POPLINE Curated Health Sciences Literature Node 1 Subnode 642
Tobgay, T.; Lhazeen, K. 2010: Malaria perceptions and practices in Bhutan. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 41(2): 274-279
Maino, A.; Siegerink, B.; Algra, A.; Peyvandi, F.; Rosendaal, F.R. 2016: Recurrence and Mortality in Young Women with Myocardial Infarction or Ischemic Stroke: Long-term Follow-up of the Risk of Arterial Thrombosis in Relation to Oral Contraceptives (RATIO) Study. JAMA Internal Medicine 176(1): 134-136
Lee, J.; Berenson, A.B.; Patel, P.R. 2015: Characteristics of Females Who Use Contraception at Coitarche: An Analysis of the National Survey of Family Growth 2006-2010 Database. Journal of Women's Health 24(12): 972-977
Eslami, M.; d'Arcangues, C. 2016: Aiming for quality in Iran's national family planning program - two decades of sustained efforts. Contraception 93(3): 209-215
Harrison, D.L.; Do, T. 2016: It's all about women: creating healthy, functional markets to address the unmet global need for contraception. Contraception 93(3): 185-189
Krol, C.G.; Janssen, M.J.F.M. 2010: Unusual use of nutmeg. Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde 154: A2214
Medeiros, M.N.L.; Cavalcante, N.ád.C.N.; Mesquita, F.íc.J.é A.; Batista, R.ân.L.F.; Simões, V.M.F.; Cavalli, R.d.C.; Cardoso, V.C.; Bettiol, H.; Barbieri, M.A.; Silva, A.ôn.A.M.d. 2015: Validity of pre and post-term birth rates based on the date of last menstrual period compared to early obstetric ultrasonography. Cadernos de Saude Publica 31(4): 885-890
Davidsen, A.S. 2010: Talking therapy as part of the general practitioner's normal working day. Ugeskrift for Laeger 172(27): 2025-2029
Chiavegatto Filho, A.D.P.; Kawachi, I. 2015: Income inequality is associated with adolescent fertility in Brazil: a longitudinal multilevel analysis of 5,565 municipalities. Bmc Public Health 15: 103
Molodchenkova, O.O.; Adamovskaia, V.G.; Tsiselskaia, L.Ĭ.; Sagaĭdak, T.V. 2010: Isolation and properties of lectins from cell walls of wheat seedlings infected by Fusarium graminearum and treated by salicylic acid. Ukrains'kyi Biokhimichnyi Zhurnal 82(5): 111-117
Xu, G.; Hou, C.-R.; Jiang, H.-W.; Xiang, C.-Q.; Shi, N.; Yuan, H.-C.; Ding, Q.; Zhang, Y.-F. 2010: Serum protein profiling to identify biomarkers for small renal cell carcinoma. Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 47(4): 211-218
Benova, L.; Campbell, O.M.R.; Sholkamy, H.; Ploubidis, G.B. 2014: Socio-economic factors associated with maternal health-seeking behaviours among women from poor households in rural Egypt. International Journal for Equity in Health 13: 111
Mirkuzie, A.H. 2014: Exploring inequities in skilled care at birth among migrant population in a metropolitan city Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; a qualitative study. International journal for equity in health 13: 110
Mihara, M.; Hirata, Y. 2010: Ectopic hormonal syndrome. Gan to Kagaku Ryoho. Cancer and ChemoTherapy 37(6): 989-994
Wang, P.S.; Patrick, A.R.; Dormuth, C.; Maclure, M.; Avorn, J.; Canning, C.F.; Schneeweiss, S. 2010: Impact of drug cost sharing on service use and adverse clinical outcomes in elderly receiving antidepressants. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics 13(1): 37-44
Liu, X-hui.; Xu, J. 2010: Change of polished surface contours on mandibular complete denture base in different residual ridge resorption situation: a pilot study. Zhonghua Kou Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi 45(4): 228-232
