Light and electron microscopic studies on lichen sclerosus et atrophicus of the vulva before and after treatment

Zhang, Q.R.

Zhonghua Fu Chan Ke Za Zhi 25(1): 24-25; 62


ISSN/ISBN: 0529-567X
PMID: 2323272
Document Number: 349879
Light and electron microscopic studies were carried out on 17 cases of lichen sclerosis et atrophicus of the vulva before treatment and on 8 after treatment. For comparison, normal vulval skin was obtained for examination from 3 cases undergoing plastic surgery. The affected skin, prior to therapy, showed various degrees of atrophic and degenerative changes with widening of intercellular spaces and a diminished number of desmosomes. Increased epithelial keratosis was noted and melanotic granules decreased or totally disappeared. Collagenolysis with broken fibers and degenerative changes of arteriolar walls with scarcity of nerve fibers were noticed in the dermal layer. Round cell infiltration was rather marked. Following therapy, the different layers of the involved skin showed signs of returning to normal. Pathogenesis of the disease was briefly discussed.

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