POPLINE Curated Health Sciences Literature Node 1 Subnode 571
Czerny, K.; Romanowska, J.; Kifer-Wysocka, E.; Matysiak, W.ło.; Masłyk, T. 2004: High doses of atorvastatin (Sortis) modify the secretory process in the exocrine portion of the pancreas. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Sectio D: Medicina 59(2): 52-56
Cybulsky, M.I.; Won, D.; Haidari, M. 2004: Leukocyte recruitment to atherosclerotic lesions. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 20(Suppl): 24b-28b
Swinkels, A.; Dolan, P. 2004: Spinal position sense and disease progression in ankylosing spondylitis: a longitudinal study. Spine 29(11): 1240-1245
Shields, M. 2004: Social anxiety disorder--beyond shyness. Health Reports 15 Suppl: 45-61
Ghosh, S.; Roy, S.; Banerjee, M.; Maity, P. 2004: Modulation of tumor induced angiogenesis in Ehrlich ascites tumor. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research: Cr 23(4): 681-690
Luna-Ortiz, K.; Rascón-Ortiz, M.A.; Tamez-Velarde, M.; Mosqueda-Taylor, A. 2004: Dysphagia secondary to lingual thyroid. Revista de Gastroenterologia de Mexico 69(3): 166-170
Diop, S.; Deme, A.; Dangou, J.M.; Ndiaye, F.S.; Toure, A.O.; Thiam, D.; Diop, T.M.; Toure, P.; Diakhate, L. 2004: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in Dakar: study of 107 cases diagnosed between 1986 and 1998. Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique 97(2): 109-112
Bernard, M.G. 2004: Administrative procedures in cases of medical errors: the jurisdiction of the hospitalist. Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux 97(4): 358-361
Hermanns-Lê, T. 2004: How i explore....some vascular disorders by ultrastructural examination of the skin. Revue Medicale de Liege 59(10): 598-600
Luo, H.L.; Lin, D.F.; Kuo, W.T. 2004: The effects of nano-materials on the behaviors of sludge mortar specimens. Water Science and Technology: a Journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 50(9): 57-65
Tokura, N. 2004: Knowledge of palliative care which a surgeon should know. Nihon Geka Gakkai Zasshi 105(7): 418-421
Abdulghani, M.A.; Grosen, D.W.; Sanden, S.; Rahr, H.B. 2004: Pneumatosis intestinalis in children. Ugeskrift for Laeger 166(23): 2268-2269
López Revuelta, K.; Saracho, R.; García López, F.; Gentil, M.A.; Castro, P.; Castilla, J.; Gutiérrez, J.A.; Martín-Martínez, E.; Alonso, R.; Bernabéu, R.; Munar, M.A.; Lorenzo, V.; Vega, N.; Escallada, R.; Sierra, T.; Lara, M.; Estébanez, C.; Clèries, M.; Vela, E.; Tallón, S.; García-Blasco, M.J.; Zurriaga, O.; Vázquez, C.; Sánchez-Casajús, A.; Torralbo, A.; Rodado, R.; Genovés, A.; Ripoll, J.; Asín, J.L.; Magaz, A.; Aranzábal, J. 2004: Dialysis and Transplant Registry of the Spanish Society of Nephrology and regional registries. Rapport 2001. Nefrologia: Publicacion Oficial de la Sociedad Espanola Nefrologia 24(1): 21-6 28-33
Allie, D.E. 2004: Patients with peripheral artery disease undergoing percutaneous peripheral interventions are at increased risk for complications without adequate anticoagulation. Journal of Invasive Cardiology 16 Suppl G: 18-20
King, R.; Tamber, P.S. 2004: Is open access to medical research literature relevant to low- and middle-income countries?. National Medical Journal of India 17(3): 121-124
Martan, A.; Masata, J.; Svabík, K.; Drahorádová, P.; Halaska, M.; Voigt, R.; Pavlíková, M. 2004: Correlation of maximum urethral closure pressure and Valsalva leak-point pressure in patients with genuine stress incontinence. Ceska Gynekologie 69(4): 267-272
Morita, H.; Yoshida, H.; Jinno, T.; Tago, M.; Yamane, M. 2004: One-staged operation for multiple aortic aneurysms of the descending thoracic aorta and abdominal aorta; report of a case. Kyobu Geka. Japanese Journal of Thoracic Surgery 57(3): 233-236
