The clinico-cytological parallels in exacerbated bronchial asthma

Ovcharenko, S.I.; Romanova, L.K.; Filippov, V.V.; Mladkovskaia, T.B.

Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 64(1): 54-58


ISSN/ISBN: 0040-3660
PMID: 1523562
Document Number: 391427
The authors provide the data on estimation of the character and intensity of inflammation in the proximal and distal bronchi as well as in the respiratory compartment of the lungs, obtained as a result of an all-round examination including a cytological assay of the bronchoalveolar washing off of 31 bronchial asthma patients in the period of disease exacerbation. A correlation analysis is given between the interrelationship between the intensity of bronchial obstruction and the level of eosinophilia in peripheral blood, sputum and in bronchoalveolar washing off. It has been revealed that the relative content of eosinophils in bronchoalveolar washing off is in the best agreement with the intensity of bronchial obstruction.

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