Andrological investigations on a large stud - selection of stallions as semen donors for artificial insemination using deep-frozen semen

Werhaln, H.

Andrologische Untersuchungen in einem grossen Beschalerbestand Auswahl von Hengsten als Samenspender fur die instrumentelle Samenubertragung mit Tiefgefriersperma: 95


Document Number: 383228
39 Freiburg and 62 warmblood stallions, aged 3-20 yr, were examined. Testicular dimensions are tabulated according to breed and age group. Based on genital morphology and microbiological examination of the pre-ejaculatory secretion, 11 Freiburg and 34 warmblooded males were selected for further study. In the 2 breeds resp., the number of mounts/ejaculate averaged 1.4 and 1.9, ejaculate volume 54 and 80 ml, sperm concentration (X 106/ml) 0.310 and 0.340, sperm motility in fresh semen 62.8 and 71.6%, and sperm motility in thawed semen 38.9 and 39.2%. Data are tabulated according to age group. Four males of each breed were selected as semen donors on the basis of high sperm concentration and motility. From 3 Freiburg and 2 warmblood males with a sperm concentration of more than or equal to 0.300 (X 106/ml), 3 ejaculates were collected within 6 h, while from 1 Freiburg and 2 warmblood males with a sperm concentration of less than or equal to 0.300 (X 106/ml), 2 ejaculates were collected within 2 h. For all males , a follow-up ejaculate was collected 6-14 days later. For warmbloods only, increased ejaculation frequency was accompanied by a decreasing number of mounts/ejaculate. In both breeds, ejaculate volume decreased at the 3rd ejaculation, while the volume of the follow-up ejaculate was higher than that of the 1st ejaculate. Sperm concentration and sperm number per ejaculate also decreased at the 3rd ejaculate, and did not always recover to the level of the 1st ejaculate at the follow-up ejaculation. Sperm motility and the proportion of abnormal spermatozoa did not vary significantly with ejaculation frequency.

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