Comparative study of the toxicity of poly G-poly C and poly I-poly C in different objects

Smorodintsev, A.A.; Aksenov, O.A.; Konstantinova, I.K.; Vil'ner, L.M.; Tinufanov, A.V.

Voprosy Virusologii 2: 201-206


ISSN/ISBN: 0507-4088
PMID: 664621
Document Number: 127185
The poly(G).poly(C) complex has the same interferon-inducing and antiviral activity upon parenteral administration to white mice as poly(I).poly(C), but is considerably less toxic. Upon intravenous inoculation of poly(I).poly(C) to mice its LD50 is 15.8 mg/kg whereas poly(G).poly(C) is not toxic in doses up to 200 mg/kg. In rabbits inoculated with poly(I).ploy(C) intravenously its LD50 is 0.22 mg/kg, while poly(G).poly(C) is not toxic in doses of 1 mg/kg. Histological examinations of different organs of mice and rats revealed no pathomorphological changes after a single intravenous and intraperitoneal inoculation of poly(G).poly(C). It exerted no embryotoxic effect in mice in a dose of 5 mg/kg and was considerably less toxic than poly(I).poly(C) in continuous diploid cell cultures of human embryo lung cells.

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