Node 1

POPLINE Curated Health Sciences Literature Node 1 Subnode 561


Malamed, S.F. 2003: Automated external defibrillators, Part 1. Introduction and rationale. Dentistry today 22(6): 106-111
Chandrasekaran, S. 2003: An outbreak of leptospirosis in Mumbai. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology 21(1): 63; Author Reply 63
Bush, J.S. 2003: AAP issues screening recommendations to identify hearing loss in children. American family physician 67(11): 2409
Alamanos, Y.; Voulgari, P.V.; Siozos, C.; Katsimpri, P.; Tsintzos, S.; Dimou, G.; Politi, E.N.; Rapti, A.; Laina, G.; Drosos, A.A. 2003: Epidemiology of systemic lupus erythematosus in northwest Greece 1982-2001. Journal of Rheumatology 30(4): 731-735
Zhou, W. 2003: Acute lymphangitis treated by moxibustion with garlic in 118 cases. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 23(3): 198
Jeleazcov, C.; Schwilden, H. 2003: Bispectral analysis does not differentiate between anaesthesia EEG and a linear random process. Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering 48(10): 269-274
Celi, F.; Bini, V.; Papi, F.; Contessa, G.; Santilli, E.; Falorni, A. 2003: Leptin serum levels are involved in the relapse after weight excess reduction in obese children and adolescents. Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolism 16(5-6): 306-311
Mitchell, H.S. 2003: How much cervical cancer is being prevented?. Medical Journal of Australia 178(6): 298
Quitkin, F.M.; McGrath, P.J.; Stewart, J.W.; Klein, D.F. 2003: A reappraisal of atypical depression. American journal of psychiatry 160(4): 798-800; author reply 800-1
Clément, G. 2003: A review of the effects of space flight on the asymmetry of vertical optokinetic and vestibulo-ocular reflexes. Journal of Vestibular Research: Equilibrium and Orientation 13(4-6): 255-263
Halkin, H. 2003: Computerized physician order entry--an urgently required modality. Harefuah 142(7): 525-526; 566
Zhang, Z.-y.; Li, P.; Chen, J.; Liu, Y.-s.; Xing, J.-b. 2003: Analyses on the trace elements of soils in geo-authentic and non-authentic production areas of Flos lonicearae. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi 28(3): 207-213
Bodey, G.P.; Rolston, K.V.I.; Raad, I.I. 2003: Ciprofloxacin versus tobramycin for neutropenic fevers. Annals of Internal Medicine 138(5): 435; Author Reply 436
Wang, W.; Li, P.-p. 2003: The effects of herb lithospermum extract on MCF-7 cell and estrogen and progestogen levels in mice. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi 28(11): 1062-1067
Taguchi, T. 2003: Development of marine-derived anti-cancer compounds. Gan to Kagaku Ryoho. Cancer and ChemoTherapy 30(5): 579-588
Li, J.; Song, S.-t.; Jiang, Z.-f.; Liu, X.-q.; Yan, L.-d. 2003: Significance of microvascular density and vascular endothelial growth factor in breast cancer. Zhonghua Zhong Liu Za Zhi 25(2): 145-148
Chan, Y.H. 2003: Biostatistics 101: data presentation. Singapore Medical Journal 44(6): 280-285
Liu, X-Lin.; Wang, F-Sheng.; Jin, L.; Liu, M-Xu.; Xu, D-Zhong. 2003: Preliminary study on the association of chemokine RANTES gene polymorphisms with HIV-1 infection in Chinese Han population. Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi 24(11): 971-975
Li, J.; Chen, G.; Gao, Q.-l.; Xing, H.; Wu, S.-f.; Zhang, A.-l.; Wang, S.-x.; Lu, Y.-p.; Ma, D. 2003: Reversion of ovarian carcinoma metastasis by adeno-associated virus-mediated gene transfer of nm23H1 in orthotopic implantation model. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi 83(19): 1671-1675
