Node 1

POPLINE Curated Health Sciences Literature Node 1 Subnode 29


Heene, D.L. 1970: Differential diagnosis between primary and secondary hyperfibrinolysis. Folia Haematologica 94(2): 186-194
Andrieux-Domont, C.; Le-van-Hung 1970: Influence of magnesium on enzymatic synthesis of coenzyme a. Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologie et de ses Filiales 164(2): 292-296
Datta, S.; Chakrabarty, A. 1970: Effects ov actinomycin D on the distal end regeneration in Hydra vulgaris Pallas. Experientia 26(8): 855-856
Mikhalev, B.E.; Krynskiĭ, O.M. 1970: Device for ultrasonic cardiography using the Doppler effect. Kardiologiia 10(1): 149-152
Orlova, S.M. 1970: Buried stump of the vermiform process in clinico-radiologic illumination. Vestnik Rentgenologii i Radiologii 45(1): 23-26
Bisping, W. 1970: Classification and nomenclature of immunobiological reactions--an instructive model for teaching. Wiener Tierärztliche Monatsschrift 57(3): 113-120
Visco, G. 1970: Radioimmunological methods. Il Policlinico. Sezione Pratica 77(36): 1162-1167
Mendoza, J.; Meyers, J.; Snyder, R. 1970: Soybean sensitivity: case report. Pediatrics 46(5): 744-746
Kennedy, J.B.; Caruana, J.; Cohen, N.A. 1970: A simple method for preparing a hemoglobin control solution. American Journal of Medical Technology 36(12): 562-564
Chetverikova, L.K.; Dubrovina, T.I.; Poliak, R.I. 1970: Infectious properties of myxovirus nucleic acids. Vestnik Akademii Meditsinskikh Nauk SSSR 25(8): 58-64
Zabransky, R.J. 1970: Isolation of anaerobic bacteria from clinical specimens. Mayo Clinic Proceedings 45(4): 256-264
Sharma, V.K.; Rao, S.R.; Shah, V.C. 1970: Autoradiographic studies on DNA synthesis in sex chromosomes of five-striped squirrel, Funambulus pennanti Wroughton. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 8(4): 249-254
Berk, J.L.; Hagen, J.F.; Dunn, J.M. 1970: The role of beta adrenergic blockade in the treatment of septic shock. Surgery Gynecology and Obstetrics 130(6): 1025-1034
Gembitskiĭ, E.V.; Kliachkin, L.M. 1970: Teaching of military-field therapy in medical institutes. Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 42(7): 89-93
Steinberg, S. 1970: Aplastic anemia in a dog. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 157(7): 966-967
Coffman, J.R. 1970: Diagnosis and management of acute abdominal diseases in the horse. 1. Veterinary Medicine-Small Animal Clinician 65(7): 669-673
Lentini, J.; Ortiz, R.; Fornells, E. 1970: Mucoid adenocarcinoma in anorectal fistula. American Journal of Proctology 21(2): 103-112
Donetti, A.; Mantegani, A.; Marazzi-Uberti, E. 1970: Synthesis and aanalgesic activity of some compounds related to propoxyphene. II. Selective ring opening of an asymmetric epoxide with isobutenyllithium: an alternative synthesis of gamma-substituted allyl carbinols. Il Farmaco; Edizione Scientifica 25(7): 500-508
Likhachev, I.P. 1970: Leydigoma developing in an undescended testicle in true hermaphroditism. Arkhiv Patologii 32(11): 72-73
Medalie, J.H.; Neufeld, H.N.; Goldbourt, U.; Kahn, H.A.; Riss, E.; Oron, D. 1970: Association between blood-pressure and peptic-ulcer incidece. Lancet 2(7685): 1225-1226
Brandt, W.E.; Chiewslip, D.; Harris, D.L.; Russell, P.K. 1970: Partial purification and characterization of a dengue virus soluble complement-fixing antigen. Journal of Immunology 105(6): 1565-1568
Grodzka, K.; Szpringer, M. 1970: The status of research on the possible use of the laser in dentistry. Czasopismo Stomatologiczne 23(3): 209-213
Fötzsch, R. 1970: Clinical contribution to the knowledge of leukemic ocular fundus changes. Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete 25(2): 85-88
Lovelace, R.E.; Stone, R.; Zablow, L. 1970: A new test for myasthenia gravis: recording of miniature end-plate potentials in situ. Neurology 20(4): 385
Cornbleet, T. 1970: Common skin diseases. 2. Postgraduate Medicine 48(1): 141-145
