Risk of delayed effects of chronic ionizing and non-ionizing irradiation in establishing hygienic standards
Shafirkin, A.V.; Grigor'ev, I.G.; Nikitina, V.N.
Aviakosmicheskaia i Ekologicheskaia Meditsina 38(1): 56-62
ISSN/ISBN: 0233-528X PMID: 15108601 Document Number: 570386
The authors analyze the range and incidence of diseases in delayed periods following chronic exposure to different dose rates of ionizing radiation (IR) and high and super-high frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) with the intensities just above the population exposure limits. The epidemiological data review lays emphasis on delayed non-tumor pathologies impacting human health and performance which have been left out of account in hygienic standards. Risks to health of personnel working in high- and super-high EMFs has been assessed in light of G. Seliet concept concerning the development of non-specific physiological reactions (general adaptation syndrome) to chronic stresses of varying nature, modeling shifts in the adaptive body reserves, and calculated radiation risks from acute and chronic IR exposures.