Kuehn, B.M. 2003: Bioengineered pigs go to market. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 222(7): 926
Kolodziej, T.; Szepietowski, J.C.; Sikora, J.; Bialynick-Birula, R. 2003: The baboon syndrome due to nickel. Acta Dermatovenerologica Croatica: Adc 11(1): 29-31
Solís del Baño, S.; Pérez-Pomata, M.T.; González-Praetorius, A.; Bisquert-Santiago, J. 2003: Isolation and identification of Plesiomonas shigelloides: three cases of diarrhea. Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clinica 21(10): 603-604
Hayee, A.; Haque, A.; Anwarullah, A.K.M.; Rabbani, M.G. 2003: Smoking enhances age related brain atrophy--a quantitative study with computed tomography. Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin 29(3): 118-124
Van Iseghem, B.W.; Gryspeerdt, S.S.; Baekelandt, M.B.; van Holsbeeck, B.G.; Buyse, A.M.M.; Gellens, P.H.; Lefere, P.A. 2003: Claudication type lower limb pain in an athlete without atherosclerotic risk factors: a case of cystic adventitial disease of the popliteal artery. Jbr-Btr: Organe de la Societe Royale Belge de Radiologie 86(5): 272-275
Val, E.; Saiz, F.; Iriarte, A.; Racionero, M. 2003: Malignant insulinoma in an 84-year-old woman. Anales de Medicina Interna 20(1): 34-36
Naĭt-Ali, A.; Siarri, P. 2003: Optimal estimation of temporal non-stationary signals by using simulated annealing: application to brainstem auditory evoked potentials. Meditsinskaia Tekhnika 11(3): 42-46
Chakravarty, A.; Ghosh, B.; Sengupta, S.; Mukhopadhyay, S. 2003: X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease with myokymia: report of a family. Neurology India 51(3): 385-387
Williams, K.A.; Buechner, J.S. 2003: Hospitalizations for mental disorders and substance abuse. Medicine and Health Rhode Island 86(10): 327-328
Alcoba Leza, M.; Pérez-Simón, M.R.; Guerra Laso, J.M.; Carro Fernández, J.A.; Alonso Fernández, M.A.; Blanco Iglesias, B.; Bueno Suárez, P.; Muinelo Voces, I. 2003: Sarcoidosis in a sanitary area at Leon (Spain). Epidemiology and clinical features. Anales de Medicina Interna 20(12): 617-620
Hon, J.K.F.; Melina, G.; Wray, J.; Yacoub, M.H. 2003: Insights from 36 years' follow up of a patient with the Ross operation. Journal of Heart Valve Disease 12(5): 561-565
Pugachev, A.G.; Kudriavtsev, I.V.; Voronovitskiĭ, V.D. 2003: Long-term surgical treatment outcome in ureteral neuromuscular dysplasia in children. Urologiia 6: 58-61
Banerjee, D.; Kupin, W.; Roth, D. 2003: Hemolytic uremic syndrome after multivisceral transplantation treated with intravenous immunoglobulin. Journal of Nephrology 16(5): 733-735
Baulina, O.I.; Lobakova, E.S. 2003: Heterocysts with reduced cell walls in populations of cycad cyanobionts. Mikrobiologiia 72(6): 806-815
Malysheva, A.G.; Sotnikov, E.E.; Moskovkin, A.S. 2003: Asymmetrical dimethylhydrazine in the environment: problems of monitoring and ways of their solution. Gigiena i Sanitariia 5: 74-76
Roth, A.R.; Basello, G.M. 2003: Approach to the adult patient with fever of unknown origin. American Family Physician 68(11): 2223-2228
Henriques, Jé.Gilberto.de.Brito.; Pinho, Aéa.Silva.; Pianetti, G. 2003: Complication of ventriculoperitoneal shunting: inguinal hernia with scrotal migration of catheter. Case report. Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria 61(2b): 486-489
