Node 1

POPLINE Curated Health Sciences Literature Node 1 Subnode 56


Nair, C.S.; Malhotra, M.S.; Gopinath, P.M. 1972: Effect of altitude acclimatization and simultaneous acclimatization to altitude and cold on critical flicker frequency at 11,000 ft. altitude in man. Aerospace Medicine 43(10): 1097-1100
Grob, P.R.; Gibbs, F.J. 1972: The use of human chorionic gonadotropin levels in assessing the prognosis of threatened abortion. Practitioner 209(249): 79-81
Leśkiewicz, H.; Rudzińska, H. 1972: Analysis of the dispensary group IV-E registered at tuberculosis dispensaries with consideration of test treatment and risk of incidence. Gruzlica i Choroby Pluc; Tuberculosis et Pneumonologia 40(12): 1103-1115
Forteza Vila, J.; Seidel, H.J. 1972: Virus-cell relation in Rauscher leukemia in mice. Sangre 17(1): 43-52
Morris, M.S. 1972: GP exchange with South Africa. Canadian Medical Association Journal 107(7): 608
Parkhomenko, I.I.; Irlin, I.S. 1972: In vitro polyoma virus transformation of cells of a tumor induced in hamsters by 20-methylcholanthrene. Voprosy Onkologii 18(2): 52-57
McConkey, B.; Crockson, R.A.; Crockson, A.P. 1972: The assessment of rheumatoid arthritis. a study based on measurements of the serum acute-phase reactants. Quarterly Journal of Medicine 41(162): 115-125
Domanig, E.; Kaindl, F.; Navrátil, J.; Steinbach, K. 1972: Aortic valve defects. Diagnosis, indication for surgery and surgical management. Medizinische Klinik 67(42): 1349-1354
Mukherjee, S.K. 1972: Obstruction of small intestine. Journal of the Indian Medical Association 58(10): 387-389
Fedotova, Z.N.; Gur'ian, I.E.; Kochetov, B.I. 1972: Primary drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to 2d line preparations. Problemy Tuberkuleza 50(11): 21-24
Pazderka, V.; Stŕeda, A. 1972: Patchy basophilic artefacts in tissues subjected to decalcification. Ceskoslovenska Patologie 8(1): 23-28
El-Fiky, S.M.; Fahmy, T.Y.; Abdo, S.E. 1972: Karyometrical and cytochemical studies of Harding-Passey melanoma and Horning-Mitchely kidney tumour. 3. Cytochemistry of some hydrolytic enzymes. Acta Histochemica 42(1): 115-120
Kalabukha, A.V.; Klimenko, M.T. 1972: Action of protionamide on tuberculosis mycobacteria in vitro. Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal 34(6): 778-782
Bremner, C.G. 1972: Duodenal ulcer in the Johannesburg urban African. South African Journal of Surgery. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir Chirurgie 10(3): 139-141
Terrier, H.; Ganascia-Goetschel, J.; Lary, A.; Griton, P. 1972: Pneumatic compression of edema of the limbs. new technic. La Nouvelle Presse Medicale 1(31): 2051-2052
Kolarz, G.; Pietschmann, H. 1972: Familial myeloid leukaemias. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 84(49): 790-792
George, T.R.; Clark, J.F. 1972: The changing role of cesarean section. Journal of the National Medical Association 64(3): 227-229
Vilain, R.; Vieu, J.F.; Verheecke, G. 1972: Bacillus pyocyaneus infection in surgery. Chirurgie; Memoires de l'Academie de Chirurgie 98(5): 338-351
Niedworok, J.; Spychalski, E. 1972: Behavior of some lysosomal enzymes of rabbits' leukocytes in experimental disease following thermal burns. Acta Physiologica Polonica 23(6): 987-995
Dahlin, O. 1972: To meet a human being where she is--not an official procedure. Lakartidningen 69(9): 973-976
Ikonnikov, V.I. 1972: Age and climatic-geographic aspects of complement and rheumatoid factor titer in healthy children. Laboratornoe Delo 7: 440-442
