Evaluation of lymphography in neurologic complications of neoplastic diseases
Ambrózy, G.; Lengyel, Z.; Vatai, M.; Eckhardt, S.
Archiv für Geschwulstforschung 46(8): 667-675
ISSN/ISBN: 0003-911X PMID: 1021014 Document Number: 96833
1. By lymphographic examination, first of all, the primary and secondary tumours of the lymphatic system may be revealed and localized. Further on, it makes possible to state the stage of the disease and thus to apply the appropriate treatment. 2. In case of symptoms indicating that nerve-roots of unknown origin have been damaged, the result of lymphographic examination may call the attention to pathomechanism related to some tumour-disease. If the symptoms of the nervous system are caused by compression or infiltration of a tumour, most frequently the presence of pathologic lymph nodes in their surroundings can be revealed. 3. Among the patients of the National Oncological Institute, in 25 Hodgkin and 2 cases pathologic filling of the lymphatic system was observed by lymphographic examination, -- in 4 cases in the surroundings affected by the damage of the spinal cord while in 23 cases in that of nerve-root. If a tumour disease is discovered and localized in time by lymphographic examination, the symptoms caused by it in the nervous system may be reduced, or, seldom, even alleviated, with a treatment of directed irradation combined with cytostatics. The favourable effect on alleviating pains is to be especially emphasised.