Effect of cyclic adenosine monophosphate and guanosine monophosphate on the aggregation and nucleotide metabolism of the blood platelets
Nikulin, A.A.
Farmakologiia i Toksikologiia 41(2): 177-182
ISSN/ISBN: 0014-8318 PMID: 207563 Document Number: 124361
Cyclic adenosine- and guanidine-monophosphates (c-AMP and c-GMP) in final concentration of 1.5 mM were found to bring down the aggregation capacity of the rabbit's blood platelets, this being attended by accumulation of AMP. The content of nucleoside triphosphates and nucleoside-diphosphates of the adenyl series in thrombocytes was influenced by the cyclic mononucleotides in different ways, viz. c-AMP increased the level of ATP and forced down that of ADP, while c-GMP, on the contrary, reduced an ATP-concentration and raised the ADP level.