Pöntinen, P.J.; Dahlström, E. 1972: Some experiences in creating arteriovenous fistulas for chronic hemodialysis. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 138(5): 471-473
Moghadam, H.; Statten, P. 1972: Hereditary sensorineural hearing loss associated with onychodystrophy and digital malformations. Canadian Medical Association Journal 107(4): 310-312
Martin, L.G.; Wertenberger, G.E.; Hippensteele, J.R.; Bullard, R.W. 1972: Thyroidal influence on myocardial changes induced by simulated high altitude. American Journal of Physiology 222(6): 1599-1603
Drouhet, E.; Camey, L.; Segretain, G. 1972: Value of immunoprecipitation and of indirect immunofluorescence in bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. Annales de l'Institut Pasteur 123(3): 379-395
Moertel, C.G.; Schutt, A.J.; Reitemeier, R.J.; Hahn, R.G. 1972: A comparison of 5-fluorouracil administered by slow infusion and rapid injection. Cancer Research 32(12): 2717-2719
Wallace, C.M. 1972: The man next door. Nursing Mirror and Midwives Journal 134(2): 7
Lereboullet, J.; Rosa, A.; Olivier Martin, R. 1972: Chemotherapy of cerebral tumors. La Revue du Praticien 22(12): 1906-1914
Khegaĭ, M.D.; Zharova, I.P. 1972: The effect of adresone and alimentary sucrose loading on blood lipids and beta-lipoprotein composition. Voprosy Pitaniia 31(4): 63-66
Kreil, R. 1972: Malaria following leukocyte transfusion. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 97(15): 633
Harken, D.E. 1972: Standards for standards. Jaami: Journal of the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation 6(4): 296-299
Verger, P.; Battin, J.J.; Bentegeat, J.; Guillard, J.M.; Boisseau, M.; Alberty, J.; Lorin, J.C. 1972: Chronic granulomatous disease. Apropos of a case. Pediatrie 27(1): 73-74
Ardeleanu, A. 1972: Hormonal influences on metabolism of hepatic phospholipids in the post-natal period. Revue Roumaine de Physiologie 9(1): 57-62
Romsing, J. 1972: Sterilization of women by means of laparoscopy. Ugeskrift for Laeger 134(9): 439-440
Borisenko, N.F. 1972: Participation of an allergic component in the damaging effect of organomercuric compounds. Gigiena Truda i Professional'nye Zabolevaniya (9): 26-29
Uteshev, N.S.; Bognitskaia, T.N.; Tsenaeva, G.V. 1972: Postoperative complications in destructive forms of acute appendicitis. Khirurgiia 25(2): 119-123
Hasleton, S. 1972: Marihuana studies. Medical Journal of Australia 1(4): 197
Roseau, E.; Napoleon 1972: The body and fate of Napoleon. La Nouvelle Presse Medicale 1(19): 1307-1308
Vido, I.; Winckler, K. 1972: Diagnosis of liver cirrhosis from laparoscopic and histologic findings. Medizinische Klinik 67(12): 400-402
Cendrowski, W. 1972: New views on the pathophysiology of disseminated sclerosis. Neurologia i Neurochirurgia Polska 6(5): 817-821
James, J. 1972: Child neglect and abuse. Maryland State Medical Journal 21(7): 64-65
Lesný, I. 1972: Teaching of pediatric neurology in schools of medicine. Ceskoslovenska Pediatrie 27(6): 299-300
Rohrschneider, I.; Schinko, I.; Wetzstein, R. 1972: Fine structure of the area postrema in the mouse. Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie 123(2): 251-276
Chung, H.F.; MacLaurin, J.C.; Rundstedler, B. 1972: On iodine calibration curves. Clinical Chemistry 18(12): 1547-1548
Tokin, I.B. 1972: Electron microscopic analysis of the process of cell differentiation and dedifferentiation. Arkhiv Anatomii Gistologii i Embriologii 62(6): 46-62