Richardson, V.; Sánchez-Uribe, E.; Esparza-Aguilar, M.; Esteves-Jaramillo, A.; Suárez-Idueta, L. 2014: Contribution of Mexico's Universal Immunization Program to the Fourth Millennium Development Goal. Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica 35(4): 248-255
Gough, P.; Masterson, A. 2010: Nurses are in pole position to make quality a priority. Nursing Times 106(20): 26
Kułaga, Z.; Napieralska, E.; Gurzkowska, B.; Grajda, A. 2010: Trends in children and adolescents deaths due to suicide, event of undetermined intent and poisoning in Poland in the years 1999-2007. Przeglad epidemiologiczny 64(4): 551-556
Manniën, J.; de Jonge, A.; Cornel, M.C.; Spelten, E.; Hutton, E.K. 2014: Factors associated with not using folic acid supplements preconceptionally. Public Health Nutrition 17(10): 2344-2350
Mohammadi, N.; Kochak, H.E.; Gharacheh, M. 2015: The Lived Experience of Domestic Violence in Iranian HIV-Infected Women. Global Journal of Health Science 7(5): 43-50
O'Keefe, J.H.; Abuannadi, M. 2010: Dietary strategies for the prevention & treatment of metabolic syndrome. Missouri Medicine 107(6): 406-409
Sugiura, M.; Ozaki, Y.; Katano, K. 2010: Diagnosis and treatment methods in recurrent miscarriage. Nihon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine 68(12): 2351-2356
Some, E.N.; Meda, N. 2014: Does the national program of prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) reach its target in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso?. African Health Sciences 14(4): 889-898
Karkanová, M.; Matusková, V.; Vlková, E.; Dosková, H.; Uhmannová, R. 2010: The ERG contribution in early diagnosis of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine maculopathy. Ceska a Slovenska Oftalmologie: Casopis Ceske Oftalmologicke Spolecnosti a Slovenske Oftalmologicke Spolecnosti 66(2): 62-66
Figiel, S.; de Leval, L.; Rousié, C.; Duysinx, B.; Louis, R.; Defraigne, J.O.; Radermecker, M. 2010: Clinical case of the month. The "classic" triad presentation of mucinous bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma. Revue medicale de Liege 65(11): 611-614
Matsui, T.; Shinkai, Y. 2010: Epigenetic silencing mechanism of retrotransposons. Seikagaku. Journal of Japanese Biochemical Society 82(3): 237-246
Zhang, J.-q.; Lao, Q.-f.; Chu, S.-y.; Bai, J.; Zhong, X.-n. 2010: Interleukin-17 expression and significance in normal lung function smokers and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi 90(20): 1431-1435
Hommerding, P.íc.X.; Donadio, M.ár.V.; Paim, T.F.; Marostica, P.J. 2010: The Borg scale is accurate in children and adolescents older than 9 years with cystic fibrosis. Respiratory Care 55(6): 729-733
Shypshyna, M.S.; Veselovs'kyĭ, M.S. 2010: Characteristics of sensory neurotransmission in co-culture of neurons from the dorsal root ganglion and dorsal horn spinal cord in rats. Fiziolohichnyi Zhurnal 56(4): 26-36
Beck-Sagué, C.M.; Dévieux, J.G.; Pinzón-Iregui, Mía.Claudia.; Abreu-Pérez, R.; Lerebours-Nadal, L.; Gaston, S.; Dean, A.G.; Halpern, M.; Rouzier, V.; Bertrand, R.; Rosenberg, R.; Pape, J.William.; Nicholas, S.W.; Blasini, I. 2015: Depression in caregivers of status-naïve pediatric HIV patients participating in a status disclosure study in Haiti and the Dominican Republic: preliminary report. Journal of tropical pediatrics 61(1): 65-68
