Light and electron microscopic studies of nucleus-like formations of fragmented oocytes in rat ovary

Burkl, W.; Schiechl, H.

Zeitschrift für Mikroskopisch-Anatomische Forschung 90(2): 273-283


ISSN/ISBN: 0044-3107
PMID: 1023554
Document Number: 98130
Oocytes in ovarian atretic follicles now and then show in their cytoplasm nucleuslike formations. The appearance of those pseudonuclei in the rat is described by light-and electron microscopy. Every pseudonucleus contains one or more Feulgen positive particles, and is surrounded by a membrane on its surface. The pseudonuclei are formed in the course of degeration of the oocyte during 1. und 2. meiotic metaphase from contracted chromosomes, probably with the involvement of the mixoplasma.

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