Key planning and implementation issues in agriculture and rural development activities; Integration of rural women's concerns into mainstream agriculture and rural development activities.

Thomson, S.; Sarikahputi, Y.

TDRI Quarterly Newsletter 4(3): 14-15; 16-19


Document Number: 497263
The first article reports on the findings of the workshop on Directions for strengthening the role of women farmers held at Sukhothaithammathirat Open University on 10-11 July 1989. The workshop was attended by 20 successful women farmers and 60 policy makers, planners and project implementors. The common characteristics of successful women farmers included: an opportunity to develop their full potential; a high value placed on technology; and access to credit. Finally, a series of proposals are made for improving the situation of women farmers. The second paper argues that most agencies mandated to strengthen women farmers have regarded women as mere housewives responsible only for home management activities. The exclusion of women farmers from agricultural development programmes has detrimental effects. Government commitment is essential if women are to be integrated into mainstream agriculture and rural development. An organized effort needs to be made to sensitize concerned officials to the issues, and government officials should receive training in gender analysis. Finally, the role of agencies in strengthening women farmers is reviewed.

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