A new principle in the selection of vaccinal rabies virus based on quantitation of the expression of G protein, a major immunogen of rabies virus
Gribencha, S.V.; Losich, M.A.; Gribencha, L.F.; Nepoklonova, I.V.
Voprosy Virusologii 57(3): 44-47
ISSN/ISBN: 0507-4088 PMID: 22905428 Document Number: 663104
The paper describes a new principle of the selection of the rabies virus vaccine strain ERA-CB20M based on quantitation of the expression of glycoprotein, a major immunogen of rabies virus. There is a correlation between the level of glycoprotein expression and that of vaccine virus attenuation. The application of the new principle for vaccine virus selection will permit a safer and more immunogenic rabies vaccine to be prepared.