Stein, H.; Cohen, H.; Katze, H.; Goldberg, J. 1972: The use of an ultralong-acting sulphonamide (Fanasil) as a prophylactic agent. South African Medical Journal 46(38): 1370
Leibetseder, F. 1972: Clinical experience with acetyl-digoxin (Sandolanid). Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 84(9): 148-149
Favino, A.; Facchinetti, A.; Collesano, V.; Ardolino, C. 1972: Effect of acoustic stimulation on behavior of hematic cortisol in man. Bollettino della Societa Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale 48(5): 105-109
Wender, M.; Kozik, M.; Wajgt, A. 1972: Histoenzymology of experimental cyanide encephalopathy. Acta Histochemica 43(2): 361-371
Gerber, T. 1972: Traction-fixation of a stress fracture of the tuberculum of the 5th metatarsus--an advisable method. Helvetica Chirurgica Acta 39(5): 703-704
Neel, H.B. 1972: Obstruction of the common bile duct. Duodenal diverticula. Minnesota Medicine 55(12): 1118-1120
Szabó, I. 1972: Drive-decay theory of instrumental self-stimulation: motor correlates. Acta Physiologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 42(3): 255-265
Göllesz, V. 1972: Gained experiences with sheltered workshops for the mentally retarded in agriculture. Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Hygiene und ihre Grenzgebiete 18(9): 702-703
el-Mahgoub, S.; Karim, M.; Ammar, R. 1972: Long-term use of depot medroxy progesterone acetate as a contraceptive. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 51(3): 251-255
Horváth, F.; Rózsahegyi, I. 1972: Chronic caisson osteoarthropathy in the glenoid cavity of the clavicle. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin 117(6): 733-734
Bauer, K.M. 1972: Emergencies in urology. II. B. Testicular torsion, paraphimosis, paranephritic abscess, abscess-forming pyelonephritis, prostatic abscess. Die Medizinische Welt 23(24): 893-894
Pugachev, V.S.; Lysiuk, M.D. 1972: Levels of florimycin in tissues of healthy mice following administration by various routes. Antibiotiki 17(7): 638-641
Khalaf, F.; Robinson, D.W. 1972: Observations on the phagic response of the pig to infusions of dextrose and sodium pentobarbital into the ventromedial area of the brain. Research in Veterinary Science 13(1): 1-4
Seyss, R. 1972: Cranial-eccentric radiography of the pelvis in early childhood. Rontgen-Blatter; Zeitschrift für Rontgen-Technik und Medizinisch-Wissenschaftliche Photographie 25(5): 231-235
Mungavin, J.M. 1972: A multicentre clinical trial of oxypertine in anxiety neurosis. Postgraduate Medical Journal 48(Suppl 4): 47-54
Dessertenne, F.; Waynberger, M.; Gros, J.J.; Bouvrain, Y. 1972: Aspect of left atrial pulse in the esophagus a certain form of telesystolic mitral insufficiency. Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux 65(7): 837-851
Bentley-Phillips, B.; Bayles, M.A. 1972: Superficial fungal diseases of Natal. Preliminary report. South African Medical Journal 46(15): 445-446
Piening, C.; Wermerssen, H. 1972: Control of salmonella infections in cattle in Schleswig-Holstein. Deutsche Tierärztliche Wochenschrift 79(1): 6-10
Castelletto, R.H.; Salvioli, J.E.; Stoichevich, F.M.; Pianzola, L.E. 1972: Diabetic skin disease. Revista Clinica Espanola 126(3): 241-246
Alagille, D.; Carlioz, H.; Courtecuisse, V.; Tron, P.; Vassoyan, J. 1972: Obstructive jaundice, chronic pancreatitis and duodenal stenosis. An unusual association in a child. Archives Francaises de Pediatrie 29(4): 421-429
