Studies on the susceptibility of two northern Taiwan strains of Aedes albopictus mosquitoes to Japanese encephalitis virus

Weng, M.H.; Lien, J.C.; Show, Y.S.

Zhonghua Minguo Wei Sheng Wu Ji Mian Yi Xue Za Zhi 28(1): 39-46


ISSN/ISBN: 0253-2662
PMID: 9774983
Document Number: 440176
Aedes albopictus is a dominant mosquito species in northern Taiwan. In laboratory, the vector competence of 2 geographical strains of Aedes albopictus mosquitoes to NT 113 strain of Japanese encephalitis virus was examined. The mosquito infection dose-50 (MI-D-50) of Sanhsia (SH) strain by intrathoracic (i. t.) inoculation was shown to be -1.1 log WMICLD-50 (weanling mice intracerebrum lethal dose), while that of Yungho (YH) strain was -2.0 log WMIC-LD-50. The infection dose for 50% mosquitoes transmission (MTID-50) by i. t. inoculation was 3.5 log with SH strain but no transmission occurred with YH strain. By feeding sweetened blood-virus mixture, the MID-50 with SH strain was 2.7 log though YH strain did not attain 50% infection rate. By viremic mouse blood feeding, the highest infection rate for both strains was about 30%. No evidence of virus transmission was demonstrated by oral infection.

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