Insemination of beagle bitches with frozen semen
Ferguson, J.M.; Renton, J.P.; Farstad, W.; Douglas, T.A.
Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. Supplement 39: 293-298
ISSN/ISBN: 0449-3087 PMID: 2621731 Document Number: 333652
As little information has been published on the optimal time for insemination of bitches with frozen semen, behaviour, vaginal cytology and plasma progesterone concentration were monitored during oestrus in a group of 6 Beagle bitches before intra-uterine insemination with frozen semen. At intervals after insemination, the reproductive tracts were examined for evidence of conception, which occurred in 5 of the bitches. One pregnant bitch had received treatment with stilboestrol before insemination.