Visscher, M.O.; Tolia, G.T.; Wickett, R.R.; Hoath, S.B. 2003: Effect of soaking and natural moisturizing factor on stratum corneum water-handling properties. Journal of Cosmetic Science 54(3): 289-300
Ertem, D.; Acar, Y.şi.; Kotiloğlu Karaa, E.; Pehlivanoğlu, E. 2003: High-dose interferon results in high HBsAg seroclearance in children with chronic hepatitis B infection. Turkish Journal of Pediatrics 45(2): 123-128
Simion, S.; Mastalier, B.; Angelescu, M.; Petruţescu, M.; Popa, C.; Tihon, C.; Drăgoi, S.; Rădulescu, S.; Marcov, A.; Simion, I. 2003: One case of multiple abdominal hydatidosis. Chirurgia 98(6): 565-570
Kulenović, A.; Dilberović, F.; Ovcina, F. 2003: Variation in the flow and branching of the anterior and middle cerebral arteries. Medicinski Arhiv 57(1): 3-5
Lin, C.-H.; Lee, Y.-J.; Huang, C.-Y.; Kao, H.-A.; Shih, B.-F.; Wang, A.-M.; Lo, F.-S. 2003: Thyroid function in children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes mellitus. Acta Paediatrica Taiwanica 44(3): 145-149
Peterson, R. 2003: Patient misinformation and wrong-site surgery. New Zealand Medical Journal 116(1175): U462
Lepsch, M.; Strayer, S.M. 2003: Omeprazole and placebo have same long-term effect on dyspepsia. Journal of Family Practice 52(9): 687-688
Mazur, N.A. 2003: Dysfunction of endothelium, nitric oxide, and ischemic heart disease. Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 75(3): 84-86
Holak, H.; Weber, U.; Holak, N.; Donhuijsen, K. 2003: Neuroendocrine tumors of visual system--Merkel cell carcinoma. Klinika Oczna 105(6): 362-366
Haenggeli, C.-A. 2003: Dizziness, syncope, and other consciousness loss in children. Revue Medicale de la Suisse Romande 123(9): 563-566
Kuehn, B.M. 2003: Bioengineered pigs go to market. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 222(7): 926
Maisonobe, T. 2003: Vasculitic neuropathies. Revue Neurologique (Paris) 159(12): 1216-1222
Konorev, M.R.; Litviakov, A.M.; Matveenko, M.E.; Krylov, I.V.; Kovalev, A.V.; Riashchikov, A.A. 2003: Principles of current classification of duodenitis. Klinicheskaia Meditsina 81(2): 15-20
Glencross, D.K.; Mendelow, B.V.; Stevens, W.S. 2003: Laboratory monitoring of HIV/AIDS in a resource-poor setting. South African Medical Journal 93(4): 262-263
Peng, J.-y.; Luan, L.-j.; Chen, Y.-y. 2003: The contents of paeoniflorin in different combination jingzhixuefuzhuyu. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi 28(6): 516-518
Neretin, V.Ia.; Iakushin, M.A.; Bogdanov, B.B.; Gorenkov, R.V. 2003: New approach to determining sensitive innervation zones. Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psikhiatrii Imeni S.S. Korsakova 103(3): 34-38
Buckwalter, J.Galen.; Petitti, D.B.; Crooks, V.C. 2003: Estrogen replacement and risk of Alzheimer disease. JAMA 289(9): 1101; Author Reply 1101-2
Rashid, M.; Rashid, H. 2003: Passive maternal smoking and pregnancy outcome in a Saudi population. Saudi Medical Journal 24(3): 248-253
Matheussen, B.V.; Thorolfsson, S.T. 2003: Estimation of snow covered area for an urban catchment using image processing and neural networks. Water Science and Technology: a Journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 48(9): 155-164
Johnson, D.E.L. 2003: ER screening brings bad press to hospitals. Health Care Strategic Management 21(7): 2-3
Hoey, J. 2003: Profits, pressure, and perception: expensive research collides with medicine. Journal of Rheumatology 30(8): 1661-1662
