Agricultural land development: an appraisal of the National Land Development Authority in Southern Nigeria

Nweze, N.J.; Igbokwe, E.M.

Journal of Rural Development and Administration 29(4): 18-26


Document Number: 338289
It is noted that in Nigeria, a new arrangement to consolidate land and create new socioeconomic organizations that will utilize it for sustainable development has given rise to the establishment of the National Land Development Authority (NALDA in 1992). A study is presented of a preliminary assessment of the performance of NALDA in land development, spanning five of seven NALDA directorates in south east Nigeria. In the 1994 season, out of a total of 390.1 ha of seedbed prepared, 118.4 ha (36.8%) were carried out on contract as against 271.7 ha (63.8%) prepared using NALDA equipment. Out of a total target of 2500 ha, only about 646.7 ha (25.9%) were fully prepared for planting. A total of 151.2 ha (60.5% of programme target) were cleared. Overall, apart from bush clearing, the achievement indices for all land development operations were found to be low due to a number of constraints.

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