Comparative evaluation of the wound-healing effect of benzofuracaine, etaden, and xanthinol nicotinate in an experiment

Stepaniuk, G.I.; Ornostaĭ, V.V.; Kozlov, V.G.

Patologicheskaia Fiziologiia i Eksperimental'naia Terapiia 3: 16-18


ISSN/ISBN: 0031-2991
PMID: 1480413
Document Number: 393165
The effect of benzofuracaine, etaden, and xanthinol nicotinate on the healing of skin wounds was studied in rat experiments. On days 1-14 of postmechanical injury, intramuscular benzofuracaine (15, 30, 60, and 120 mg/kg), etaden (20 mg/kg), and xanthinol nicotinate (each drug alone) reparative processes in the skin wounds developed more rapidly and processes of microcirculation in the region of the injury were normalized. The wound-healing effect of benzofurocaine in an ortimal dose of 60 mg/kg was more marked than that op etaden and xanthinol nicotinate. With benzofuracaine and etaden, the skin wounds healed completely by the 14th day of the experiment in 57% and 28.6% of animals, respectively. Such cases were not encountered among animals treated with xanthinol nicotinate and in the controls (untreated animals).

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