Andersen, P.H. 2003: Research School for Animal Production and Health (RAPH)--a description of a Danish research education initiative. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica. Supplementum 98: 43-49
Yurdukoru, B.; Akören, A.C.; Unsal, M.K. 2003: Alterations in human enamel surface morphology following the use of an office bleaching agent and consecutive application of 37% phosphoric acid in vivo. Journal of Clinical Dentistry 14(4): 103-107
Sohn, W. 2003: Pain therapy with semisynthetic opioids. Patients have opioid-type side effects more rarely. MMW Fortschritte der Medizin 145(27-28): 50
Anonymous 2003: From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Smallpox Vaccine Adverse Events Monitoring and Response System for the first stage of the smallpox vaccination program. JAMA 289(9): 1094-1095
Yang, T.-l.; Li, C.-c.; Pu, X.-q. 2003: Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction. Hunan Yi Ke da Xue Xue Bao 28(2): 152-154
Gordon, M.; Betzalel, S. 2003: Medical negligence. Refu'at Ha-Peh Veha-Shinayim 20(1): 69-70
Kondo, H. 2003: Balancing teaching and research in anatomy and medical schools. Kaibogaku Zasshi. Journal of Anatomy 78(4): 115-116
Arfa, M.N.; Bouzaiene, H.; Ben Farhat, L.; Gharbi, L.; Ghariani, B.; Mestiri, H.; Hendaoui, L.; Khalfallah, M.T. 2003: Intrahepatic Osler's disease: report of two cases and review of the literature. Hepato-Gastroenterology 50 Suppl. 2: Ccx-Ccxiii
Sitdykov, E.N. 2003: The efficiency of the "Fizomed" belt before and after renal ureteral lithotripsy. Voenno-Meditsinskii Zhurnal 324(4): 50-52
Dubin, G. 2003: Defense against own arms: staphylococcal cysteine proteases and their inhibitors. Acta Biochimica Polonica 50(3): 715-724
Hirtz, K. 2003: Diagnostic procedures in ADS/ADHS. Kinderkrankenschwester: Organ der Sektion Kinderkrankenpflege 22(8): 351-363
Lister, E.D. 2003: How can boards fulfill their quality oversight role?. Trustee: the Journal for Hospital Governing Boards 56(5): 22-23
Sakalihasan, N.; Limet, R. 2003: Role of open repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm in the prevention of mortality due to rupture. Revue Medicale de Liege 58(6): 404-408
Waddell, A. 2003: Quality without tears--practical applications of quality assurance in biotechnology. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences 68(2): 13-19
Braunstein, S. 2003: Cardiovascular disease and benefits of thiazolidinediones. Postgraduate Medicine Spec No: 45-52
Vucicevic-Boras, V.; Brozovic, S.; Cekic-Arambasin, A.; Zadro, R.; Devcic, T.; Begovac, J.; Brailo, V. 2003: Salivary peroxidase levels in patients with AIDS. European Journal of Medical Research 8(2): 81-84
Teh, C.S.C.; Ooi, L.L.P.J. 2003: Hepatic resection for colorectal metastases to the liver: The National Cancer Centre/Singapore General Hospital experience. Annals of the Academy of Medicine Singapore 32(2): 196-204
Jankowski, P.; Bryniarski, L.; Styczkiewicz, K.; Bilo, G.; Curyło, A.; Kawecka-Jaszcz, K. 2003: Is homocysteine a new factor in the pathogenesis of restenosis after percutaneous coronary angioplasty?. Przeglad Lekarski 60(8): 527-531
Granat, P. 2003: Experience or evidence?. Medical Economics 80(8): 112
Victoroff, M.S. 2003: Have i got a magic lamp for you!. Managed Care 12(7): 12-14
Lanis, L.; Terrone, R.; Gorini, G. 2003: The smoke free movies initiative in the United States. Epidemiologia e Prevenzione 27(4): 247-250
