Amino acid sequence of human muscle glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Isolation and amino acid sequences of tryptic peptides
Nowak, K.; Malarska, A.; Ostropolska, L.; Kuczek, M.; Zowmir, O.; Slomińska, A.; Wolny, M.; Baranowski, T.
Acta Biochimica Polonica 23(2-3): 127-138
ISSN/ISBN: 0001-527X PMID: 987679 Document Number: 96832
1. The amino acid compostion, N- and C-terminal amino acid sequences, and the subunit molecular weight of glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase from human muscle, were determined. The obtained results and the maps of tryptic peptides suggest that the enzyme is composed of four identical or very similar polypeptide chains. 2. From the tryptic digest of performic acid-oxidized enzyme, 32 peptides were isolated. The amino acid sequence analysis showed a high degree of homology with the corresponding tryptic peptides of the dehydrogenase from pig muscle, with 9 replacements and probably two additional amino acids in the examined sequences of the human muscle enzyme.