A policy tool for establishing a balance between wildlife habitat preservation and the use of natural resources by rural people in South Africa
Bouare, O.
African Journal of Ecology ch; 44(1): 95-101
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2028.2006.00622.xDocument Number: 641272
In this paper, a model is set up to determine the size of the wildlife population compatible with the extraction of the maximum output by rural people from natural resources. It is found that when the size of human population increases, to obtain the maximum output of food, the size of wildlife population decreases if the human population is growing faster than or at the same rate as that of the wildlife population; whereas the size of the wildlife population increases if the human population is growing slower than that of the wildlife. Furthermore, in the event that the increase in the size of the wildlife population is unable to reach the level compatible with the extraction of the maximum output of food, the improvement of the wildlife habitat and supplementing rural people's income with the proceeds of tourism are proposed as policies to maintain a balance between the preservation of the wildlife habitat and the use of natural resources by rural people.