Functional constipation syndrome: experience in the use of sour milk products and biologically active food supplements in the complex treatment of patients

Blokhina, L.V.; Kochetkov, A.M.

Voprosy Pitaniia 70(1): 29-32


ISSN/ISBN: 0042-8833
PMID: 11338343
Document Number: 538359
Sour milk product "Bifeedock" and biologically-active food additives of "Litovite" and "Pektsecom" type are used in the overall treatment of functional constipation and accompanying colon disbacteriosis of I and II degree. They help to improve the clinical symptomatics and the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract. According to the data analysis, the elimination of the colon stasis results in the improved microbiocenosis expressed in the suppression of growth of conditionally pathogenic microflora. It also stimulates the growth of the symbiotic elements of microbiota (bifidobacteria, lactobacteria and the intestinal E. coli).

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