Dutt, R.; Saxena, K.M. 1972: Pancytopenia following hepatitis. Minnesota Medicine 55(2): 120-123
Baier, J.; Steffen, W.; Köhler, B. 1972: Virologic and serologic studies during the influenza-A 2 Hong Kong-epidemic 1969 in the Rostock district. Das Deutsche Gesundheitswesen 27(15): 703-708
Gavriliu, D.; Grigorescu, A.; Albu, E.; Păcuraru, D. 1972: Clinical and therapeutic study of esophageal ulcers. Chirurgia 21(3): 193-198
Arshavskiĭ, V.V.; Meshman, V.F.; Rozenshteĭn, G.S. 1972: Role of motivation centers in the control of convulsive brain activity. Biofizika 17(3): 515-520
Hilscher, B.; Hilscher, W.; Delbrück, G.; Lerouge-Bénard, B. 1972: Autoradiographic determination of the duration of S-phase of the gonocytes of wistar albino rat by single and double labeling. Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie 125(2): 229-251
Thompson, D.T.; Dick, J.S. 1972: The heart and pregnancy. Central African Journal of Medicine 18(9): 177-181
Lütjen-Drecoll, E.; Draeger, J.; Rohen, J.W. 1972: Histological examination on structural changes in the region of the angle of the anterior chamber after microsurgical glaucoma operations. Klinische Monatsblatter für Augenheilkunde 160(3): 281-292
Orlowski, T. 1972: Creation of substitute urinary bladder by a method enabling urinary continence. Polski Przeglad Chirurgiczny 44(Suppl): 1103-1106
Gupta, S.S.; Bhagwat, A.W.; Ram, A.K. 1972: Cardiac stimulant activity of the saponin of Achyranthes aspera (Linn). Indian Journal of Medical Research 60(3): 462-471
Petrov, T.; Milovancev, M.; Vracarić, B.; Ristov, T.; Ivanovska, P.; Glavincevski, A.; Stojanović, N. 1972: Results of diet and nutrition survey in soliders of 2 garrisons. Vojnosanitetski Pregled 29(7): 323-327
Diamantidis, G. 1972: Prophylaxis and therapy of ventricular fibrillation in myocardial infarct. Die Medizinische Welt 23(40): 1379-1380
Volmat, R. 1972: Neuroses and their treatment. Revue Medicale de Liege 27(8): 241-247
Boger, M.M.; Kornilova, V.A. 1972: Significance of the proserine test in pancreatic diseases. Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 44(5): 62-65
Melichar, V. 1972: Problems of the Intensive Care of the Newborn infants (NIC). Changes in the opinion on possibilities of institutional infant care. Ceskoslovenska Pediatrie 27(7): 339-343
Claussen, E. 1972: A new system for practical endoscopy of the larynx up to the epipharynx. Hno 20(3): 81-83
Selmonosky, C.A.; Ellison, R.G. 1972: Traumatic mitral incompetence: case report. Journal of Trauma 12(7): 632-636
Ferrari, M.; Furlanut, M.; Santi, R. 1972: Electrophysiological investigations on the mechanism of action of some spasmolytic agents. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie 196: Suppl 196: 101
De la Fuente, P.; Diaz Castellanos, R.; Gonzalez, A.; Ezcurdia, M.A.; Dat, S.; Martin de la Lastra, A. 1972: Inhibition of uterine contraction. Several aspects and relationships with cyclic AMP. Journal de Gynecologie Obstetrique et Biologie de la Reproduction 1(6): 497-507
Kudô, A.; Ito, K. 1972: Genetic studies on inbreeding in some Japanese populations. 3. Comparability of various consanguineous classes of school children in Shizuoka for continuous variables. Jinrui Idengaku Zasshi. Japanese Journal of Human Genetics 17(2): 149-157
Trouern-Trend, J.B.; Leonard, M. 1972: Prevention of child abuse: current progress in Connecticut. I. "The problem". Connecticut Medicine 36(3): 135-137
