Implementation issues in integrated rural development: a review of 21 USAID projects. Prepared under the Organization and Administration of Integrated Rural Development Project (936-5300) supported by the Office of Rural Development and Development Administration, Development Support Bureau, Agency for International Development

Crawford, P.R.

IRD Research Note 2: 159


Document Number: 500937
Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI) and Research Triangle Institute (RTI) signed a 4-year contract in September 1978 with the Office of Rural Development and Development Administration, United States Agency for International Development, to assist donor agencies and host governments in the design and implementation of integrated rural development (IRD) projects and programmes. This project, the Organization and Administration of Integrated Rural Development (AID Project 936-5300), has two simultaneous objectives. First, it provides short term technical assistance to aid project managers in the organization and administration of IRD projects. Secondly, it aims at documenting and analyzing the most serious problems that occur during IRD implementation, and identifying alternative organizational mechanisms and management practices to help alleviate those problems. The report is one facet of a research strategy aimed at addressing this second objective. Implementation documents for 21 USAID integrated rural development projects are reviewed and the insights, lessons, and experience of these projects, vis-a-vis the nine issues, extracted. The report is divided into two sections. In the first, the 21 projects are briefly described. The objective of the second section is to provide background material for DAI's internal use in the preparation of the forthcoming set of essays on the nine critical issues.

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