Light and electron microscopic studies on spontaneous calcifying medial sclerosis of the rabbit
Massmann, J.; Weidenbach, H.
Zentralblatt für Allgemeine Pathologie U. Pathologische Anatomie 119(3): 179-188
ISSN/ISBN: 0044-4030 PMID: 1163158 Document Number: 93052
Of 223 histologically examined aortas of rabbits 24 showed spontaneous calcifying medial sclerosis. Spontaneous lesions found in the aorta of rabbits are histologically similar to those in other mammals and experimentally induced lesions following the action of vitamin D, adrenalin and orthostatic collaps as well as lesions of the arteriopathia calcificans infantum. Pathogenetically, it is reasonable to assume that primary media cell necrosis and secondary malregeneration of smooth muscle cells account for spontaneous medial sclerosis in the rabbit. Electron microscopical examination of the lesions showed the cells within the area of the lesions to represent forms of transformation of the smooth muscle cell.