Gelibter, A.; Milella, M.; Ceribelli, A.; Zeuli, M.; Ferraresi, V.; Vecchione, A.; Cognetti, F. 2004: PET scanning evaluation of response to imatinib mesylate therapy in gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) patients. Anticancer Research 24(5b): 3147-3151
Nefedova, G.A.; Galankina, I.E. 2004: Features of tanatogenesis and extensiveness of myocardial infarction depending on severity of atherosclerotic stenosis of the coronary arteries. Arkhiv Patologii 66(4): 17-20
Tanović, A.; Alfaro, V. 2004: Gefitinib: current status in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. Drugs of Today 40(10): 809-827
Adewole, D.A.; Lawoyin, T.O. 2004: Characteristics of volunteers and non-volunteers for voluntary counseling and HIV testing among unmarried male undergraduates. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 33(2): 165-170
Hilp, M. 2004: Determination of anionactive tensides using cetylpyridinium tetrachlorozincate as titrant. Analytical methods in respect to environmental and economical concern, part 20. Die Pharmazie 59(9): 676-677
Chohnabayashi, N.; Uchiyama, N.; Nishimura, N.; Nasu, H. 2004: Advanced non-small cell lung cancer responded to both vinorelbine and carboplatin over long-term outpatient treatment. Gan to Kagaku Ryoho. Cancer and ChemoTherapy 31(9): 1395-1398
Iwakura, T.; Enomoto, S.; Yamamoto, K.; Sakamoto, T.; Okamura, H. 2004: Cholesterol crystal embolization exacerbated after the off-pump coronary artery bypass; report of a case. Kyobu Geka. Japanese Journal of Thoracic Surgery 57(6): 477-480
Mullette, B.; Zulkowski, K. 2004: Bedrails: restraints or enablers?. Ostomy/Wound Management 50(8): 64-69
Postiglione, L.; Di Domenico, G.; Ramaglia, L.; di Lauro, A.E.; Di Meglio, F.; Montagnani, S. 2004: Different titanium surfaces modulate the bone phenotype of SaOS-2 osteoblast-like cells. European Journal of Histochemistry: Ejh 48(3): 213-222
Baumann, F. 2004: Day care in the nursing home for patients with dementia: support in a confused world. Pflege Zeitschrift 57(8): 560-562
Phillips, A. 2004: Psychoanalysis as education. Psychoanalytic Review 91(6): 779-799
Chen, M-yi.; Li, C-hui.; Huang, Z-qiang.; Liu, J-chao.; Zhou, N-xin.; Huang, X-qiang.; Wang, Y-sheng. 2004: Protective effects of lidocaine injected into the hepatoduodenal ligament on warm ischemia-reperfusion injury to the rat liver. Chinese Medical Journal 117(2): 275-279
Foti, C.; Filotico, R.; Calvario, A.; Conserva, A.; Antelmi, A.; Angelini, G. 2004: Relapsing herpes simplex-2 folliculitis in the beard area. European Journal of Dermatology: Ejd 14(6): 421-423
Takano, Y.; Narita, S.-i.; Kobayashi, K.; Ito, J.-i.; Kurose, M.; Chin, S. 2004: Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis in Hakodate. Nippon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi 108(10): 606-611
Aronson, A.R.; Mork, J.G.; Gay, C.W.; Humphrey, S.M.; Rogers, W.J. 2004: The NLM Indexing Initiative's Medical Text Indexer. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 107(Part 1): 268-272
Latalska, M.łg.; Gerkowicz, M.; Kosior-Jarecka, E.; Kozioł-Montewka, M.; Pietraś-Trzpiel, M.łg. 2004: Antibodies to beta-2 glycoprotein i in serum and aqueous humor of patients with glaucoma and their influence on the static perimetry. Klinika Oczna 106(1-2(Suppl): 160-161
Dosis, A.; Bello, F.; Moorthy, K.; Munz, Y.; Gillies, D.; Darzi, A. 2004: Real-time synchronization of kinematic and video data for the comprehensive assessment of surgical skills. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 98: 82-88