Veĭnpalu, E.Iu.; Trink, R.F.; Veĭnpalu, L.E. 1970: Changes in the activity of the pathological process and some neuroendocrine functions in patients with rheumatism and infectious nonspecific polyarthritis during complex sanatorial and health resort treatment. Voprosy Kurortologii Fizioterapii i Lechebnoi Fizicheskoi Kultury 35(5): 414-417
Millán, A. 1970: Problems of the present adolescent. 3. Psychopathology of the present adolescent. Hygienic norms and therapeutic management. Gaceta Medica de Mexico 100(6): 613-620
Azrapkin, I.I.; Ruseĭkin, N.S.; Skipetrov, V.P. 1970: Role of hemocoagulating substances of the cavernous tissue in the pathogenesis of postpriapic complications. Klinicheskaia Khirurgiia 7: 28-32
Pedrinazzi, R.C.; Veneziano, G.; Manzini Aquili, C. 1970: On 2 cases of hemolytic disease of the newborn caused by c and e factor isoimmunization. Minerva Pediatrica 22(28): 1412-1415
Thompson, O.A. 1970: Delta Dental Plan of Minnesota. Northwest Dentistry 49(6): 377-378
Degli Esposti, A. 1970: Original characteristics and specific protective activity (against the Koch bacillus) of Salvioli's diffusing vaccine. La Clinica Pediatrica 52(9): 393-404
Anonymous 1970: Times have changed. Nursing Mirror and Midwives Journal 131(5): 24-25
Parsonage, M.J. 1970: Epilepsy and driving: some of the problems. Nursing Times 66(18): 555-556
Nogaller, A.M.; Proshina, P.P. 1970: Effect of mud application and certain thermal procedures on vitamin metabolism in patients with chronic colitis. Voprosy Kurortologii Fizioterapii i Lechebnoi Fizicheskoi Kultury 35(1): 47-52
Barbotin, M.; Thomas, J.; Andre, L.J. 1970: Tropical splenomegaly syndrome. Medecine Tropicale: Revue du Corps de Sante Colonial 30(4): 513-521
Toaff, R. 1970: A "religious factor" sterility in orthodox Jewish women. Harefuah 78(4): 162-165
Lemenager, J.; Cattan, D.; Neel, J.P.; Russo, F.; Wautier, J.L.; Tanguy, A. 1970: Tuberculosis and immune deficiencies. 2 cases. La Semaine des Hopitaux: Organe Fonde Par l'Association d'Enseignement Medical des Hopitaux de Paris 46(27): 1875-1882
Young, M.D.; Andrews, J.M. 1970: In memoriam. Justin M. Andrews (1902-67). Journal of Parasitology 56(6): 1248-1249
Erler, W. 1970: Serological, chemical and immunochemical studies of erysipelas bacteria. VII. Presentation and general characteristics of the cell walls. Archiv für Experimentelle Veterinarmedizin 24(5): 1195-1204
Suzuki, H. 1970: Organization of lateral geniculate neurons in binocular inhibition. Nihon Seirigaku Zasshi. Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan 32(8): 563-564
Bĕhounek, F. 1970: History of the exposure of miners to radon. Health Physics 19(1): 56-57
Ianniruberto, A. 1970: Ultrasonic diagnosis of hydatidiform mole. Archivio di Ostetricia e Ginecologia 75(2): 163-179
Tchorzewski, H.; Niedworok, J. 1970: Investigations on the response of some lysosomal enzymes of rabbit leukocytes in the course of immunization with allogenic skin graft. Acta Physiologica Polonica 21(3): 320-325
Gudowski, G.; Grychtolik, H.; Hilgenfeld, M.; Tacke, A. 1970: Animal experiments on the induction of pyelonephritis in thyroidectomized rats. Padiatrie und Grenzgebiete 9(1): 37-45
Vela Navarrete, R.; Alférez, C.; Castillón, L.; Rodicio, J.L.; García de la Peña, E.; Hernando, L. 1970: Rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm after a renal homotransplant. Revista Clinica Espanola 116(2): 131-136
Ponce de Leon, I. 1970: Bladder denervation by transcoccygeal route. Journal d'Urologie et de Nephrologie 76(12): 465-470
Caveness, F.E.; Caveness, C.E. 1970: Nematode electrocution. Journal of Nematology 2(4): 298-304
Waring, G. 1970: Agreement with provinces easier than with red china. Canadian Medical Association Journal 102(9): 915
Neuwirth, R.S.; Topal, S. 1970: New polaroid camera for endoscopic photography. Obstetrics and Gynecology 35(6): 942-945
