Comparative light and electron-microscopic studies of the hepatocytes replicating hepatitis B viruses

Biczysko, W.; Juszczyk, J.; Zentgteler, G.

Patologia Polska 30(1): 11-18


ISSN/ISBN: 0031-3114
PMID: 503593
Document Number: 146998
Light microscopic and EM analysis of 30 biopsies taken from patients with chronic active (aggressive) hepatitis induced by hepatitis B virus revealed correlation of clinical pictures dependent upon the phase of virus replication. The 1st phase is characteristic by enlargement of nuclei, stronger staining with hematoxyline and enlargement of nucleoli. The same phase under EM revealed higher ratio of euchromatin to heterochromatin, enlargement of nucleoli and typical circular viral DNA in the cell nuclei. Second phase is characteristic by eosinophilic nuclei which correspond under EM to accumulation of circular viral DNA and viral core proteins in the cell nuclei. In the 3rd phase cytoplasm basophilia was observed. Under EM full Dane particles and signs of viral surface proteins synthesis in partially degranulated ergastoplasma was present.

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