Weaver, R.G.; Ramanna, S.; Haden, N.K.; Valachovic, R.W. 2004: Applicants to U.S. dental schools: an analysis of the 2002 entering class. Journal of Dental Education 68(8): 880-900
Mir Fullana, F.; Brauner, V. 2004: The terrible prediction of the painter Victor Brauner (1903-1966). Archivos de la Sociedad Espanola de Oftalmologia 79(11): 577-579
Rao, G.N. 2004: Eye banking--are we really up to it in India?. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 52(3): 183-184
Reynaldi, F.J.; De Giusti, M.R.; Alippi, A.M. 2004: Inhibition of the growth of Ascosphaera apis by Bacillus and Paenibacillus strains isolated from honey. Revista Argentina de Microbiologia 36(1): 52-55
Kozma, C.M. 2004: Voluntary participation in disease management programs. Managed Care Interface 17(6): 33-34
Stassen, J.M.; Arnout, J.; Deckmyn, H. 2004: The hemostatic system. Current Medicinal Chemistry 11(17): 2245-2260
Anwari, J.S.; Butt, A.A.; Al-Dar, M.A. 2004: Obstetric admissions to the intensive care unit. Saudi Medical Journal 25(10): 1394-1399
Zemlianskiĭ, O.A.; Evdokimov, V.V. 2004: Use of a helminthic indicator of soil to determine the frequency of toxoplasmosis among pregnant women. Meditsinskaia Parazitologiia i Parazitarnye Bolezni 1: 57-59
Puzyński, Sław. 2004: Current problems in psychiatric health care in Poland (2003). Psychiatria Polska 38(1): 7-12
Yamagishi, H. 2004: Concepts in atypical psychoses. Seishin Shinkeigaku Zasshi 106(3): 338-341
Gallimore, D. 2004: Reviewing the effectiveness of tympanic thermometers. Nursing Times 100(32): 32-34
Weinmann, S.; Kunstmann, W.; Rheinberger, P. 2004: Methadone substitution--a scientific review in the context of out-patient therapy in Germany. Zeitschrift für Arztliche Fortbildung und Qualitatssicherung 98(8): 673-682
Holbert, K.R.; Tueth, M.J. 2004: Alcohol abuse and dependence. A clinical update on alcoholism in the older population. Geriatrics 59(9): 38-40
Cisse, C.T.; Thiam, M.; Moreau, J.C. 2004: Preeclampsia: current aspects of physiopathology, clinic and treatment. Dakar Medical 49(3): 152-161
Kreuzer-Martin, H.W.; Chesson, L.A.; Lott, M.J.; Dorigan, J.V.; Ehleringer, J.R. 2004: Stable isotope ratios as a tool in microbial forensics--Part 2. Isotopic variation among different growth media as a tool for sourcing origins of bacterial cells or spores. Journal of Forensic Sciences 49(5): 961-967
Blanco-Barca, O.; Gallego-Blanco, M.; Ruiz-Ponte, C.; Barros-Angueira, F.; Esquete-López, C.; Eirís-Puñal, J.; Castro-Gago, M. 2004: Smith-Magenis syndrome: a report of two new cases and an approximation to their characteristic behavioural phenotype. Revista de Neurologia 38(11): 1038-1042
Zeiger, B. 2004: Wound dis-ease. Ostomy/Wound Management 50(4): 8; 10
Romano, M. 2004: Community crackdown. Focus moves from specialty to ASCs. Modern Healthcare 34(29): 20
Ye, W-min.; Zhang, Z-yuan.; Zhu, H-guang.; Sun, J.; Zhang, C-ping. 2004: Clinical observation and treatment of failing flaps in oral and maxillofacial surgery: a report of 44 cases. Shanghai Kou Qiang Yi Xue 13(2): 91-94
Okamoto, T. 2004: Diagnosis and management of asymptomatic MEN 2 gene carriers. Nihon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine 62(5): 914-919
Menegozzo, M.; Trinca, S.; Cammino, F.; Mastrantonio, M.; Menegozzo, S.; Sturchio, A.; Comba, P. 2004: Geographical distribution of mortality from malignant pleural neoplasms and of former asbestos-exposed workers in the Campania Region. Epidemiologia e Prevenzione 28(3): 150-155
Austin, S. 2004: Drug Design--SMi's Third Annual Conference. 23-24 February 2004, London UK. IDrugs: the investigational drugs journal 7(4): 331-333
