In vivo effects of interleukin-1 alpha on regenerating mouse bone marrow myeloid colony-forming cells after treatment with 5-fluorouracil

Bradley, T.R.; Williams, N.; Kriegler, A.B.; Fawcett, J.; Hodgson, G.S.

Leukemia 3(12): 893-896


ISSN/ISBN: 0887-6924
PMID: 2685478
Document Number: 341246
Injection of a single dose of recombinant human interleukin-1 alpha (r-hu-IL-1 alpha) into mice 24 hr after 5-fluorouracil (FU) treatment resulted in an increased rate of recovery of three types of colony-forming cells (CFCs) in the bone marrow. Myeloid progenitors with high proliferative potential (responsive to CSF-1 + IL-3 + IL-1 alpha), low proliferative potential (responsive to CSF-1), megakaryocyte progenitors, and total nucleated cells per femur increased up to 5-fold, 7-fold, 3-fold, and 3-fold, respectively, in a dose related fashion compared with the control FU treated marrows. The kinetics of FU kill and recovery of these CFCs are shown.

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