Liljedahl, S.O.; Norberg, K.A.; Wåhlin, A. 1970: The use of a penthrane analgizer in the treatment of burns. Lakartidningen 67(19): 2153-2157
Halleux, P.; Stalon, V.; Piérard, A.; Wiame, J.M. 1970: Allosteric regulation of catabolic ornithine carbamoyltransferase of Pseudomonas fluorescens. Quartenary structure. Archives Internationales de Physiologie et de Biochimie 78(1): 166-168
Zhuravlev, I.N.; Stavinskaia, L.I. 1970: Biological value of blood used for reinfusion. Vestnik Khirurgii Imeni I. I. Grekova 104(5): 110-113
Berni, A. 1970: Construction of a nomogram of the relationship of the electric diastole and systole. Observations on 6244 normal electrocardiograms. Annali Italiani di Chirurgia 46(1): 113-122
Krüger, W.; Pfeifer, I. 1970: The antibiotic resistance type in the service of Coli enteritis epidemiology. Das Deutsche Gesundheitswesen 25(16): 737-740
Felder, E.; Pitrè, D.; Grandi, M. 1970: Determination of the optic purity of (+)2,2'-(ethylenediimino)-di-1-butanol dihydrochloride by copper complex formation. Il Farmaco; Edizione Scientifica 25(8): 618-623
Samvelian, V.M.; L'vov, M.V. 1970: Antiarrhythmic properties of fubromegan on different models of experimental cardiac arrhythmia. Farmakologiia i Toksikologiia 33(3): 309-313
Litwin, M. 1970: Xanthomatosis in the biliary tract. Wiadomosci Lekarskie 23(1): 49-52
Carlier, J. 1970: Paroxysmal tachycardia. Revue Medicale de Liege 25(17): 538-544
Burczyk-Popko, I.; Goralski, H.; Paciorkowska-Olbryś, T. 1970: Neoplastic neuropathy. Neurologia i Neurochirurgia Polska 4(4): 459-463
Baisi, F.; Palagi, R.; Moggi, G. 1970: Anti-placenta antibodies in the blood of pregnant and gestosic women. Minerva Ginecologica 22(14): 713-715
Mainguet, J.; Friart, J. 1970: Anatomo-clinical study of myocardial infarct complicated by complete auriculo-ventricular block. Acta Cardiologica 25(6): 594-607
Aldunate, J.; Prieto, R. 1970: Effect of p-chlorophenylalanine on the cardiorespiratory reflex response to morphine and serotonin in the rat. Archivos de Biologia y Medicina Experimentales 7(2): 45-47
Kolygin, B.A.; Stoliarova, V.V. 1970: Use of antineoplastic antibodies in the pediatric oncological practice. Antibiotiki 15(11): 1049-1053
Caputi, M.; Di Filippo, A.; Marsico, S.A. 1970: On paraneoplastic syndromes 9with special reference to endothoracic tumors. Archivio Monaldi Per la Tisiologia E le Malattie Dell'apparato Respiratorio 25(5): 380-424
Taranger, J.; Taranger, C. 1970: Bacteriological efficacy of the treatment with Rifampicin (57 cases). Marseille Medical 107(10): 837-838
Liechti, D.; Batz, K.; Bucher, U. 1970: Panmyelopathy with hyperplastic bone marrow. Revue Medicale de la Suisse Romande 90(3): 227-246
Anonymous 1970: Lupus erythematosus and lupus vulgaris. Archives of Dermatology 102(5): 568-571
Dudenko, G.I.; Zybin, V.M. 1970: Free blood amino acid levels in patients with peptic ulcer. Khirurgiia 46(10): 17-21
Roman, C. 1970: Colpometry, a method of studying the shape of the vagina. Gynecologie Pratique 21(6): 467-479
Schreiber, F.K. 1970: Doxepin in functional heart disorders and other organ diseases. Medizinische Klinik 65(44): 1920-1923
Domeniconi, R.; De Cecco, L.; Tondi, D. 1970: Clinically primary reticulosarcoma of the spleen. Minerva Chirurgica 25(3): 195-208
Bitter, J.A.; Bolanovich, D.J. 1970: WARF: a scale for measuring job-readiness behaviors. American Journal of Mental Deficiency 74(5): 616-621
DelPizzo, R.G.; Owen, J.B.; Putzier, E.A. 1970: Rapid estimation of 241 Am content in plutonium. Health Physics 18(6): 725-727
Bruno, M.S.; Ober, W.B. 1970: Beekman-Downtown Hospital, New York City, Clinicopathological Conference. Persistent epigastric pain with progressive deterioration. New York State Journal of Medicine 70(10): 1216-1226
Murphy, A.J. 1970: Effect of thoracic mobilization on the distribution of 131-MAA in the lungs. Journal of the American Osteopathic Association 69(10): 1034