Gilbert, A.; Pivato, G. 2004: Obstetric paralysis of the newborn: management strategy and outcomes. Revue Neurologique (Paris) 160(12): 1230-1233
Bagirova, G.G. 2004: Department of outpatient care or department of general medical practice. Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 76(1): 89-90
Diadyk, A.I.; Bagriĭ, A.E.; Gnilitskaia, V.B.; Khomenko, M.V.; Khristulenko, A.L.; Zdikhovskaia, I.I.; Obornev, L.E.; Gol'dis, V.S.; Gaĭdukov, V.O.; Agibalov, A.N.; Mukhin, I.V.; Shchukina, E.V. 2004: Ten-year experience of the postgraduate education for general practitioners. Likars'ka Sprava 2004(1): 95-99
Fujii, A.; Tokuda, A.; Yoneda, M.; Kuriyama, M. 2004: A case showing Wallerian degeneration of the bilateral middle cerebellar peduncles on MRi followed by the right pontine infarction. Rinsho Shinkeigaku 44(2): 105-107
Rosenberg, J.M. 2004: The pre-etch technique for achieving enamel bond strength with self-etching systems. Practical Procedures and Aesthetic Dentistry: Ppad 16(10): 764; 766
Monaca, C.; Derambure, P. 2004: Management of restless legs and periodic movements of sleep. Revue Neurologique (Paris) 160(6-7): 739-744
Galeano, E. 2004: The white curse of Haiti. Assistenza Infermieristica e Ricerca: Air 23(2): 122-123
Papadimitraki, E.D.; Kyrmizakis, D.E.; Kritikos, I.; Boumpas, D.T. 2004: Ear-nose-throat manifestations of autoimmune rheumatic diseases. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 22(4): 485-494
Launay, D.; Peyrat, J-Philippe.; Verdière, A.; Hornez, L.; Hatron, P-Yves.; Hachulla, E.; Devulder, B.; Hebbar, M. 2004: Multiplex reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assessment of sialyltransferase expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in systemic sclerosis. Journal of Rheumatology 31(1): 88-95
Jacobson, J. 2004: Working toward more patient-centered integrative care. Medgenmed: Medscape General Medicine 6(1): 40
Kume, N. 2004: Measurement of oxidized LDL and its soluble receptors. Nihon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine 62(6): 1132-1135
Butler, T.J.; Vair, D.B.; Colohan, S.; McAlister, V.C. 2004: Multivariate analysis of technical variables in pancreaticoduodenectomy: the effect of pylorus preservation and retromesenteric jejunal position on early outcome. Canadian Journal of Surgery. Journal Canadien de Chirurgie 47(5): 333-337
Glassman, P.D.; Chávez, E.M.; Hawks, D. 2004: Abuse and neglect of elderly individuals: guidelines for oral health professionals. Journal of the California Dental Association 32(4): 323-335
Pokrovskaia, E.V. 2004: Final confirmation of inefficiency of antibiotics in secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. Results of PROVE IT (gatifloxacin trial) and ACES. Kardiologiia 44(10): 82-83
Azad, S.; Falder, S.; Wilkinson, D.; James, I.; Graham, K. 2004: A GP guide to treating burns. Practitioner 248(1662): 638; 642, 645
Lebedev, A.A.; Lishchuk, A.N.; Kornienko, A.N.; Emel'ianov, V.V.; Iliukhin, M.A.; Bogoliubova, I.V. 2004: Analysis of mitral valve surgical correction combined with the aortocoronary bypass. Voenno-Meditsinskii Zhurnal 325(5): 24-26
Atik, E. 2004: Case 1/2004 - Instituto do Coração of Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 82(1): 102
Chraibi, H.; Dereure, O.; Téot, L.; Guillot, B. 2004: The diagnosis and treatment of carcinomas occurring at the sites of chronic pressure ulcers. Journal of Wound Care 13(10): 447-448
Meissner, A. 2004: Pain medicine and palliative care in the USA: a differentiated system. Pflege Zeitschrift 57(12): 877-880
Pal, S.K.; Sharma, K.; Pathak, A.; Sawhney, I.M.S.; Prabhakar, S. 2004: Possible relationship between phenylthiocarbamide taste sensitivity and epilepsy. Neurology India 52(2): 206-209
