Study of poly (C) and poly (I) -poly (C) complexes with model phospholipid membranes by infrared spectroscopy

Savchenko, E.V.; Korobeĭnicheva, I.K.; Budker, V.G.

Biofizika 30(5): 844-848


ISSN/ISBN: 0006-3029
PMID: 4052482
Document Number: 256415
The temperature dependence of poly(C) is shown by the infrared spectroscopy to be different for the free polynucleotide and for the polynucleotide in complexes with membranes. The intensity of stretching vibrations of C = 0 bond of poly(C) in the complex appears to be sensitive to the temperature. The intensity of this band is sharply decreased by increasing the temperature. This effect depends upon concentration of Mg2+-cations. Adsorption of poly(I)-poly(C) on the surface of vesicles from phosphatidylcholine results in the increase of the double helix.

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