Ma, X.-f.; Yu, T.; Wang, L.-h.; Shi, X.; Zheng, L.-x.; Wang, M.-x.; Yao, Y.-q.; Cai, H.-j. 2010: Effects of water deficit at seedling stage on maize root development and anatomical structure. Ying Yong Sheng Tai Xue Bao 21(7): 1731-1736
Cardona-Arias, J.A.; Alvarez-Flórez, C.M.; Gil-Ruiz, G. 2013: HIV/AIDS prevalence in Medellin and presumptive test diagnostic accuracy (2006-2012). Revista de Salud Publica 15(6): 929-942
Haldar, S. 2010: Medical ethics vis-a-vis the medical profession. Journal of the Indian Medical Association 108(1): 11
Stoneburner, R.; Korenromp, E.; Lazenby, M.; Tassie, J.-M.; Letebele, J.; Motlapele, D.; Granich, R.; Boerma, T.; Low-Beer, D. 2014: Using health surveillance systems data to assess the impact of AIDS and antiretroviral treatment on adult morbidity and mortality in Botswana. Plos one 9(7): E100431
Liu, X.; Erasmus, V.; Wu, Q.; Richardus, J.Hendrik. 2014: Behavioral and psychosocial interventions for HIV prevention in floating populations in China over the past decade: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Plos one 9(6): E101006
Aho, J.; Hakim, A.; Vuylsteke, B.; Semde, G.èl.; Gbais, H.G.; Diarrassouba, M.; Thiam, M.; Laga, M. 2014: Exploring risk behaviors and vulnerability for HIV among men who have sex with men in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire: poor knowledge, homophobia and sexual violence. Plos one 9(6): E99591
Kasatpibal, N.; Viseskul, N.; Srikantha, W.; Fongkaew, W.; Surapagdee, N.; Grimes, R.M. 2014: Effects of Internet-based instruction on HIV-prevention knowledge and practices among men who have sex with men. Nursing and Health Sciences 16(4): 514-520
Payne, T. 2010: Improving clinical documentation in an EMR world. Healthcare Financial Management: Journal of the Healthcare Financial Management Association 64(2): 70-74
Lindner, S.R.; Coelho, E.B.S.; Bolsoni, C.C.; Rojas, P.F.; Boing, A.F. 2015: Prevalence of intimate partner physical violence in men and women from Florianópolis, Santa Catarina State, Brazil: a population-based study. Cadernos de Saude Publica 31(4): 815-826
Cripe, S.May.; Espinoza, D.; Rondon, M.B.; Jimenez, M.Luisa.; Sanchez, E.; Ojeda, N.; Sanchez, S.; Williams, M.A. 2015: Preferences for intervention among Peruvian women in intimate partner violence relationships. Hispanic Health Care International: the Official Journal of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses 13(1): 27-37
Cerda, A.A.; García, L.Y.; Albornoz, D.V. 2014: Parents willingness to pay for a human papillomavirus vaccine to protect their adolescent daughters: Maule Region, Chile. Salud Publica de Mexico 56(1): 48-55
Grant, E.C.G. 2015: Endometrial cancer with progestagen and oestrogen oral contraceptives. LANCET. Oncology 16(15): E527
Ralph, L.J.; Gollub, E.L.; Jones, H.E. 2015: Hormonal contraceptive use and women's risk of HIV acquisition: priorities emerging from recent data. Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology 27(6): 487-495
Goldthwaite, L.M.; Shaw, K.A. 2015: Immediate postpartum provision of long-acting reversible contraception. Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology 27(6): 460-464
Blumenthal, P.D. 2015: Update in family planning: hardware and software improvements. Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology 27(6): 449-450
Paciorek, A.; Urbanik, A.; Brzozowska-Czarnek, A.; Paciorek, J.; Herman-Sucharska, I. 2010: The role of MRI in the assessment of the cardiac anatomy and function. Przeglad Lekarski 67(4): 306-313