Arnal, D.; Garutti, I.; Olmedilla, L. 2004: Paravertebral analgesia in thoracic surgery. Revista Espanola de Anestesiologia y Reanimacion 51(8): 438-446; Quiz: 446-447, 464
Rustembegovic, A.; Sofic, E.; Tahirović, I.; Kundurović, Z. 2004: A study of gabapentin in the treatment of tonic-clonic seizures of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Medicinski Arhiv 58(1): 5-6
Eugene, M. 2004: Polyethyleneglycols and immunocamouflage of the cells tissues and organs for transplantation. Cellular and Molecular Biology 50(3): 209-215
Furness, G. 2004: Drug delivery - latest technologies and partnerships. Idrugs: the Investigational Drugs Journal 7(2): 133-135
Rojas-González, L.; Martínez-Leal, R.; Paz-Araviche, V.; Chacín-Almarza, B.; Corzo-Alvarez, G.; Sanabria-Vera, C.; Montiel-López, Mía. 2004: Serum cortisol levels in pre and post journal labor and non auditory manifestations in noise exposed workers of a brewer industry. Investigacion Clinica 45(4): 297-307
Saravia Rivera, G.E.; Criales, J.é L.; Balhen Martín, C. 2004: Colloidal cyst of the third ventricle. Gaceta Medica de Mexico 140(5): 563-564
He, H.; Qiao, Y.; Liu, Q.; Wu, Y.; Lin, B. 2004: Dynamics of biomass and stem volume of Picea asperata stands in artificial restoration process of subalpine coniferous forest. Ying Yong Sheng Tai Xue Bao 15(5): 748-752
Hassan, S.; Adari, G. 2004: Primary breast sarcoma: case report. East African Medical Journal 81(7): 375-377
Olafsson, S.; Johnson, E. 2004: An alcohol addict with chronic obstructive lung disease and hematemesis. Tidsskrift for den Norske Laegeforening: Tidsskrift for Praktisk Medicin Ny Raekke 124(9): 1243-1244
Kar, T.; Dash, A.; Kanungo, S.; Kar, A. 2004: Botryoid rhabdomyosarcoma of vagina--two case reports. Journal of the Indian Medical Association 102(9): 512 514
Huidobro, A.; Fulford, A.; Carrasco, E. 2004: Incidence of gestational diabetes and relationship to obesity in Chilean pregnant women. Revista Medica de Chile 132(8): 931-938
Kouchi, Y.; Shigeta, M.; Fujita, Y.; Miyashita, H. 2004: Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the lung; report of a case. Kyobu Geka. Japanese Journal of Thoracic Surgery 57(9): 893-896
Levgur, M. 2004: Hormone therapy for women after breast cancer: a review. Journal of Reproductive Medicine 49(7): 510-526
Zaballos, G.ía.M.; Martínez, A.S.A.; Peña, P.A.; García de Lucas, E. 2004: Laryngeal spasm related to intranasal instillation of physiological saline solution in a patient wearing a Proseal laryngeal mask during septoplasty. Revista Espanola de Anestesiologia y Reanimacion 51(9): 557-559
Anonymous 2004: Desensitization for those afflicted with hay fever. With 4 pricks hyposensitized to pollen. MMW Fortschritte der Medizin 146(11): 58
El Beitune, P.íc.; Duarte, G.; Vannucchi, H.él.; Quintana, S.M.; Figueiró-Filho, E.A.; de Morais, E.N.; Nogueira, A.A. 2004: Serum vitamin a during pregnancy and effects on obstetrics and perinatal outcomes in HIV infected pregnant women. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutricion 54(4): 419-427
Jørgensen, T. 2004: Epidemiological research during the last 40 years. Population studies in Glostrup--the Research Center for Disease Prevention--the Research Center for Prevention and Health. Ugeskrift for Laeger 166(15-16): 1425-1428
Wilson, A. 2004: State of South Dakota's child: 2003. South Dakota Journal of Medicine 57(1): 25-33
Caverzasio, J. 2004: Wnt/LRP5, a new regulation osteoblastic pathway involved in reaching peak bone masses. Revue Medicale de la Suisse Romande 124(2): 81-82