Miyaji, K. 2003: Fontan procedure for asplenia syndrome. Kyobu Geka. Japanese Journal of Thoracic Surgery 56(4): 304-307
Salihu, H.M.; Tchuinguem, G.; Aliyu, M.H.; Kouam, L. 2003: Prune belly syndrome and associated malformations. a 13-year experience from a developing country. West Indian Medical Journal 52(4): 281-284
Nemytin, I.V.; Zuev, V.K.; Rozhkov, A.G.; Tsarev, M.I.; Karandin, V.I.; Azbarov, A.A.; Kitaev, V.M. 2003: Development of liver surgery at the Vishnevsky Central Military Clinical Hospital. Voenno-Meditsinskii Zhurnal 324(7): 20-27; 96
Wu, S-Tang.; Sun, G-Huan.; Hsieh, D-Shih.; Chen, A.; Chen, H-I.; Chang, S-Yran.; Yu, D-.Shyong. 2003: Correlation of CD44v5 expression with invasiveness and prognosis in renal cell carcinoma. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 102(4): 229-233
Radzikowski, A. 2003: The necessity for factual and correct information about the most current vaccination schedule. Przeglad Epidemiologiczny 57(Suppl 1): 83-87
Lindholm, B.; Waniewski, J.; Weryński, A. 2003: KT/V: the denominator dilemma. Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski: Organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego 15(88): 311-315
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Madiya, A.T.; McCrindle, C.M.E.; Veary, C.M.; Bisschop, S.P.R. 2003: The use of dried bakery products in a free-choice feeding method for small-scale broiler production. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 74(4): 111-116
Crombie, H.David. 2003: War and medicine. Connecticut Medicine 67(4): 235
Chang, H.; Huang, G.; Liu, L.; Liu, Y. 2003: Protective effects of vitamin e on the vascular endothelial cells from oxidative injury by oxidized low-density lipoprotein in vitro. Wei Sheng Yan Jiu 32(6): 576-578
Hirschfeld, R.M.A. 2003: Long-term side effects of SSRIs: sexual dysfunction and weight gain. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 64(Suppl 18): 20-24
Jerzak, M.łg.; Putowski, L.ła.; Baranowski, W.ło. 2003: Homocysteine level in ovarian follicular fluid or serum as a predictor of successful fertilization. Ginekologia Polska 74(9): 949-952
Lubatsch, H. 2003: Patients experience nursing quality: prevention of decubitus ulcer management reduces pressure. Pflege Zeitschrift 56(2): 113-116
Zerenner, D.M.; Agnello, K.A.; Carberry, C.A. 2003: What is your diagnosis? Gas-filled spherical dilatation of the trachea at the level of T3 through T5 vertebrae and narrowing of the tracheal lumen at T5. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 222(12): 1683-1684
Kozak, M.; Horosova, K.; Lasanda, V.; Bilek, J.; Kyselova, J. 2003: Do dogs and cats present a risk of transmission of salmonellosis to humans?. Bratislavske Lekarske Listy 104(10): 323-328
Jacobsen, B. 2003: Standard for protective clothing in operation theatres. Ugeskrift for Laeger 165(44): 4233; Author Reply 4233
Habib, E.; Sayad, M.; Bensmaili, M.; Sadoudi, C.; Khoury, R.; Elhadad, Aé. 2003: Urogenital expression of a tumor of the terminal ileum. Gastroenterologie Clinique et Biologique 27(1): 116-119
Zhong, J.; Wu, Y.; Xu, Z.; Liu, X.; Xu, B.; Zhai, Z. 2003: Treatment of medium and late stage esophageal carcinoma with combined endoscopic metal stenting and radiotherapy. Chinese Medical Journal 116(1): 24-28
Garrido, A.; Ortega, J.A.; Lobato, A.; Rodríguez, M.J.; Martínez, M.J. 2003: Esophageal epidermoid carcinoma after sclerosis of esophageal varices. Gastroenterologia y Hepatologia 26(10): 664-665
