analysis of five-year course of the disease. Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 39(2): 143-144
Kunugi, H. 2001: Low serum cholesterol and suicidal behavior. Nihon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine 59(8): 1599-1604
Chritin, M.; Besson, G.; Mallaret, M.; Savasta, M. 2001: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and animal models. Revue Neurologique (Paris) 157(11 Part 1): 1351-1361
Sneddon, D. 2001: Continence in MS. Professional Nurse 16(7): 1241-1244
Janszky, J.; Rásonyi, G.; Fogarasi, A.; Bognár, L.; Eróss, L.; Barsi, P.; Halász, P. 2001: Surgically treatable epilepsy--a review. Orvosi Hetilap 142(30): 1597-1604
Castera, L.; Pawlotsky, J.M. 2001: Hepatitis E virus infection: epidemiology and prevention. Gastroenterologie Clinique et Biologique 25(5): 521-537
Strashnov, V.I.; Volchkov, V.A.; Boĭkova, N.V.; Tomson, V.V. 2001: Morphological and histochemical changes in the spinal cord after epidural administration of prosidol in dogs. Anesteziologiia i Reanimatologiia 4: 37-39
Jury, C.S. 2001: Postoperative pressure sores after epidural anaesthesia. Staff needs to recognise patients are at risk. Bmj 322(7288): 733-734
Anonymous 2001: Report: insulin vials have changed. Revista de Enfermeria 24(3): 169
Ryndina, E.I. 2001: Study of the intestinal microflora in residents of the city of Vladikavkaz. Zhurnal Mikrobiologii Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii 2001(4): 65-66
Stiefelhagen, P. 2001: Fever. a symptom with many etiologies. MMW Fortschritte der Medizin 143 Suppl: 65-72; Quiz: 73-74
López-Herce Cid, J.A.; del Castillo Rueda, A.; Teigell García, L.; Garrido Cantarero, G.; de Portugal Alvarez, J. 2001: Osteoporosis in patients admitted to an internal medicine service of a university general hospital. Anales de Medicina Interna 18(3): 121-123
Quevedo, I.; Rodríguez, J.A.; Gejman, R.; Méndez, J. 2001: Silent adenoma type 3: the importance of the ultrastructural study in the differential diagnosis of pituitary adenoma associated with hyperprolactinemia in a case. Revista Medica de Chile 129(3): 295-298
Abou-Issa, H.M.; Alshafie, G.A.; Seibert, K.; Koki, A.T.; Masferrer, J.L.; Harris, R.E. 2001: Dose-response effects of the COX-2 inhibitor, celecoxib, on the chemoprevention of mammary carcinogenesis. Anticancer Research 21(5): 3425-3432
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