Constant intra-aortic infusion chemotherapy for advanced abdominal cancer--a technic and the effect in patients with peritoneal metastases

Sato, M.; Ishidoya, T.; Joko, Y.; Kiyasu, Y.; Sakai, K.; Kimura, S.

Gan no Rinsho. Japan Journal of Cancer Clinics 30(7): 805-809


ISSN/ISBN: 0021-4949
PMID: 6431144
Document Number: 227998
Constant intra-aortic infusion chemotherapy using an artificial graft was performed in 39 patients with advanced abdominal cancer. This method was easy for insertion and re-insertion of the catheter; thus it is suitable for long-term and repeated constant infusion therapy. Complications encountered with the catheter were obstruction (8 cases); cracking (4 cases); cracking of the connector (4 cases); infection of the graft (2 cases), and arterial thrombosis (1 case). Minor complications encountered upon using the catheter were solved by our method, however, infection represents a serious problem. In cases with peritoneal metastases, the response rate was excellent (43% by Karnofsky's criterion and 67% as determined by the ascitic effect) and this therapy was effective for symptoms resulting from peritoneal metastases. In conclusion, ours seems to be useful therapeutic method for advanced abdominal cancer with peritoneal metastases.

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