A simultaneous multiple measurement system of neutrophil chemiluminescence

Kumae, T.; Sugawara, K.

Nihon Ketsueki Gakkai Zasshi Journal of Japan Haematological Society 50(5): 949-957


ISSN/ISBN: 0001-5806
PMID: 3434144
Document Number: 300653
The luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (LC) method measures the luminol sensitized light emitted by oxidation with reactive oxygen species produced during phagocytosis. Using this technique, we developed a simultaneous multiple measurement system. A remodeled Lumiphotometer TD 4000 (Labo Science Co. Ltd.) was used to measure the chemiluminescence in neutrophils. Each value (in voltage) of measured luminescence was digitized and fed into a computer. The simultaneous multiple measurement system had excellent intra-measurement reproducibility. In the region of maximum luminescence, the coefficients of variation (CV) were 2 to 3%. The intermeasurement reproducibility using standard sera (17 measurements) was examined during a 4-month period in which the concentration of the neutrophil suspension or the number of simultaneously measured samples was not uniform. Good reproducibility was observed in the repesentation of the pooled normal serum ratio using the least squares method calculated from the measurement values of 4 standard sera; CV of peak height were 2.0 .apprx. 3.1%.

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