Scientific seminar on 'the influence of the socio-economic policies of the Vietnamese government to the life of women and their families in the countryside at present'

Thanh Binh

Vietnam Social Sciences 4: 99-102


Document Number: 232058
The major problem discussed by the seminar was that for several years the Vietnamese government has carried out many new socioeconomic policies which have brought about positive changes in rural areas and have raised people's living standards. However, it is necessary to study and analyse the all round impact of the policies upon the rural population's activities and livelihood, especially those of women and children, as well as gender equality. A survey was carried out in two villages. In Truc Dai village in the Red River delta people's living standards have been raised, but although agricultural production is increasing, so is the population, and the land cultivated per caput is decreasing. The discrepancy between rich and poor families in widening. Many men have to seek work elsewhere and leave the women to take care of the cultivation as well as the children. Thai Hoa village is in the mountainous area, where the forest has been cleared for rice cultivation. Many minority people live in this area and the patriarchal society is still very strong, with women having very poor living standards. The seminar concluded that although its economic policies have had their benefits, the government must introduce cultural and social policies that will benefit Vietnamese society.

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