Use of chlorophos-impregnated bands for the control of domestic flies (Musca domestica L.)
Zakharova, N.F.
Meditsinskaia Parazitologiia i Parazitarnye Bolezni 46(5): 580-582
ISSN/ISBN: 0025-8326 PMID: 604739 Document Number: 110399
Bands impregnated with a bait mixture (40% sugar and 2% malt) with 2% trichlorphon (chlorophos) are recommended for use against populations of Musca domestica L. resistant to trichlorphon as a contact insecticide. The effectiveness of the mixture under farm conditions declined from a mortality rate of 95.8% when freshly put out to 65.6 after 14 days and 22.2% after 21 days.