Hilfrich, J.; Mohr, U. 1972: Experiments on malignant transformation of hyperplasiogenic tumours ("splenic ovary") in rats. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pathologie 56: 532-535
Borodina, G.A.; Mironova, L.A. 1972: Effect of effluents from a hydrolysis plant on the survival of typhoid and dysentery bacteria. Gigiena i Sanitariia 37(8): 101-102
Schlierf, G.; Kahlke, W. 1972: Therapy of essential hyperlipidemias. Minerva Medica 63(14): 853-855
Yamamoto, M.; Kawashima, K. 1972: Observation of the lung in leukemia and malignant lymphoma. Nihon Kyobu Shikkan Gakkai Zasshi 10(2): 73-74
Oancea, T.; Lengyel, E.; Stefănescu-Galaţi, T.; Voicu, G. 1972: Operated pulmonary metastasis. Chirurgia 21(2): 169-173
Aleksic, N.; Damjanov, I. 1972: Microscopic lung chemodectomas. Zentralblatt für Allgemeine Pathologie U. Pathologische Anatomie 116(1): 6-9
Leona, S.; Yalaz, K. 1972: A study of the etiology and prognosis of breath-holding spells. Turkish Journal of Pediatrics 14(4): 146-152
Appalanarasayya, K.; Devi, O.B. 1972: Sympatheticoblastoma. International Surgery 57(11): 921-922
Starovoĭtov, I.M.; Gerasimovich, G.I.; Lukashevich, G.A. 1972: Conservative treatment and prevention of uterine myoma. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiia 48(4): 17-20
Beuve-Mery, P.; Fendler, J.P.; Baglin, A.; Fritel, D. 1972: Periodic hemodialysis at home. La Nouvelle Presse Medicale 1(2): 127-128
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Alpermann, H.G.; Ruschig, H.; Meixner, W. 1972: 4-(2-chloro-3-methylphenylamine)-3-thiophene-carboxylate, a highly active anti-inflammatory drug. Arzneimittel-Forschung 22(12): 2146-2147
Whittman, I.; Bereti, I.; Huoranszki, F. 1972: The importance of optic esophagoscopy in gastrointestinal diagnosis. Orvosi Hetilap 113(13): 745-749
Mel'nikov, D.N. 1972: Tinctorial and histochemical characteristics of the connective tissue in evaluating the state of certain histological forms of breast cancer. Arkhiv Patologii 34(5): 35-40
Saño, F.I. 1972: RP mobil orthopedic clinic for handicapped. Philippine Journal of Nursing 41(1): 15 Passim
Sakagami, M. 1972: Ultrastructural changes of pancreatic B cells of the islands of Langerhans induced by the electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus and autonomic nerve endings. Kaibogaku Zasshi. Journal of Anatomy 47(2): 154-171
Platonenkova, L.S.; Kiseleva, O.A.; Kondrat'eva, E.N. 1972: Formation of non-conjugated pteridines by phototrophic bacteria in relation to growth conditions. Mikrobiologiia 41(5): 818-822
Jayle, M.F. 1972: Endocrine functions of the placenta. La Revue du Praticien 22(7): 1015-1027
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Margolis, M.G. 1972: Enzymes and coenzymes in ophthalmology (review of the literature). Vestnik Oftalmologii 1: 80-85
Appelbaum, S.A. 1972: A method of reporting psychological test findings. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 36(5): 535-545
Gabriel, L.; Virchow, R. 1972: Rudolf Virchow and the founding of the first urban general hospital at Berlin-Friedrichshain. Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Hygiene und ihre Grenzgebiete 18(6): 467-471
Hagan, K. 1972: Comments from the readers: dosage of actinomycin. Southern Medical Journal 65(12): 1511
Oancea, T.; Voicu, G.; Bachman, M. 1972: Calcified hydatid cyst of the liver. Chirurgia 21(1): 41-46
Paul, A.H. 1972: The general practitioner and drug dependence. New Zealand Medical Journal 76(485): 278-279
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