Characterization by RFLP of DNAs from Campylobacter jejuni Lior serotype reference strains and clinical isolates and detection of C. jejuni by DNA-probe

Shibata, Y.; Yatsuyanagi, J.; Saito, S.; Saito, H.; Morita, M.; Amano, K.

Nihon Saikingaku Zasshi. Japanese Journal of Bacteriology 50(3): 881-888


ISSN/ISBN: 0021-4930
PMID: 7474356
Document Number: 451231
The Lior serotype reference strains and clinical isolates of Campylobacter jejuni were compared in the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) pattern to distinguish C. jejuni strains. These reference strains showed RFLP patterns different from one to another, while the patterns of some isolates were not coincident with those of the same serotype reference strains. Furthermore, we tried to hybridize HindIII-digested fragments from these strains with the DNA probe encoding the 46-kDa protein of C. jejuni by Southern and slot blottings. The 1.8-kbp fragments from all strains of C. jejuni hybridized with this probe, but those from other species of Campylobacter or enterobacteria did not. These results indicate that the Lior serotype is unrelated with the RFLP pattern of DNA of C. jejuni strains, but the DNA probe is useful to detect C. jejuni.

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