Pavlova, I.B.; Zuev, V.S. 2004: Salmonella typhimurium population in water environment under the influence of temperature. Zhurnal Mikrobiologii Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii 5: 16-19
Ibrahim, K.; Yousufi, M.A.; Hasnain, S.N.; Zuberi, S.J.; Ibrahim, K.; Yousufi, M.A.; Hasnain, S.N.; Zuberi, S.J. 2004: Serum aspartate amino transferase and alanine amino transferase levels in apparently healthy population in Karachi. 1988. JPMA. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association 54(8 Suppl): S58-S60
Lampton, L. 2004: Vioxx, pharmacovigilance, flu vaccine, and the "prepared mind". Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association 45(11): 333-335
Weber-Muller, F.; Reichert-Penetrat, S.; Schmutz, J-L.; Barbaud, A. 2004: Contact dermatitis from polyacrylate in TENS electrode. Annales de Dermatologie et de Venereologie 131(5): 478-480
Chakravarty, A.; Ghosh, B.; Bhattacharyya, R.; Sengupta, S.; Mukherjee, S. 2004: Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy following plasmodium vivax malaria. Neurology India 52(1): 130-131
Saiki, M.; Nakashima, H.; Maeda, T.; Tamai, N.; Hiroe, T.; Kanaoka, Y.; Ohgi, S. 2004: Common hepatic artery aneurysm branching from the superior mesenteric artery. Report of a case. Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 45(1): 59-62
Grimm, J.J.; Fontana, E.; Gremion, G.; Troendle, A.; Ruiz, J. 2004: Type 2 diabetes: what exercise for which diabetic and how to prescribe?. Journees Annuelles de Diabetologie de l'Hotel-Dieu 2004: 95-104
Combs, L.S.; Gupta, S.; Mehta, A. 2004: Evaluation of spleen in children with heterotaxia and congenital heart disease. Tennessee Medicine: Journal of the Tennessee Medical Association 97(4): 161-163
Peleg, K.; Aharonson-Daniel, L. 2004: Road traffic accidents--severe injuries. Decision-making on the basis of partial data. Harefuah 143(2): 111-115; 167, 166
Kelly, G.C. 2004: Medicare payment increase begins; phases out over six years. Emergency Medical Services 33(10): 54
Ellingsen, J.E.; Johansson, C.B.; Wennerberg, A.; Holmén, A. 2004: Improved retention and bone-tolmplant contact with fluoride-modified titanium implants. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 19(5): 659-666
Steensma, D.P. 2004: Northwoods elegy. Annals of Internal Medicine 141(7): 573-574
Singh, P.; Cobb, S.; Rengifo-Cam, W.; Deng, X.; Willis, W.; Li, Q. 2004: Locomotor activity and behavior of mutant mice deleted for gastrin gene expression. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology: An Official Journal of the Polish Physiological Society 55(1 Pt 2): 269-278
Costello, J. 2004: The 'golden rules'. Australian Family Physician 33(7): 486-487
Miyake, M.; Izumi, C.; Takahashi, S.; Himura, Y.; Gen, H.; Konishi, T. 2004: Efficacy of transesophageal echocardiography in patients with cardiac arrest or shock. Journal of Cardiology 44(5): 189-194
De Leeuw, M.; Oostenbroek, R.J.; Pijpers, L.; Plaisier, P.W. 2004: Two patients with a non-palpable, subcutaneously implanted contraceptive. Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde 148(36): 1785-1788
Mwanda, O.W.; Whalen, C.; Scot, C.R.; Lederman, M.; Orem, J.; Banura, C. 2004: Anatomical site predilections of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in human immunodeficiency virus infection: a report on 54 cases. East African Medical Journal 2004(8 Suppl): S90-S96
Lanning, C.; Chen, S.Y.; Hansgen, A.; Chang, D.; Chan, K.C.; Shandas, R. 2004: Dynamic three-dimensional reconstruction and modeling of cardiovascular anatomy in children with congenital heart disease using biplane angiography. Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation 40: 200-205
