Increased yield of myeloid progenitor cells in bone marrow harvested for autologous transplantation by pretreatment with recombinant human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor
Johnsen, H.E.; Hansen, P.B.; Plesner, T.; Jensen, L.; Gaarsdal, E.; Andersen, H.; Hansen, S.W.; Birgens, H.; Jacobsen, G.K.; Kjaersgaard, E.
Bone Marrow Transplantation 10(3): 229-234
ISSN/ISBN: 0268-3369 PMID: 1384899 Document Number: 390958
Pretreatment with haemopoietic cytokines prior to marrow harvest may result in improved quality of bone marrow harvested for autologous bone marrow transplantation (BMT). Such improvements may reduce the risk for graft failure and decrease time to engraftment. Patients undergoing autologous BMT received recombinant human G-CSF (rhG-CSF) immediately prior to marrow harvest. rhG-CSF was administered as daily subcutaneous injections for 5 days at 5 micrograms/kg body weight. Comparison of bone marrow samples before and after rhG-CSF treatment showed an increased bone marrow cellularity and a ninefold increase in the number of marrow leucocytes per volume aspirated. The mean marrow myeloid:erythroid ratio increased from 2.6 to 4.0. The mean numbers of immature (CD38 positive) and proliferating (CD71 positive) myeloid cells increased significantly from 41.6 to 50.8% and from 17.0 to 34.8%, respectively. Other subsets studied, including CD34 positive stem cells, were unchanged. The relative numbers of day 7 and 14 granulocyte-macrophage colony-forming units (day 7/14 GM-CFU) were unchanged. Long-term marrow cultures revealed that the numbers of 'long-term culture initiating cells' were unchanged after rhG-CSF treatment in spite of the ninefold increase in cellularity. To date, five of the patients have been transplanted with autologous marrow harvested after rhG-CSF treatment. Time to trilineage engraftment was unchanged compared with historical controls. We conclude that pretreatment with rhG-CSF prior to marrow harvest may improve the graft by increasing the total number of myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cells, resulting in stable but not accelerated myeloid engraftment of autologous marrow.