Four-stranded DNA. Conformational analysis of regular spirals of poly (dT) .poly (dA) .poly (dA) .poly (dT) with different base binding variations

Chernyĭ, A.A.; Lysov, I.P.; Il'icheva, I.A.; Zibrov, A.S.; Shchelkina, A.K.; Borisova, O.F.; Mamaeva, O.K.; Florent'ev, V.L.

Molekuliarnaia Biologiia 24(5): 1399-1410


ISSN/ISBN: 0026-8984
PMID: 2290430
Document Number: 362076
Conformational analysis of four stranded DNA helices poly(dT).poly(dA).poly(dA).poly(dT) with parallel arrangement of the identical sugar-phosphate chains connected by twofold symmetry has been performed. All possible models of symmetrical base binding were checked. By the potential energy optimization the dihedral angles and helices parameters of stable conformations of four stranded polynucleotides were calculated. The dependences of conformational energy on the base complex structure and mutual orientation of the poly(dA).and poly(dT) chains were studied. Possible biological functions of four stranded helices are discussed.

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