Minowa, E.; Julian, G.; Pomerantz, D.; Sternbach, N.; Feijo, L.F.; Annunziata, K. 2015: Contraception Patterns in Brazil: 2012 National Survey Data. Value in Health 18(7): A832-A833
Záhumenský, J.; Neumannová, H.; Vojtĕch, J.; Zmrhalová, B.; Sottner, O.; Mikysková, I.; Sýkorová, J.; Halaska, M. 2010: Sexual assault in the woman. Soudni Lekarstvi 55(3): 40-42
Francia, A.; Luzi, G.; Morreale, M.; Vanacore, N.; Bianchi, A.; Buttinelli, C.; Capizzi, G.; Cerminara, C.; Colicchio, G.; Conti, L.; Coppola, G.; Elia, M.; Habetswallner, F.; Germano, M.; Giallonardo, A.T.; Lacara, A.; La Neve, A.; Magaudda, A.; Maschio, M.; Mecarelli, O.; Lodi, M.; Paciello, N.; Paggi, A.; Specchio, L.M.; Spitaleri, O.; Striano, P.; Tortorella, G.; Vaccario, M.L.; Vigevano, F.; Zaccara, G.; Zamponi, N. 2010: Can immune disorders influence therapeutic approaches in treatment of epilepsy among neurologists? A first cooperative national recognition in Italy. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology 23(4): 1267-1269
Lafuma, A.; Agostini, A.; Linet, T.; Robert, J.; Levy-Bachelot, L.; Godard, C. 2015: Cost-Effectiveness of Nexplanon® (Etonogestrel Implant) Compared to other Reimbursed Contraceptive Methods in France Based on Real Life Data. Value in Health 18(7): A735-A736
Foxon, G.; Fox, G.; Mitchell, P.; Pringle, F.; McConnell, A.; Kendrew, H.; Craddy, P. 2015: Bemfola® Can Potentially Reduce Drug Wastage and Associated Costs of Intertility Treatment. Value in Health 18(7): A734
Chebet, J.J.; McMahon, S.A.; Greenspan, J.A.; Mosha, I.H.; Callaghan-Koru, J.A.; Killewo, J.; Baqui, A.H.; Winch, P.J. 2015: "Every method seems to have its problems"- Perspectives on side effects of hormonal contraceptives in Morogoro Region, Tanzania. Bmc Women's Health 15: 97
Mubyazi, G.M.; Exavery, A.; Tenu, F.; Massaga, J.J.; Rugemalila, J.; Malebo, H.M.; Wiketye, V.; Makundi, E.A.; Ikingura, J.K.; Mushi, A.K.; Malekia, S.E.; Mziray, A.; Ogondiek, J.W.; Kahwa, A.; Kafuye, M.M.; Malecela, M.N. 2015: Determinants of demand for condoms to prevent HIV infections among barmaids and guesthouse workers in two districts, Tanzania. Bmc Research Notes 8: 630
Gilliam, M. 2015: Saving lives with contraceptive coverage. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 213(5): 602-603
Kibira, S.P.S.; Muhumuza, C.; Bukenya, J.N.; Atuyambe, L.M. 2015: "i Spent a Full Month Bleeding, i Thought i Was Going to Die…" a Qualitative Study of Experiences of Women Using Modern Contraception in Wakiso District, Uganda. Plos one 10(11): E0141998
Melka, A.Sufa.; Tekelab, T.; Wirtu, D. 2015: Determinants of long acting and permanent contraceptive methods utilization among married women of reproductive age groups in western Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study. Pan African Medical Journal 21: 246
Salcedo, J.; Moniaga, N.; Harken, T. 2015: Limited Uptake of Planned Intrauterine Devices During the Postpartum Period. Southern Medical Journal 108(8): 463-468
Wong, E.; Cheung, V.Y.T. 2015: The AiMu MCu Intrauterine Device. Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology 22(5): 710-711
Papic, M.; Wang, N.; Parisi, S.M.; Baldauf, E.; Updike, G.; Schwarz, E.B. 2015: Same-day intrauterine device placement is rarely complicated by pelvic infection. Women's Health Issues: Official Publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health 25(1): 22-27
Lamas, M. 2014: Between the stigma and the law: legal abortion in Mexico City. Salud Publica de Mexico 56(1): 56-62
