The influence of long-term oral contraception on blood sugar and serum insulin

Beck, A.; Baumung, H.; Caucig, H.; Golob, E.

Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 33(8): 647-652


ISSN/ISBN: 0016-5751
PMID: 4747152
Document Number: 57448
An oral glucose tolerance test (GTT) was performed on 20 women taking various oral contraceptives for periods between 5-9 years. Abnormal GTTs were found in 3 women. The insulin secretion was found to be significantly increased compared with pregnant women, puerpal women, and a group of nonpregnant women. Long-term intake of oral contraceptives may constitute a diabetogenis situation similar to pregnancy. After 5 years of oral contraception, an oral glucose tolerance test is recommended at 2-year intervals; in women over 40, this should be done yearly. If GTT values are abnormal, a pill-free interval should be tried. Chronically abnormal GTT values require changing to another method of birth control. In any case, if hormonal contraceptives are used, those with a known low influence on carbohydrate metabolism should be recommended.

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