Results of target tracking with a Musca domestica inspired sensor
Streeter, R.W.; Khan, A.; Barrett, S.F.; Wright, C.H.G.; Frost, S.
Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation 50: 417-422
ISSN/ISBN: 0067-8856 PMID: 25405453 Document Number: 677931
As a follow-up to previous work done at the University of Wyoming (and presented at a previous Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium), this paper discusses the results of using a Musca domestica based sensor platform as a target tracking mechanism for the measurement of wing deflection of fixed-wing aircraft. The testing of the sensor hardware and accompanying software is described, and the results are analyzed. Work remains to be done to improve robustness and adaptability, but given specific operating conditions, the sensor is a viable alternative to other technologies, and provides results with improved efficiency, speed, and computational load.