Bastianelli, C.; Farris, M.; Rapiti, S.; Vecchio, R.B.; Benagiano, G. 2014: Different bleeding patterns with the use of levonorgestrel intrauterine system: are they associated with changes in uterine artery blood flow?. Biomed Research International 2014: 815127
Riley, H.E.M.; Berry-Bibee, E.; England, L.J.; Jamieson, D.J.; Marchbanks, P.A.; Curtis, K.M. 2016: Hormonal contraception among electronic cigarette users and cardiovascular risk: a systematic review. Contraception 93(3): 190-208
Jatlaoui, T.C.; Riley, H.; Curtis, K.M. 2016: Safety data for levonorgestrel, ulipristal acetate and Yuzpe regimens for emergency contraception. Contraception 93(2): 93-112
Daly, B.; Clarke, W.; McEvoy, W.; Periam, K.; Zoitopoulos, L. 2010: Child oral health concerns amongst parents and primary care givers in a Sure Start local programme. Community Dental Health 27(3): 167-171
Jayaprakash, S.; Halith, S.M.; Firthouse, P.M.; Yasmin; Nagarajan, M. 2010: Preparation and evaluation of celecoxib transdermal patches. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 23(3): 279-283
Li, S.-m.; Zhu, C.; Kong, R.; Xia, R.; Fang, S.-y.; Zhang, G.-p. 2010: Analysis of misdiagnoses for femoral shaft fracture with ipsilateral femoral neck or femoral fractures. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi 90(7): 486-488
Pace, L.E.; Dolan, B.M.; Tishler, L.W.; Gooding, H.C.; Bartz, D. 2016: Incorporating Long-acting Reversible Contraception into Primary Care: a Training and Practice Innovation. Women's Health Issues: Official Publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health 26(2): 131-134
Gray, A.M.; Gugala, Z.; Baillargeon, J.G. 2016: Effects of Oral Contraceptive use on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Epidemiology. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 48(4): 648-654
Anyanwu, P.Emeka.; Fulton, J. 2017: Knowledge and perception of young adults in Nigeria on effectiveness of condom use in prevention of sexually transmitted infections. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health 29(2)
Rollet, J.; Guerin, J.F.; Czyba, J.C. 1983: La contraception masculine: les différentes possibilités actuelles: essai d'une contraception hormonale associant un progestatif et un androgène - Male contraception: the various possibilities currently available. Trial of a hormonal contraception combining a progestagen with an androgen. Revue Francaise de Gynecologie et d'Obstetrique 78(5): 365-371
Guo, X-yu.; Zhao, D. 2010: Prevention of cardiovascular diseases with multiple risk factors based on "Polypill" concepts. Zhonghua Nei Ke Za Zhi 49(11): 909-911
Maslyanskaya, S.; Coupey, S.M.; Chhabra, R.; Khan, U.I. 2016: Predictors of Early Discontinuation of Effective Contraception by Teens at High Risk of Pregnancy. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 29(3): 269-275
Schreiber, C.A.; Ratcliffe, S.J.; Sammel, M.Dupuis.; Whittaker, P.G. 2016: A self-assessment efficacy tool for spermicide contraceptive users. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 214(2): 264.e1-264.e7
Guilamo-Ramos, V.; Lee, J.J.; Jaccard, J. 2016: Parent-Adolescent Communication About Contraception and Condom Use. JAMA Pediatrics 170(1): 14-16
Zhu, G.Rong.; Ji, C.Ye.; Yang, X.Hua. 2015: Relationship between Migration and HIV Risky Behavior: a Comparative Study of Returning Migrants and Non Migrants Based on Rural Out-of-school Youth in Jilin, China. Biomedical and environmental sciences: BES 28(6): 429-436