Pippi, R.; Vitolo, D. 2004: A clinical radiographic and histologic revaluation of a 10 years sample of surgically treated cysts of the jaws, with special emphasis on keratocysts. Minerva Stomatologica 53(5): 251-261
Horiuchi, A.; Konishi, I. 2004: Mechanism of ovarian cancer metastasis--changes in E-cadherin expression. Nihon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine 62(Suppl 10): 463-466
Hasford, J.; Moore, N.; Hoye, K. 2004: Safety and usage pattern of low-dose diclofenac when used as an over-the-counter medication: results of an observational cohort study in a community-based pharmacy setting. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 42(8): 415-422
Lorenzo Gómez, M.ía.F.; Gómez Castro, S. 2004: Physiopathologic relationship between interstitial cystitis and rheumatic, autoimmune, and chronic inflammatory diseases. Archivos Espanoles de Urologia 57(1): 25-34
Jovanovic, L. 2004: Advances in diabetes for the millennium: diabetes in women. Medgenmed: Medscape General Medicine 6(3 Suppl): 3
Meza, J.; Nayak, M.; Martin, S.; Pisarik, P. 2004: Clinical inquiries. How reliable are self-measured blood pressures taken at home?. Journal of Family Practice 53(10): 832-834
Beaussier, M.; Delva, E. 2004: Rapid recuperation after abdominal surgery. the anesthetist's point of view. Annales de Chirurgie 129(Special Issue 1): 10-16
Gold, M.F. 2004: Caregiving stars take center stage. Provider 30(4): 24-28; 31-2; 35-36 Passim
Motomura, K.; Egawa, C.; Komoike, Y.; Inaji, H.; Koyama, H. 2004: Controversies in breast conservation treatment for breast cancer. Gan to Kagaku Ryoho. Cancer and ChemoTherapy 31(2): 168-175
Lü, H-Jing.; Qiu, Z-Min.; Wei, W-Li.; Yu, L.; Liu, R-Lin.; Zhang, M. 2004: Effects of phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor on cough response in guinea pigs sensitized and challenged with ovalbumin. Chinese Medical Journal 117(11): 1620-1624
Ottolenghi, A.; Camoglio, F.S.; Valletta, E.; Giacomello, L.; Pasquini, A. 2004: Primary ad secondary gastro-esophageal reflux in pediatric age. Minerva Pediatrica 56(1): 91-96
Garin, A.M.; Gorbunova, V.A.; Bychkov, M.B.; Mindra, N.V.; Stenina, M.B.; Topchieva, S.V.; Treshchalina, E.M.; Chitiia, L.V.; Sdvizhkov, A.M.; Borisov, V.I.; Gurov, S.N.; Gershanovich, M.L.; Makhnova, E.V.; Nebol'sin, V.E. 2004: Results of a multicenter, phase-Ii clinical trial of Dicarbamin used to shield leukopoiesis in cancer patients with immunosuppression due to chemotherapy. Voprosy Onkologii 50(2): 184-188
Ruszczyk, A.; Cywinska, A.; Banbura, M.W. 2004: Equine herpes virus 2 infection in horse populations in Poland. Acta Virologica 48(3): 189-192
Coen, G. 2004: Leptin and bone metabolism. Journal of Nephrology 17(2): 187-189
Chen, W.; Cui, H.; Liu, R.; Xu, K.; Chne, M. 2004: Experimental research on OGTT for non-invasive blood glucose detection through near-infrared spectroscopy ranging from 1100 nm to 1700 nm. Sheng Wu Yi Xue Gong Cheng Xue Za Zhi 21(5): 824-827
Kharoubi, S. 2004: Sinonasal malignant schwannoma: a case report. Revue de Laryngologie - Otologie - Rhinologie 125(3): 193-197
Cerná, A.; Cuadrado, A.; Jouve, N.; Díaz de la Espina, S.M.; De la Torre, C. 2004: Z-DNA, a new in situ marker for transcription. European Journal of Histochemistry: Ejh 48(1): 49-56
McDowell, D. 2004: Failing to fund. Emergency Medical Services 33(9): 105 109
Polushina, N.D.; Agaev, A.A.; Shchelkunov, A.V.; Eseneev, S.M. 2004: Hormonal and metabolic effects of drinking mineral water and phytoaeronisation in experimental prostatitis. Voprosy Kurortologii Fizioterapii i Lechebnoi Fizicheskoi Kultury 6: 25-27
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