ELISA for Campylobacter jejuni antibodies in Israeli children with diarrhea and in healthy soldiers

Schwartz, D.; Melamed, I.; Cohen, D.; Konforti, N.; Goldhar, J.

Israel Journal of Medical Sciences 26(6): 319-324


ISSN/ISBN: 0021-2180
PMID: 2380033
Document Number: 354415
An ELISA test was employed to detect Campylobacter jejuni antibodies, using as antigen the glycine-HC1 buffer extract of a local isolate. The antibody response (IgG, IgA and IgM) was examined in a group of 32 children (age 0-12 years) with C. jejuni enteritis diagnosed by the isolation of the agent. Controls were represented by two groups of children matched according to their age and sex: (a) children with enteritis of unknown etiology, and (b) healthy children. In addition, 66 healthy soldiers (aged 18-19), from whom serum specimens were collected during the first year of military service, were tested. The results indicated that the serodiagnosis of C. jejuni infection by ELISA is specific and sensitive regarding each Ig tested. The test for IgG was the most sensitive (72%) and that for IgM the most specific (100%). The healthy young adult soldiers showed significantly higher mean levels of IgG and IgA antibodies than the healthy children, suggesting that in Israel exposure to C. jejuni commonly occurs during early childhood. The ELISA for C. jejuni can improve the diagnosis of campylobacteriosis for clinical and epidemiological purposes.

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