Wang, W.; Wu, P.-s.; Yang, X.-l. 2010: Comparison of right atrial matrix metalloproteinase expression between patients with unstable angina and myocardial infarction. Zhonghua Xin Xue Guan Bing Za Zhi 38(5): 411-414
Vassall, A.; Pickles, M.; Chandrashekar, S.; Boily, M-Claude.; Shetty, G.; Guinness, L.; Lowndes, C.M.; Bradley, J.; Moses, S.; Alary, M.; Vickerman, P. 2014: Cost-effectiveness of HIV prevention for high-risk groups at scale: an economic evaluation of the Avahan programme in south India. Lancet. Global Health 2(9): E531-E540
Marseille, E.; Kahn, J.G. 2014: Avahan and the cost-effectiveness of "prevention as prevention". Lancet. Global Health 2(9): E493-E494
Mullan, Z.ë 2014: A risky business. LANCET. Global Health 2(9): E488
Morelli, M.; La Ferrera, N.; Gallo, F.; Venturella, R.; Di Cello, A.; Russo, V.; De Trana, E.; Albano, A.; Zullo, F. 2014: Use of progesterone-releasing intra-uterine system in menhorragia relapse prevention after laparoscopic myomectomy. Minerva Ginecologica 66(5): 461-467
Elkazaz, A.Y.; Salama, K. 2015: The effect of oral contraceptive different patterns of use on circulating IGF-1 and bone mineral density in healthy premenopausal women. Endocrine 48(1): 272-278
Siegfried, N.; Volmink, J.; Dhansay, A. 2010: Does South Africa need a national clinical trials support unit?. South African Medical Journal 100(8): 521-524
Hallfors, D.Dion.; Cho, H.; Mbai, I.I.; Millimo, B.W.; Atieno, C.; Okumu, D.; Luseno, W.K.; Hartman, S.; Halpern, C.T.; Hobbs, M.M. 2015: Disclosure of HSV-2 serological test results in the context of an adolescent HIV prevention trial in Kenya. Sexually Transmitted Infections 91(6): 395-400
Rintisch, U.; Münzer, B.; Klopfleisch, R.; Lahrmann, K.-H. 2010: Multiple myeloma in a Yucatan Pig. Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 123(1-2): 70-73
Tanaka, K.; Umesaki, N. 2010: Impact of three-dimensional (3D) ultrasonography and power Doppler angiography in the management of cervical cancer. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology 31(1): 10-17
Galushko, E.A.; Erdes, S.F.; Bazorkina, D.I.; Bol'shakova, T.I.; Vinogradova, I.B.; Lesniak, O.M.; Men'shikova, L.V.; Miasoedova, S.E.; Protopopova, R.N.; Chernykh, T.M. 2010: Prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis in Russia (according to epidemiological findings). Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 82(5): 9-14
D'Andrea, V.; Catania, A.; Di Matteo, F.M.; Savino, G.; Greco, R.; Di Marco, C.; De Antoni, E. 2010: Case-mix index and length of hospitalization. Il Giornale di Chirurgia 31(5): 211-214
Cournil, A.; Van de Perre, P.; Cames, C.éc.; de Vincenzi, I.; Read, J.S.; Luchters, S.; Meda, N.; Naidu, K.; Newell, M.-L.; Bork, K.; Dioulasso, B.; Faso, B.; Meda, N.; Fao, P.; Ky-Zerbo, O.; Gouem, C.; Somda, P.; Hien, H.é; Ouedraogo, P.E.ée.; Kania, D.; Sanou, A.; Kossiwavi, I.A.; Sanogo, B.; Ouedraogo, M.; Siribie, I.; Valéa, D.; Ouedraogo, S.; Rouet, F.ço.; Rollins, N.; McFetridge, L.; Naidu, K.; Reyners, M.; Irungu, E.; Katingima, C.; Mwaura, M.; Ouattara, G.; Mandaliya, K.; Wambua, S.; Thiongo, M.; Nduati, R.; Kose, J.; Njagi, E.; Mwaura, P.; Newell, M.-L.; Mepham, S.; Viljoen, J.; Bland, R.; Mthethwa, L.; Bazin, B.; Rekacewicz, C.; Taylor, A.; Flowers, N.; Thigpen, M.; Fowler, M.G.; Jamieson, D.; Mofenson, L.M.; Read, J.S.; Bork 2015: Early infant feeding patterns and HIV-free survival: findings from the Kesho-Bora trial (Burkina Faso, Kenya, South Africa). Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 34(2): 168-174
