Influence of temperature and age on the recovery of pseudorabies virus from houseflies (Musca domestica)

Zimmerman, J.J.; Berry, W.J.; Beran, G.W.; Murphy, D.P.

American Journal of Veterinary Research 50(9): 1471-1474


ISSN/ISBN: 0002-9645
PMID: 2552878
Document Number: 333959
In laboratory experiments, pseudorabies virus was readily recovered from within the body of houseflies (Musca domestica L) that had ingested the virus. Age of the fly and ambient temperature affected the rate of virus inactivation within the houseflies. Virus half-life in 3-day-old flies was 6.36 hours vs 2.81 hours in flies 8 or 13 days old. Half-life in 5-day old flies was 12.92 hours at 10 C, 5.95 hours at 20 C, and 2.69 hours at 30 C. Virus half-life in dead flies was 9.06 hours at 10 C, 4.28 hours at 20 C, and 1.71 hours at 30 C. The data did not provide any evidence of virus replication in either living or dead flies.

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