The blood vessel supply of the testis in Pekin drakes (Anas platyrhynchos L.) . Macroscopic, light microscopic and scanning electron microscopic studies

Kremer, A.; Budras, K.D.

Anatomischer Anzeiger 171(2): 73-87


ISSN/ISBN: 0003-2786
PMID: 2260767
Document Number: 351903
Testes of Pekin ducks were macerated following injection with plastic at the period of maximal spermatogenesis which occurs during spring. The right and left A. testicularis arise from the A. renalis cranialis. The right testis is additionally supplied by an irregularly occurring A. testicularis accessoria. After penetrating the testicular capsule the arteries run to the centre of the testis and terminate as branching Aa. radiatae centrifugales. The seminiferous tubules are surrounded by intertubular and peritubular capillaries forming a rope-ladder-like system. Venules and veins run peripherally to enter the vein converge into the testicular hilus, and unite to form 2 Vv. testiculares which empty into the V. cava caudalis. Regulation of testicular blood supply is achieved by throttle devices depending on the avian seasonal cycle. The coiled and step-like course of the vessels results in a sufficient contact between blood and seminiferous tubules. Testicular veins surrounding the arteries might be an equivalent of the steroid transfer mechanism in the mammalian spermatic cord.

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