Nilovskiĭ, M.N.; Maĭskiĭ, I.N. 1970: Dynamics of the phagocytic activity of blood leukocytes in rabbits during the development of Brown-Pearce tumor. Biulleten' Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny 70(8): 83-85
Stavinoha, W.B.; Hinshaw, L.B.; Smith, P.W.; Rieger, J.A. 1970: Cardiovascular effects of 2-pyridine aldoxime methylchloride (pralidoxime and blood pressure). Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie 187(1): 52-65
Wikman, J.; Quagliarotti, G.; Howard, E.; Choi, Y.C.; Busch, H. 1970: A comparison of 32P distribution in oligonucleotides of ribosomal 28 S RNA from normal liver and Novikoff hepatoma ascites cells. Cancer Research 30(11): 2749-2759
Shimanskaia, V.O.; Kit, S.M. 1970: Flavonoid-containing plants in early blossoming Carpathian flora. Farmatsevtychnyi Zhurnal 25(5): 45-48
Freed, E.D. 1970: The logic and process of certification of mentally disordered patients. South African Medical Journal 44(29): 838-843
Deschaux, P.; Bottex, C.; Fontanges, R. 1970: Comparative study of the respiration of BHK-21 cells cultivated in monocell layer and in suspension. Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologie et de ses Filiales 164(4): 836-841
Muggia, F.M.; Heinemann, H.O. 1970: Hypercalcemia associated with neoplastic disease. Annals of Internal Medicine 73(2): 281-290
Andrzejewska, W.; Biernacka, M.; Krzystolik, Z. 1970: Analysis of mechanical eye injuries. Pediatria Polska 45(12): 1475-1479
Pala, A.M.; Masala, C.; Scolari, L.; De Philippis, C.V.; Monechi, V.; Succi, A. 1970: Study of the distribution of gastric mucosal antibodies in the 3 principal immunoglobulin classes (IgG, IgA, IgM). Folia Allergologica 17(2): 160-166
Rometti, A.; Blazeix, H. 1970: Bilateral sub-sphincteral ureteral ectopic joining. Diagnostical value of uro-tomographies. Journal d'Urologie et de Nephrologie 76(7): 761-762
Ciplea, A.; Baltă, N.; Stancu, C.; Drăgulescu, N. 1970: The distribution of ammonium nitrogen in venous blood, ascites, and cerebrospinal fluid in cases of hepatic cirrhosis. Revue Roumaine de Physiologie 7(2): 163-170
Maruyama, I. 1970: Current emergency resuscitation methods and emergency treatments. 9. Nursing Technique 5: 133-138
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Newlands, W.J. 1970: The treatment of ear, nose and throat infections in childhood. Practitioner 204(219): 64-71
Wexler, M.J.; Farkouh, E.F.; Farrer, P.; Slapak, M.; MacLean, L.D. 1970: The renal vein: a satisfactory alternative to the portal vein for temporary auxiliary liver transplantation. Surgical Forum 21: 345-347
Pompili, G. 1970: Radiological aspects of the respiratory tract in systemic hemolymphopathies. Minerva Medica 61(40): 2273-2282
Kabela, M.; Kotas, J. 1970: Radiographic picture of gastric metastases of reticulosarcoma. Ceskoslovenska Radiologie 24(2): 79-86
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Borromei, A. 1970: Hyperbaric oxygenation in medicine and surgery. Minerva Anestesiologica 36(2): 138-141
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Mohamed, M.A.; Labib, M.A. 1970: The relationship of intra-ocular pressure to hormonal disturbance. VI. The pancreas. Bulletin of the Ophthalmological Society of Egypt 63(67): 163-180
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Shapiro, W.R. 1970: Further studies on chemotherapy of experimental brain tumors. Neurology 20(4): 390-391
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Budde, N.H. 1970: AMA priority objectives: solutions to nation's major health problems. Journal of the Indiana State Medical Association 63(3): 264-265
Greenblatt, R.B.; Emperaire, J.C. 1970: Changing concepts in the management of the menopause. Medical Times 98(6): 153-164
Richman, J.; Rosenbaum, M. 1970: A clinical study of the role of hostility and death wishes by the family and society in suicidal attempts. Israel Annals of Psychiatry and Related Disciplines 8(3): 213-231