Abbott, K.C.; Bucci, J.R.; Agodoa, L.Y. 2003: Total hip arthroplasty in chronic dialysis patients in the United States. Journal of Nephrology 16(1): 34-39
Parker, I. 2003: Photonics for biologists. Methods in Enzymology 360: 345-382
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Biały, D.; Derkacz, A.; Wawrzyńska, M.; Bednarkiewicz, A.; Ziółkowski, P.; Nowosad, H.; Strek, Wław. 2003: In vitro photodynamic diagnosis of atherosclerotic wall changes with the use of mono-l-aspartyl chlorin e6. A preliminary report. Kardiologia polska 59(10): 293-301
Salesi, N.; Bossone, G.; Della Longa, G.; Di Cocco, B. 2003: A new drug in the therapy of chronic myeloid leukemia: ST1571. Minerva Medica 94(2): 71-76
Takeshima, H.; Kuratsu, J.-i. 2003: Evolution of chemotherapy for malignant brain tumors. No Shinkei Geka. Neurological Surgery 31(7): 725-734
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Kovrigina, A.M.; Probatova, N.A.; Pavlovskaia, A.I.; Tupitsyn, N.N.; Sholokhova, E.N.; Tumian, G.S. 2003: Hodgkin lymphoma with lymphoid predominance: differential diagnosis of nodular lymphoid predominance and classical variant. Arkhiv Patologii 65(4): 3-8
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Waite, D.E. 2003: Declining income and loss prevention. Tennessee Medicine: Journal of the Tennessee Medical Association 96(8): 348-349
Sukhoviĭ, M.V.; Demidiuk, P.F.; Tomilin, V.V.; Vozniuk, V.P.; Aver'ianov, E.V.; Iushchenko, P.V. 2003: Mild and latent forms of coagulopathy and thrombocytopathy in surgical practice. Klinichna Khirurhiia 2: 44-46
Kurpisz, M.; Suzuki, K.; Smoleński, R.T.; Słomińska, E.M.; Murtuza, B.; Siminiak, T. 2003: Cell transplantation for the treatment of heart disease. Kardiologia Polska 59(Suppl 2): Ii26-Ii31
Szumowski, Łu.; Walczak, F.; Bodalski, R.; Szufladowicz, E.; Derejko, P.ł; Konka, M.; Urbanek, P.; Kepski, R. 2003: Incessant monomorphic ventricular tachycardia originating from the left aortic sinus cusp. Kardiologia Polska 59(10): 363-369
Lesueur, A.; Lefort, C.; Gauthier, J.M.; Andrivet, P. 2003: Vancomycin-induced linear IgA bullous dermatosis. Presse Medicale 32(23): 1078
Liu, Y.-h.; Yang, Q.-d.; Liu, Z.-j.; Zhang, L.; Zhou, Y.-h.; Xu, H.-w. 2003: Evaluation on a cohort based population intervention project regarding risk factors for cerebrovascular diseases. Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi 24(2): 102-105
Wu, X.-h.; Chen, S.-l.; Wang, X.-d.; Ji, X.-f. 2003: Assessment of the changes in autonomic nervous function during head up tilt test in syncopal patients using spectral analysis of heart rate variability. Zhonghua Nei Ke Za Zhi 42(12): 833-836
Sotile, W.M.; Sotile, M.O. 2003: Beyond physician burnout: keys to effective emotional management. Journal of Medical Practice Management: Mpm 18(6): 314-318
Balaban, N.P.; Sharipova, M.P.; Gabdrakhmanova, L.A.; Mardanova, A.M.; Tokmakova, I.S.; Sokolova, E.A.; Rudenskaia, G.N.; Leshchinskaia, I.B. 2003: Synthesis and secretion of Bacillus intermedius proteinases in the late stages of sporulation. Mikrobiologiia 72(3): 338-342
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Crowley, M.O. 2003: Latino access to mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse services in North Carolina. North Carolina Medical Journal 64(3): 127-128
