Determination of indications for preoperative blood transfusion in patients with chronic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum complicated by hemorrhage

Korolev, M.P.; Bykov, A.M.

Vestnik Khirurgii Imeni I. I. Grekova 159(4): 74-75


ISSN/ISBN: 0042-4625
PMID: 11011410
Document Number: 522574
Results of the examination and treatment of 61 patients with chronic gastroduodenal ulcers complicated by bleeding have been analyzed. The possibility is shown to use hemoglobin indices for the estimation of severity of bleedings and for determination of indications for preoperative hemotransfusion to patients with chronic gastroduodenal ulcers complicated by bleeding. It was found that to refuse or reduce blood transfusion at the preoperative period was possible depending on the initial level of hemoglobin with the purpose of blood saving and in order to decrease the risk of reactions to hemotransfusion and complications.

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