Canine artificial insemination with frozen semen: comparison of intravaginal and intrauterine deposition of semen

Fontbonne, A.; Badinand, F.

Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. Suppl 47: 325-327


ISSN/ISBN: 0449-3087
PMID: 8229944
Document Number: 417925
A total of 57 bitches of various breeds were inseminated with frozen semen [the extender used being Tris-fructose-egg yolk-6.4% (v/v) glycerol] under controlled conditions. The optimum time of insemination was determined using vaginal smears and progesterone assays. Of 38 bitches inseminated one to three times in the vagina using a technique employing a commercial intravaginal pipette, 20 (52.6%) became pregnant, with a mean litter size of 4.2. Of 19 bitches inseminated one to three times using a transcervical technique, the conception rate was 73.6% with a mean litter size of 5.5. These data show, for the freezing method used, that the results of artificial insemination with frozen semen in the bitch are better with intrauterine than with intravaginal deposition.

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