Sakal, M.M.; Moskalets, M.D.; Dyakina, H.S.; Hulyayeva, L.V. 1970: Pseudotuberculosis in Transcarpathian region. Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal 32(5): 579-584
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Koizumi, T.; Kamata, T.; Nakamura, M.; Sugawa, Y.; Mitsuya, N. 1970: Case of primary cancer of the liver developing in the course of chronic hepatitis. Nihon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine 28(2): 316-319
Parrett, F.W. 1970: Interferometric instruments for far infra-red spectroscopy. Laboratory Practice 19(1): 68-72
Gorbunkova, Z.A.; Nuzhdina, M.P. 1970: Effect of oxygen inhalation on some factors of the blood coagulation and anticoagulation system in patients with arteriosclerosis. Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 42(8): 54-56
Tikhonov, V.A. 1970: Skeletal changes in Shereshevskiĭ-Turner's syndrome. Vestnik Rentgenologii i Radiologii 45(4): 104-106
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Komissarov, I.V.; Talalaenko, A.N. 1970: Nature of the central adreno- and serotonin-sensitive structures participating in the facilitating influence of bioamines on the respiratory reflex from the upper respiratory passages. Biulleten' Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny 70(10): 52-55
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Spisni, D.; Mariani, A.P. 1970: Pyridoxinuria and xanthurenuria in rabbits treated with parenteral administration of large doses of nicotinamide. Bollettino della Societa Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale 46(4): 206-207
Childers, A.B. 1970: Food for the '70's. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 157(11): 1781-1785
Cassinelli, G.; Cotta, E.; D'Amico, G.; Della Bruna, C.; Grein, A.; Mazzoleni, R.; Ricciardi, M.L.; Tintinelli, R. 1970: Thaimycins, new anthelmintic and antiprotozoal antibiotics produced by Streptomyces michiganensis var. amylolyticus var. nova. Archiv für Mikrobiologie 70(3): 197-210
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Knabe, H. 1970: Tasks of medical schools concerning their future practitioners. Zeitschrift für Allgemeinmedizin 46(33): 28-32
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Salerni, B.; Simmonian, S.J.; Kay, R.G.; Latham, W.C.; Brown, K.J.; Birtch, A.G.; Busch, G.J.; Lukl, P.; Woods, J.E. 1970: Potency and maintenance in antilymphocyte globulin fractionation: contrasting tests of effectiveness in an animal model. Surgical Forum 21: 277-279
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Stewart, M.A.; Thach, B.T.; Freidin, M.R. 1970: Accidental poisoning and the hyperactive child syndrome. Diseases of the Nervous System 31(6): 403-407
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Levkova, N.A.; Trunov, V.I. 1970: Characteristics of mitochondrial structure in the old myocardium. Kardiologiia 10(9): 94-97
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Reinhard, H.C. 1970: Heart transplant: the whole world watches. Modern Hospital 115(1): 72-75
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Durand, N.; Pinatel, M.C.; Girod, C. 1970: On the influence of the ovary on the thyroid gland: effect of an implant of estradiol on the thyroid gland of the hedgehog, Erinaceus europaeus L. Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologie et de ses Filiales 164(1): 151-157
Dickinson, J.C.; Rosenblum, H.; Hamilton, P.B. 1970: Ion exchange chromatography of the free amino acids in the plasma of infants under 2,500 gm at birth. Pediatrics 45(4): 606-613
Ostrovskiĭ, I.M.; Moĭseenok, A.G.; Gorenshteĭn, B.I.; Trebukhina, R.V.; Gritsenko, E.A. 1970: Study of interrelations between thiamine, pantothenic and para-aminobenzoic acids. Ukrains'kyi Biokhimichnyi Zhurnal 42(4): 508-516
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