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Tong, W.; Wang, B.-r.; Ai, T.-m. 2003: Pharmacognostical studies on Dactylicapnos scandens. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi 28(5): 405-409
Rau, J.L.; Restrepo, R.D. 2003: Nebulized bronchodilator formulations: unit-dose or multi-dose?. Respiratory Care 48(10): 926-939
Yonkers, K.A. 2003: Special issues related to the treatment of depression in women. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 64 Suppl. 18: 8-13
Sekhar, A.V.; Gandhi, D.N.; Rao, N.M.; Rawal, U.D. 2003: An experimental and clinical evaluation of anti-asthmatic potentialities of Devadaru compound (DC). Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 47(1): 101-107
Tanaka, K.; Kaetsu, T.; Suzuki, S.; Kusano, M.; Yajima, S.; Sakamaki, H.; Ikeda, S.; Ikegami, N.; Murayama, J-Ichiro. 2003: Pharmacoeconomic study of chemotherapy for gastric cancer: analysis of medical costs for oral fluoropyrimidine TS-1 and conventional i.v therapy. Gan to Kagaku Ryoho. Cancer and ChemoTherapy 30(1): 73-80
Villanacci, V.; Grigolato, P.G.; Bonardi, M.; Gattamelata, M.; Moreschetti, R.; Ghirardi, M.; Di Fabio, F.; Nascimbeni, R.; Salerni, B. 2003: Limitations of colonic lavage in the cytopathological diagnosis of inflammatory and neoplastic lesions. Pathologica 95(2): 92-97
Komarov, R.N.; Komarov, N.V. 2003: The role of diagnostic and treatment quality in differential salary of hospital surgeons. Vestnik Khirurgii Imeni I. I. Grekova 162(4): 102-104
Reyes-García, G.; Medina-Santillán, R.; Rocha-González, H.éc.I.; Granados-Soto, V. 2003: Synergistic interaction between spinal gabapentin and oral B vitamins in a neuropathic pain model. Proceedings of the Western Pharmacology Society 46: 91-94
Soman, R.; Ashar, U.; Shukla, A.; Pachauri, R.; Bhaduri, A. 2003: Kikuchi Fujimoto disease with unusual features. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India 51: 314-315
Vaquette, B.; Clergues, F.; Kalangos, A.; Dorsaz, P.A.; Righetti, A. 2003: Prognostic value of thallium 201 myocardial scintigraphy with dipyridamole before peripheral arterial surgery. Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux 96(4): 281-287
Hiro, T.; Matsuzaki, M. 2003: Acute coronary syndrome--an overview of its pathophysiology. Nihon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine 61(Suppl 5): 259-265
Weigert, C.; Brodbeck, K.; Bierhaus, A.; Häring, H.U.; Schleicher, E.D. 2003: c-Fos-driven transcriptional activation of transforming growth factor beta-1: inhibition of high glucose-induced promoter activity by thiazolidinediones. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 304(2): 301-307
Klein, M.; Szkrabko, S.; Rodríguez Martín, J.; Payaslian, S. 2003: Subcutaneous emphysema of hand and forearm due to high-pressure injection of air. Medicina 63(6): 721-723
Nakamura, N.; Yamazaki, K.; Satoh, A.; Urakaze, M.; Kobayashi, M.; Yamabe, H.; Osawa, H.; Shirato, K.-I.; Sugawara, T.; Nakamura, M.; Tamura, M.; Okumura, K. 2003: Effects of eparlestat on plasma levels of advanced glycation end products in patients with type 2 diabetes. In Vivo 17(2): 177-180
Kazakova, I.A.; Trusov, V.V.; Cheremiskina, I.B. 2003: Clinical significance of assessment of the metabolism of connective-tissue biopolymers in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus and with diabetic nephropathy. Klinicheskaia Laboratornaia Diagnostika 10: 19-22
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