Yap, L.; Reekie, J.; Liu, W.; Chen, Y.; Wu, Z.; Li, J.; Zhang, L.; Wand, H.; Donovan, B.; Butler, T. 2015: HIV testing in re-education through labour camps in Guangxi Autonomous Region, China (a cross-sectional survey). Sexually Transmitted Infections 91(6): 401-406
Wang, L.; Tao, Y.; Li, S.; Chen, G.; Liu, C. 2010: Effects of salvianolic acid B on lipid peroxidation and metalloproteinase-2 activity in fibrotic liver in rat. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi 35(1): 71-75
Klein, D.J.; Eckhoff, P.A.; Bershteyn, A. 2015: Targeting HIV services to male migrant workers in southern Africa would not reverse generalized HIV epidemics in their home communities: a mathematical modeling analysis. International health 7(2): 107-113
Sasa, I.; Donly, K.J. 2010: Sealants: a review of the materials and utilization. Journal of the California Dental Association 38(10): 730-734
Ristanović, E. 2010: 166 years of Military Medical Academy in Belgrade--tradition that obliges. Vojnosanitetski pregled 67(3): 195-199
Wang, Y.-j.; Yao, Q.-l.; Fang, F.; Teng, G.-j. 2010: A study of ischemic penumbra by perfusion and diffusion-weighted imaging at high-field MRi (7.0 T). Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi 90(25): 1773-1777
Homsy, J.; Dorsey, G.; Arinaitwe, E.; Wanzira, H.; Kakuru, A.; Bigira, V.; Muhindo, M.; Kamya, M.R.; Sandison, T.G.; Tappero, J.W. 2014: Protective efficacy of prolonged co-trimoxazole prophylaxis in HIV-exposed children up to age 4 years for the prevention of malaria in Uganda: a randomised controlled open-label trial. Lancet. Global Health 2(12): E727-E736
Verguet, Séphane.; Norheim, O.Frithjof.; Olson, Z.D.; Yamey, G.; Jamison, D.T. 2014: Annual rates of decline in child, maternal, HIV, and tuberculosis mortality across 109 countries of low and middle income from 1990 to 2013: an assessment of the feasibility of post-2015 goals. Lancet. Global health 2(12): e698-e709
Palar, K.; Derose, K.Pitkin.; Linnemayr, S.; Smith, A.; Farías, H.; Wagner, G.; Martinez, H. 2015: Impact of food support on food security and body weight among HIV antiretroviral therapy recipients in Honduras: a pilot intervention trial. Aids Care 27(4): 409-415
Iacobucci, A.; Vecil, M.; Costantini, C.; De Stefanis, P.; Pittini, E.; Forte, A.; De Monte, A. 2010: Introducing Broselow colour coded system for paediatric emergency management in a non paediatric general hospital. Lijecnicki Vjesnik 132(Suppl 1): 6-8
Shklyar, A.; Miller, E.B.; Landau, Z. 2010: Efficacy of ertapenem for secondary treatment of diabetic foot infections . Wounds: a Compendium of Clinical Research and Practice 22(6): 158-160
Guilamo-Ramos, V.; Lee, J.J.; Ruiz, Y.; Hagan, H.; Delva, M.; Quiñones, Z.; Kamler, A.; Robles, G. 2015: Illicit drug use and HIV risk in the Dominican Republic: tourism areas create drug use opportunities. Global Public Health 10(3): 318-330
Schmitto, J.D.; Popov, A.F.; Coskun, K.O.; Friedrich, M.; Sossalla, S.; Didilis, V.; Schoendube, F.A.; Mirzaie, M. 2010: Morphological investigations of type A aortic dissection. Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery: Official Journal of the Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons of Asia 16(5): 331-334
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